Salty Cupcakes: SG Thursdays in LA

Looking forward to throwing down some matches tonight.

Gonna try to come :3

Is there a streamer or at least a place to see uploaded matches?

We’re heeeeeeere!!! Everyone come have cupcakes and play SG and get SALTYYYYYY

Stream for the Caribbean SG players, plox! D:

ugh. so i couldnt make it out tonight. have to do some overtime work tonight :frowning:
Hopefully theres another meetup next week, ill go for sure.

If I had disposable income, I would literally grab a plane, get a hotel room AND rent a car so I could make one of these events.

Let us know how it went!

Will there be a stream? I need something good for this day, turned out to be pretty shitty.

If not, I’ll be happy with some form of update. Or a challonge bracket…

MIKEY PLS! BibleThump

Lots of people came! It was a good time. We didn’t run a tourney since ppl were having such a good time playing casuals and hangin out, but we may run one next week. Thanks to everyone that came out! :smiley:

I am half wishing that for Anime Weekend Atlanta I could play some people.

i am hoping that rock em sock em has sg

Would love to hear how it went, if it was successful and it’s happening next week, then I don’t see why I wouldn’t go. So how was it? Details?

3 stations in continuous use, 20 attendees, delicious food, and unexpectedly Sarah Williams (the voice of Peacock) showed up.
Success! Will be happening again next week.

Thank you to all who came from miles away to attend!

Oh, also, we didn’t stream this week, but we might next week, since the venue has pretty good internet.

I thought we had more than 20 at some point but either way, super successful! Bigger than wnf.

If we had a tourney, render would have won. Patch is amazing Btw Mike.

And I didn’t know she was the voice of peacock!

Salty Cupcakes was fuckin sick! Thanks to Mike Z for hosting what will become a classic event for the skullgirls community! Now its our job to gather more people to come and play and hang out with us. Hope I can make it every week, and hope we can set up a stream, or record some match ups for some of the dudes that cant make it out here in SoCal.

Were VAs there? =P

Edit: oh, Mike ninja’d me. Well I guess more VAs and Justice Tang with his trusty cam would make a nice addition to the fun next time! =]

Had fun at Salty Cupcakes, love the smoothies too lol love Double’s update and Ms. Fortune’s extra colors :3

So I definitely can’t make it out to this event but I would for sure watch this if it were streamed.

Same here.
[sniff sniff] bloody east coast…