fuck… i missed out so hard
i wish i went, it sounds like good times. next week im going for sure. Although i didnt attend, I just want to Thank you Mike and everyone else that helped setup what was an awesome event. I look forward to next week.
Peacock was there??! I need to move to California now…
Someone bring a capture card so they can stream this with Sarah Williams on commentary. Seriously. Do it do it.
oh man, having Peacock on commentary would be awesome lol. I love her voice, suits the character so damn well.
you totally need to get this on stream and then get it front paged as well. perfect timing for building hype for the upcoming patch release.
totally would love to go to this sometime but i dont live anywhere near unfortunately.
Woo! It was a good night (minus getting lost for an hour, ef LA). Cozy atmosphere (couches, AIR CONDITIONING; weird bathroom placement though) and crack session casuals all night long! Definitely looking forward to next week. Oh, and aside from drinks, there was mention of bacon wrapped hot dogs. Think I’ll have one of those next time. I know it’s a bit of a drive, but you won’t regret it! At least try to make it out once a month .
make it out once a month
once a month
…oh GOD, my mind is full of %^&@
Yes please, stream this next week, with peocock’s voice commenting for more epicness!
As someone who lives in the UK…I am jealous. We had an event on sunday 4 attendees, no food, Starcraft II dream hack commentary playing loudly in the background. It was awesome sulks in the corner.
<--------- wishes he still lived in socal
I tweeted Danielle McCrae (voice of Painwheel) about this. She said she might try and stop by one of these times. https://twitter.com/DanielleMcVO/status/247071488635707392
Good thinking! =3
why I gotta be stuck in AZ ;-; If I lived in SoCal I’d so totally go, my utter lack of skill be damned. You guys need to stream this!!
Did someone deliver on the kick in the nuts that Mike promised on the stream?
Next week, bring at least ONE system with a prepatch so I can play you guys and feel like I’m there
I know this needs to be streamed, but I’m not sure if any of us have the equipment to do so. I’m gonna look into it and see what I can find. Or we can bug Dr subzero to show up and stream it since he isn’t doing his show right now LOL. It would be awesome with him commentating!!!
I might try and record some matches on my phone and upload them to YT or something. as close to offering a stream as i can
I was trying to get Eighty Sixed (gaming/clothing company) to stream and use there equipment but I was gonna ask Mike first if thats cool
I hope it all works out. definitely ask him.
I don’t see why he’d say no. Even earlier in the thread he said he’d like to find a streamer.