Sakura Combos - School girls hit hard! [Updated: 03-01-11)

How in the world do you link after two light tatsus/c.hps?

Like hp, light tatsu, c.hp, light tatsu,, ex tatsu ->whatever

After the second light tatsu they’re too far away!

Against some characters, it seems easier after a jump in hk to do s.hp instead of c.hp to link the c.hp in after the light tatsu. I know it felt this way after I pulled it off on Guile consistently, but missed it on Ryu and Ken.

so if youre REALLY bored, you could try this. the goal is to get as big of a combo as you can :smiley:

s.hp lk.tatsu c.hp hadouken FADC s.hp lk.tatsu c.hp hadouken FADC s.hp lk.tatsu c.hp hadouken FADC etc. etc.

obviously this can only be done in training mode, in the corner, stuns off, unlim ex/ultra.

my high score so far is 12 hit combo lol. i know you guys can beat it!

LOL @ obey562. I want a video of this :smiley:

here’s the vid of my 12 hit combo lol. sorry for the poor quality, it was taken with my iPhone



Could someone just edit the first post as combos are found and make a big list…browsering the whole thread is kinda…weird…

ex moves allowed to fluff the combos?

cause if so, my best is a simple 11 hit combo:

i’ve pulled it off only once in an actual match tho. :\

i did something similar to this but not an impossible combo if not in training mode just very, very unlikely.

Hadouken no charge, follow it in to the opponent, j. hp - c. lp - c. mp - hadouken - fadc - c. lp - c. mp - l tatsu - l. lk - ex tatsu - ultra. its 18 hits. :wgrin: and hard to do lol.

aww dangit was gonna save that for nationals :sweat:

So i’ve found myself using this combo a lot lately with a lot of success:

cross-over c.lp c.hp xx EX.tatsu otoshi/cross-under

Ive also found xx DP to be an effective punish when youre not close enough to c.hp xx EX.tatsu

Ok so I’ve been experimenting with Sakura for like the last 7 hours in training mode, and I find the most effective but most difficult to time is her:

j.hp c.hp lk.tatsu c.hp ex.tatsu

From there either reset with a and get creative or just ultra or otoshi.

Personally I would reset with, dash under, c.hp lk.tatsu c.hp ex.tatsu or just hk.tatsu/hp.dp with no meter, if you can afford the ex.tatsu then I’d finish off with otoshi or ultra.

I haven’t actually executed the reset combo portion but I’m assuming it would work. I’m sure this would be awesome for stun.

I don’t know if this has already been posted so sorry if I’m stating the obvious, I’m still learning my Sak :]

^^ its needs to be organized :wasted:

#1 FA2, c.hp, lk tasu, c.hp, fireball, hk Super = 444 dmg 426 stun 12 hit
#2 FA2, c.hp, lk tasu, c.hp, hp DP, Super =
numbers depend on when u cancel the DP
12 hits 454 dmg 413 stun
13 hits 462 dmg 428 stun
14 hits 470 dmg 443 stun

I used this method for #2
12 hits (df+hp, hcb, f+hp, db+k) [negative edge f+hp]
14 hits (df+hp, hcb, f+hp, db, db+k)

I can do, c.lp, cancel into dragon now 75% in training. Is it useful in match? seems hard to pull off in match and i have to be really close. Welcoming any suggestions.

I had the same problem starting off with poke strings, you just gotta condition yourself to the timing of it and it gets super easy later on. Once you have a good feel for timing with poke strings I feel it makes adapting to other characters and poke strings that much easier. Took me a lot of practice to get it 100%. I’m not sure as to how useful it is in an actual match, you gotta make sure not to follow through with that DP if your pokes are blocked because then you’re gonna get punished pretty bad (in my experience at least :X). Or you could focus dash cancel back and try to bait them in for another DP but that’s risky. :o

Is it stupid of me to use that combo holding df to the enemy? it makes it easier to pull off dp but im worried i might get nailed.

i do the same thing, i dont think it’s stupid

Oh I’m not the only one. I find it easier to do it that way, too. I wonder if it’s better to hold db, but I guess blocking woudln’t exactly stop an SPD.

The other plus side is if you want to go a LK tatsu, you can do it easily from df. If you were holding db, you’d have to go back to down first.

Something to note. I think the c.hp, light tatsu, c.hp, light tatsu, s. lk, ex tatsu combo bit is character specific/ requires the corner. I can NEVER get this combo to connect on Ken or Ryu for example, but on Chun its pretty easy even when she’s not in the corner.

I can confirm that as well, thought i was just going crazy man…