Sauga December Thread 2007

bry: i ethier need u to give me back my cd or pm my cd-key back

Monthly mangas are so hard to wait for. I almost gave myself ulcers waiting for some Helsing chapters, then you’d wait a month and its some 8 page filler bullshit, FACK, why’s it gotta be so good though

Can’t be as bad as heroes.

i hope this weeks episode wasnt another claire cry-fest.

i also really hate how they go through drama over a “dead” character when the audience full out knows that person isnt staying dead. eg. when peter got that piece of glass in the back of his head, they spent at least half an episode crying over it then, pop omg would ya look at that.

less heroes talk more lord magnus drama

everyone knows its poeta who brings the srk drama. im just the usher who gets everyone in their seats and prepped for the frenzy. should probably start a lord magnus reconstructive surgery fund. dudes gonna need it to either:

a) reconstruct his face cuz it wont exist anymore.
b) totaly change how he looks so he doesnt get whatever hes made of beat out of him.
c) change his face cuz hes a fugly bastard anyways.

btw, if this is all some sort of insanely huge missunderstanding (yeah right) im not sorry. lord magnus can gtfo of life.

hmm some of DAT HATE PREQUEL. Crayz Penguin always whets my appetite.

so what happened now?

WHERE IS POETA fdsgfdfsgh

someones gotta spill the beans on what happened.


Hiro owned Adam hardcore. . . I bet my life savings that poeta can’t do worse to anybody than what was just seen on heroes.

whats your savings at 12$?

Roughly, but its still a good bet.

ok i will bet my life savings vs your life savings.

I refuse to accept all in before the floop so no bet.

Okay Teddy, its on.

sweet ship the freeroll.

James, you gotta figure out the new Magnus story and post up.

And to all the people bitching about monthly comics…welcome to my world. I’ve been reading like 4-5 titles on a monthly basis for like a year now…fucking brutal.

ok gonna call poeta in 15 mins if he doesnt come online, to at least tell him to get the novel started

that why u havve to find 30 something monthly comics. so u can read one a time for the month.