Sauga January 2005 Thread

nah fuck evo, id rather go somewhere to chill and party rather than get wasted and play games. not that it wouldnt be nice, but there are other things id rather spend $900 on. IMO from where we live evo is not worth the money unless you’re going to do very well, im commin to ecc10 though :tup:

I’m sad to say that I’m not. I got an invitation today to one of my closest friend’s wedding for Saturday May 28th. Short of Memorial Day weekend being the weekend before (which I don’t think) then I’m not blowing off her wedding to play video games. Sorry to anyone that was hoping to get a ride from me but you’ve got to have your priorities straight.

Unless my memory is playing tricks on me, i coulda sworn people were talking about taking a bus to ECC10 so we could juice on the way there, but i was looking at ticket prices on greyhound, and its friggin expensive as hell.

Unless there is a cheaper way, I think it’d be cheapest for 7 people to pitch on a van or something.

bc > evo! thats the shit.

Nagata, fuck you and fuck ecc! :stuck_out_tongue:

Shu, if your msn name means those are the universities your accepted too, i’d say Guelph.

exactly, not that i dont support sauga goin to evo, but it comes down to what you want more, and for me, ill take sex, chilling with the best scenery canada has to offer and getting wasted while playing games on occassion over getting smacked out of the worlds 2nd largest tourney 1st round :rolleyes:

see, he knows :tup:

Somebody get me to ECC somehow :stuck_out_tongue: Thanx.

I agree completly and I’m up for the trip for sure.

haha can always count on hayvren to make me laugh :smiley: I would like to hear a complete story though :clap:

You guys gotta hit evo at least once, either if ur good or not you’ll have enough fun.

theres no question it’d be fun as hell, but for me, a guy who doesnt have enough money to take more than 2 trips a year, its a choice in the summer between evo and anywhere else, i simply chose anywhere else…id still like to go :sad:

so yeah, how is everyone getting to ecc10? i really wana go to this after all the hype sauga brought back last year…

edit: just checked greyhound prices…160 roughly for round trip to jersey, although i just picked a random jersey city so im probably off by + or - 50ish bucks…still, thats expensive. wouldnt it be cheaper to fly?

Yeah… I always wanted to hit evo but … when i’m actually good… So I don’t know about that.

Jerris: Wondering where to apply actually… but I like Guelph :slight_smile:

James: Are you going with break away tours? I think we should grab a few people, saugasf/other friends and reach montreal in a rent-a-car… more jokes that way. Cheaper too… i’d be up for it if you let me know ahead of time and we know ppl in for sure :tup:

Great plan… if any of you were remotely near 25 years of age and could actually be legal to rent this fantasy car. :tup:

I thought you just needed a credit card? :confused: Well, we could all greyhound it. :tup: Cheap with a good croud.

I’d Greyhound for sure if people were gonna greyhound too :slight_smile:

Well… when would everybody be up for going? March break? or Summer?

i was thinking march break = montreal
summer = bc, or somewhere else thats cool as fuck. but isnt ecc10 like right after march break??

cq: if you’ve watched GITS already then cool, but if not, im bringin the first movie tomorrow.

edit: greyhound that SHIT!! :tup:

yur basing the whole worth of the trip on how u place?, the best parts of both ecc and evo were not at the actual tournament but at the hotel

Watches a few episodes. Cool shit :tup:

i was also saying that we live too far to just go and get last. dont missunderstand my post to be “dont go to evo, its bullshit because we suck and its not worth the money unless you win” i just think that compared to almost everyone else that goes (except japan) we live too far away for all of sauga to be making evo a priority, that doesnt mean im telling people not to go, im just trying to rationalize why I’d rather go somewhere else.

edit: i dont think i once said that this logic accounts for everyone, or anyone but myself. if this is my opinion on why i would rather go somewhere else, you trying to convince me im wrong is like telling a skater that they’re wasting their time and should be playing basketball.infact, in every post regarding evo i keep saying that this is what I would rather do. its all personal choice.

ps. please dont read that one line and think im basing my choice on that, i said other stuff too :rolleyes:

I’d have to side with James on this one. It’s not necessarily a matter of how you’ll place in the tournament, it’s a matter of what you feel gives you the most bang for your buck. James feels that a trip to BC would give him the most value for the money that he has. I think a lot of us (myself included considering the role I play in this community) lose sight of the fact that in the end this is just video games we’re playing. We take it up a notch (or maybe a few notches) than the average player but at its base it is just SF. It is for that reason that when you think about stuff like vacations, it’s important to think over the fact that not all of us would like to hit a spot on vacation that involves video games at all.

I could have gone to EVO year in and year out, as could someone like say Jason as we both work full time and actually have the extra cash either through money put away or through credit card to just get on the plane and hit EVO. However, it doesn’t mean we should and it doesn’t mean we will. For $900 USD I could hit any number of all inclusive resorts in any number of hot islands, drink myself stupid and fuck random girls every night for a week (Hayvren can testify, he just got back from Cuba). That sounds alot more appealing than a week, while greatly enjoyable, in California with 400 guys playing something we really enjoy but will always be there when we get home.