Or we could do a free tourney and the winner gets a cupcake…I’d only charge if everyone really wants to pay.
Well you can also charge like $1 so you can pay for the cupcakes.
If there’s enough money, cupcakes for top 3, the rest of the change for 1st lol
Cupcakes and Boba for top 3, the rest get a cupcake.
mmm… cupcakes… their Boba drinks are really good X3
The prize for top three should also include hugs/kisses from the voice actors…just sayin.
I see a hefty decline in requests for male characters incoming…
Or a hefty increase in female players.
I will hug and kiss anyone in top 3 who wants it. Myself included.
Mike Z voicing Panzerfaust confirmed?
But for real I’d hug all you guys. But kisses are reserved for the ladies because I find them much more attractive (srry Mike). I freaking love this game even though I suck and stick to training mode. I need to start playing online more. Maybe the influx of Skullgirls news on SRK will get more people to play it at the meet i go to.
I agree to the $1 cupcake boba rule.
I definitely agree to the hug/kiss from mike z and dr. sub zero if he shows
Or just get Mike and the Doctor to hug and kiss. On the stream preferably.
Boba and cupcake for 1st place, Boba for 2nd place, cupcake for 3rd place. The rest can be salty and buy their own cupcake. =P
Ha, yea that works beautifully.
I vote we play for a custom sandwich. I’ve always wanted to say I’m fighting for a sandwich. That and the hot ham and cheese (and egg) was FRIGGIN’ AWESOME. Also I’m gonna bring a cable I use on my comp to plug into the line-in for the audio cable. It let’s me play the PS3 sound through the comp, wondering if we can get that on the laptop. If it has a line-in… I’ll bring it anyways. Hooray for like 2 cent dongles/cables/whatevers with $1.50 shipping (boooo).
Sandwich matches are a proud tradition in the Irish scene. I approve of this concept.
Actually I got the audio working at SanoCon using the inputs on the capture card. What we need if we care about stereo is an RCA Y-splitter (for the audio, 1 female to 2 male)…and ACTUALLY, if you have female red+white to male headphone jack, that we could REALLY use cuz it’d give us sound on the teensy TV.
Go go ghetto setups!
Btw, I started to pixelart Salty Cupcakes logo in 480x360 and it’ll be quite painful. So if there is ACTUAL artist planing to draw it too - let me know so I could stop. It’ll save me time. And nerves…
I think the stream is 320x240, if that helps.
And pixel art is generally displayed at LEAST 4x size when it is used as “look this is PIXEL ART”.
argh, it certainly not helps =[
also I usually use x4 indeed
Well then you would draw it at 80x60, no? Which is MORE than tiny enough, in fact it may be too small…