Salty Cupcakes: SG Thursdays in LA

Stream please.

I’ve noticed a discussion trend in many of the SG threads that fans want to increase awareness and hype for this game. For instance, notice the turn towards discussing stream possibilities in this thread and the recent trend in the patch notes thread to discuss discuss the high value/low cost of the game.

It may be that streams won’t be possible for some time. That takes effort and organization from multiple parties. However, a simpler and more effective hype builder would be to send videos for the front page of srk. This alone would bring more attention to a game that many people think is dead even though there is still a dedicated fan base.


Anyone who technically able to create videos should probably think about making some tutorials and/or tips&tricks vids about characters (s)he familiar with methinks. Or write articles if (s)he can’t record stuff. Content should be created first in order to be posted. Guitalex made bunch of dope MF vids recently. That’s a good starter.

We’re here again and it’s hella hype!! 3 setups, voice actresses, cupcakes, boba… Everyone come!!!

Grr… Can’t go to Salty Cupcakes this week! X3 Next week hopefully ^w^

Tourney underway!! I’ll try to update people as things go down. 13 entrants. Double elim. Currently on first round of matches. :smiley:

I keep closing my eyes wishing to go but keep ending up still sitting on my bed closing my eyes wishing to go.

Moments like this make a person realize what they’re missing on the other side of the country. In this case it’s cupcakes and Skullgirls.
Life is cruel sometimes.

Aww, we love you from all the way over here in SoCal, though! <3

Top 8!

BB Hood
The Mighty Bison

What were the teams if you remember?

  • dime

As in, who were they using?

render (Val, Para)
MegaManDS (Para, Pain, Val)
BB Hood (Pea, Val, Double)
WeatherBee (Pain, Pea)
Bautista (Double, Fortune)
The Mighty Bison (Fortune, Double)
Feeney (Para)
MikeZ (Filia)

We’ll know top 4 as soon as MikeZ and I play. :3

Top 3 was me, BB Hood, and MegaManDS. BB Hood took me out, and is now battling MegaManDS for 1st place.


Yaaaaay! :smiley:

Runner up = MegaManDS
3rd Place Sad Pants = render

Don’t let her see you misspell that. (^.^)

Another really nice turnout! Thanks everybody, SEE YA ALL NEXT WEEK!

Nice to see a peacock bringing it back. Or it would be nice to see… :arazz:

wow no bellas at all in top 8 :frowning:

Well exuuuuuuse me princess for not making it to salty cupcakes

Thoth doesn’t come to these, I guess it’s too far, so our quota of butter churning is sadly going unfilled.

We totally would have had the grand finals on video, but the cameraman forgot to press Rec. Oh well, next week! :^)


So what VAs were at this week? And was there anyone just playing casuals that didn’t enter the tournament?

since youre in a cake shop, you should change it to butter cream. top bella player gets offered a job making the butter cream for cakes.

at least the cameraman was consistent! just wait till you have a guy who stops recording halfway through because he didnt feel like it anymore!

know I’ll probably get slammed, but I’m gonna try and get to this next Thursday! was working late last night/this week -_-

thanks for organizing this Mike!