Salty Cupcakes: SG Thursdays in LA

Do you like Skullgirls? DO YOU LIKE CUPCAKES?
Well then…

Introducing Salty Cupcakes, an event that combines Skullgirls, cupcakes, boba, and not-being-held-at-my-apartment into one big desserty night.

When: Thursdays 7pm-??, beginning next week, September 13th.
Where: Frootsii, a 24-hr casual boba/snack/dessert hangout located at 14318 Ventura Blvd in Sherman Oaks. There’s a big comfy couch, many types of delicious drinks and food to order, and parking underground. Also tables, chairs, a floor, lights, and lots and lots of breathable air.

Stream: (when the event is going on, of course)

I will be bringing two PS3 setups (and possibly a 360), all patched. Bring sticks, and if you have a lagless monitor it would be much appreciated. If bloodlust dictates, I will run a tournament starting at 9:30 or so.

This is a weekly event, so get off your duff and show up.

(link to Dustloop thread)

Will there be a stream for non Cal citizens ?

Not from me, although if anyone from around here is interested in streaming it I’d love to have them do so. There is internet…

Holy crap, everyone show up because it’s going to be hella hype.

Also, I’ll be there.

Oh my gosh, this is beautiful Mike. I would totally be there every week!

I will be starting to visit LA soon for work and shit, hopefully this coincides with my travels

This is making me want to hop on a plane.

And have disposable income to pay for said plane trip. Sadness. :frowning:

Most SG action I’ll get is Anime Weekend Atlanta at the end of the month.

just sell some of those goddamn guitars


Hype! Hype! Hype!


Man… you guys just keep giving me more reasons to move to the west coast.

gogogo! Let me live vicariously through you bastards lucky enough to have a local scene (seriously, fuck Jamaica).

So googlemaps is telling me this would be an hour long drive from Orange County. This is very innaccurate, isn’t it? I’d be taking the 405 all the way there.

I haven’t lived in Orange County for almost 2 bloody years now, and even I know it should only take you 45 minutes in good traffic and up to 2 hours in awful traffic.

But does that f*cking matter? GO THERE IRREGARDLESS!

Well if no one’s going to stream can someone at least film it? Or make some photos or something?

I would go if I didn’t live in Edmonton AB Canada. :sad:

Good luck and much fun for any attendees!

That’s all I was looking for. I’ve only driven to LA once and that was to LAX (I hate LA : \ ). It was not a pleasant drive. Just need to know what to expect. I get home from work around 6:30, eat, and take off. Worst case scenario I get there at like 9:30! Although I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it to this week’s anyways ><. I’m always a bit cautious driving out this far since I have take someone else’s car to do it.

DUUUUUUUDE! im so there. finally some SG action nearby… i keep missing the FFA biweekly stuff. but im definitely going to head out next week.
Ive been really getting back into SG lately, doing some early training on the office xbox before work.

edit: anyone that lives near the Venice/ Santa Monica/ Culver areas that would like to carpool hit me up on PM or something.

Gonna try and make it! Have to get my friend to drive though cus i dont have a car :frowning:
Hopefully we can make it in time cus im all up in Victorville lol

Just checked the map, yep its far lol