Do you like Skullgirls? DO YOU LIKE CUPCAKES?
Well then…
Introducing Salty Cupcakes, an event that combines Skullgirls, cupcakes, boba, and not-being-held-at-my-apartment into one big desserty night.
When: Thursdays 7pm-??, beginning next week, September 13th.
Where: Frootsii, a 24-hr casual boba/snack/dessert hangout located at 14318 Ventura Blvd in Sherman Oaks. There’s a big comfy couch, many types of delicious drinks and food to order, and parking underground. Also tables, chairs, a floor, lights, and lots and lots of breathable air.
Stream: (when the event is going on, of course)
I will be bringing two PS3 setups (and possibly a 360), all patched. Bring sticks, and if you have a lagless monitor it would be much appreciated. If bloodlust dictates, I will run a tournament starting at 9:30 or so.
This is a weekly event, so get off your duff and show up.