Salty Cupcakes: SG Thursdays in LA

Hey you guys still want/need someone to stream? If honor can manage to make it out there i’ll probably show my face gas willing lol. My stream setup isn’t great but I have an evo monitor and ps3 along with my monitor for streaming (Gotta do component for that)

Edit: Woops nvm, I can read i swear. But if a second stream setup sounds like a good thing if I manage to make it i’ll bring my crap along with me lol

Thank you gentlemen for allowing people far from the West Coast/US to enjoy this event with you. I may have zero hope of getting a serious FG related anything going here, but there’s always Salty Cupcakes! ;_;

Gonna come again this week X3

If there is going to be a stream it would be worth getting it on the front page of SRK and event hubs. Especially if the va’s are there.

Hope you cats can get a stream going, some of us dont have any other way to participate!

I will find out by tomorrow night if I can get the streaming equipment up and running for thursday. Like I said though, its the locations internet that is worrying me, not the equipment.

Maybe a dry run without plastering it all over the front page is in order if the internet quality hasn’t been confirmed.

Yo any news on the streaming front?

Still waiting on the laptop. Gonna try to pick it up after work

After missing out the first two weeks from work and life. im excited to attend tonight for some fun games and cupcakes.

Boo! Plaster that all over the front page, regardless of the quality!

We’re here!! Get hype for the latest patch version! :3

Frootsie reppin’ with the cupcakes and Boba and great food and render with the run-on sentences hellaaaaaa.

wait, you just arrived? i thought it was supposed to start at 7. so i got up at 4am here and wasted my f5 key on this thread for like one and a half hours (already losing hope) for a stream link to drop xD

Oh I just posted late. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, the ppl who said they might bring streaming stuff haven’t shown up yet.


Stream up at for our Salty Cupcakes event. A little late, but we should have it running earlier next week.

I really wish there was some way to play across the internet.

Anyone thought about bringing one unpatched setup and playing people across the nation?

I don’t think the internet’s good enough. :^P

Thanks to everyone who came, see you all next week!

For whoever asked about the Valentine+Lenny thing
Lenny’s hitting Fortune’s head, so there is no bug, and it wouldn’t show up on the combometer anyway.

Ah, that would explain quite a bit. Didn’t even notice Fortune’s head during the combo. …and it also explains why Lenny didn’t do as much damage as I expected, half-scaling. Sorry for getting you to look at something that was nothing, I suppose.