Salty Cupcakes: SG Thursdays in LA

Great times, good snacks.

It was cool meeting everyone there. I suck at remembering names but it was fun playing some games.

Hey Mike if you see this soon, just wanted to ask again if you can pass the word along about adding some Beanies to the Skull Girls shop, I need some new headgear.

We should definitely do a tournament next week!

I had fun, finally got to play Mike lol X3

Can we get feedback on the stream? Was it watchable?

Also, i didn’t get to play anyone new even though new people were there! Don’t be shy to play others!

I was saying in chat that sound from teh game comes over fairly loud. Everything else seemed fine for what you’re working with. Someone bring a super long ethernet cord and just plug into their router wherever it is!

Ya if Mike isn’t opposed to it, my company launched its twitch channel for its gaming at , and the password will be given to mike and other people who need a stream channel. They are the ones who gave me my streaming equipment (gave to Mike for now) and they are upgrading to better equipment that I can pass off.

Hope you guys are ok with it! We are trying to be like a new mini “spooky”

All poverty games, all the time?

BegamanDS PLS BibleThump

Sounds sweet, I’d say go for it

Is there an archive for the stream?

Scroll down to the Info pane and click Videos

Our artist at Eighty Sixed bored lol


dear god that thing is ugly.

id wanna eat it fast because of the way it looks, but i also wouldnt want to eat it because of the way it looks.


A Salty Cupcakes banner/logo would be pretty awesome. >_>

I think that’s Dr. Rockso in cupcake form.

what size it should be? I can try and pixelart something

watches stream SOOOO many mistakes I made playing against Mike lol, had fun though, need to practice the sneezy head upgrade :3

I think now that we have the stream in an acceptable form, we can start doing TOURNAMENTS!!! So, who is down to enter, only like $3 a person since its the unreleased patch version.

I might jump in on a tourney every now and then for 3$. its not to bad. Pretty much see it as. you wont have a cupcake that night lol.