I think its cause Ryu and Ken go midget mode sometimes. Just flies over.
Hey man, you kicked my ass last night! Crazy cross-ups.
Took you to round 5 a couple times, but it wouldn’t matter. Nice to see someone rock Sakura.
i wrote about this already
c.hp - tatsu - c.hp will not link on ken or ryu only, it works on everyone else
s.hp - tatsu - c.hp is universal
Hey man, i remember playing you. Surprised you found me lol.
there were some close matches last night, we should definitely do it again. and you’d be surprised man, theres way better sakura’s on this forum :tup:
As there are way better vipers! I’m slowly SLOWLY getting better with her - just tough.
I really didn’t have to search very hard - I just clicked on the first Sakura thread and there you were. I thought “theres no way this guy isn’t on SRK”.
For stun I like using then dash under On most characters if you hit the early and dash its a cross up, if you hit it a little later and dash it is not. into dash seems to sross on everyone.
So discovered something tonight (I think). Apparently you can link 5 s.lp and 1 into an ex.tatsu which is pretty badass. The best way to do this is to get in really deep with a Also to switch up your game mid match, if you throw a really early j.hp you can reset and dash under. It really throws off the opponent because it looks like there’s no way you’d have time to dash under but you can make it if you time it right.
Yeah, but that wasn’t the problem. The problem is after the second tatsu (after the second HP), whether or not the s. lk will link for the EX tatsu followup.
I’ve been playing Sakura non-stop and i’ve noticed that some of her best strings start with c.lp or The only reason why I would even consider doing a s.lp is if I want to keep pressure on them to try and lash back. Ohhh and my advice is to not try the double c.hp combo’s unless you really need the damage cause otherwise you might be forced into a situation to trade blow’s if you wiff the last c.hp. The damage you do from one basic c.hp combo is enough to punish any player for a mistake. - tatsu - c.hp is easier
goes from 447 to 411 damage but it’s better than taking damage from the whiff.
hey, whats the most damaging combo without meter?
the best i could find was j.hp, s.hp xx hk shunpuukyaku which does like, 350 damage?
(has to be standing hp, or 2nd hit of shunpuu won’t connect)
i don’t know…i kind of find her hurricane kick a bit underrated…it does more damage than ken/ryu’s hurricane if it hits fully, and if you’ve got no meter…
this isn’t as reliable as the poke string starting combos, but 350 was the best could find :S (i had half an hour on the xbox version at friends place XD)
can anyone find a more damaging combo without ex?
yeah my favorite thing about about her tatsu is that it beats any shotos cause you jump higher
Any tips on nailing the first Hard Trial combo? I can’t seem to get it no matter what.
Using a 360 controller btw.
I just stunned Seth with 1 combo.
j.hp,, c.lp,, hadoken xx FADC, c.hp, ex tatsu, otoshi.
I don’t think it combos on auto block, but most peopel think the combo is over after the hado and get fucked by the FADC. He was mayuddd. Rage quit on me after that. ):
Not necessarily…
Just practice two major things.
The, c.lp, link, and then xx lk.dp. It was hard until I broke it down into those parts.
Adding a jump in to the, etc isn’t that difficult, and spamming mp Sho’ken isn’t that hard either lol. The link can throw you off.
Just had something rather odd happen, but I’m not quite sure what. I managed to combo into ultra from a c.HP. Not a regular c.HP, it was either a counter hit or a hit trade where I recovered first (happened too fast for me to be sure which), but when I tried to go for the c.HP -> EX tatsu combo, it seems I accidentally did one too many QCB motions and got the ultra instead. And it comboed. When it was over, “6 hit combo”.
Do counter hits involve additional hitstun frames? I was in the c.LK -> c.LP -> c.HP link combo, but mistimed the link between LP and HP, so there was room in between for Gouken to attempt something.
And then I just had something even weirder happen: Played against two consecutive Sakuras in G2 championship mode.
Counter Hits, make some ultras land that normallly wouldn’t like Kens. I’m going to check this in training mode. Set counter hits on.
I was able to get c.fp xx sho fadc c.lp c.fp xx sho
kinda cool looking, nice if you are option selection off too
You can get WAY more than that if you try hard enough.