Salty Cupcakes: SG Thursdays in LA

Heh. It’d be funny if 0 people tune in to Salty Cupcakes because the patch came out.

Well, since I’m PC only guy I’m pretty sure patch won’t affect my stream monster capabilities.

Is that a yes?

We don’t know, but we’re hopefully doubtful…

Tomorrow is not the day when the patch comes out. I appreciate that you’re all antsy, but there is still at least one delay left! :^P

[edit] Ignore the date on this post. Re-read it every day until the patch is finally out.

Oh God

Guys… don’t do this. Don’t expect the patch. Just detach yourself and it’ll be here in no time.

This. A thousand times this.

You don’t know if patches typically get released on Thursdays?
Because that was my question…

You guys are so goddamn jumpy at this that it is rather amusing. I’m not asking whether SG is out tomorrow, I’m asking if Thursdays are the days that patches are released (which does have the implication that there is potential for the SG patch release to be tomorrow, but that was besides the point).

I wont be able to come to this for a while :frowning:
Mike you will have to stream

SALTY CUPCAKES TODAY!!! Gonna try to get top 3 today! no energy drinks today, i start shaking and cant concentrate. Might drink boos instead LOL

When the patch DOES come out, does it hit PSN and XBL at the same time or can one console get it first?

Also, I don’t care about the patch cause I get to play it every week :stuck_out_tongue:

As far as I know, patches can come out any day or at least any weekday. For instance, a Tekken patch came out yesterday.

Ok, so I got us up on the “upcoming streams” on the front page of SRK. I also talked to event hubs and they put us at one of their “live stream” partners so when we go live, its on the right hand column of their front page.

As far as front page news articles, I don’t know what to do except ask everyone here to “submit tips” letting them know the stream is live and hopefully if a lot of people do it, they will do something. Will post in NeoGaf also.

And Eighty Sixed bought 2 more ps3 --> 360 & 360 --> ps3 converters. Will bring tonight!

Mike said only paid things need to be released simultaneously.
The patch doesnt need to be released at the same time, but the dlc does.

Oh noooos. Hope everything’s okay!

I will do my best. My computer’s pretty bad, so this may mean LOW RES AWESOMENESS but we’ll see…

I’d help you but I live in chilly, chilly Edmonton. Also I have no idea how to stream things. Basically I shouldn’t have offered to help. I apologize.

Shark looks at you disapprovingly.

So… I did that thing, with the front page, and the stream, and the stuff. It was difficult. I helped!

So is it over already?

-edit nvm.

-edit 2… Gah, cant chat from my ipad… :frowning:
