Sakura Combos - School girls hit hard! [Updated: 03-01-11)

I actually like to do a charged hadouken after I knock down an opponent. Only problem for me is that I just have to watch the opponent’s ultra meter so I can jump or dash back/forward in time to avoid eating a wake-up super. Plus sometimes I’m a little slow in letting the hadouken out if the opponent wakes up quickly.

What works for me once in awhile, when the opponent wakes up slowly, is to do a close charged EX hadouken and then immediately jump over the opponent and try to cross up with light kick, although sometimes the timing on crossing up for me is iffy

Enjoy. Italics denote changes from previous combo. (combos tested in corner and near corner; most likely a tatsu must be taken out for midscreen)

FA3, light tatsu, s.HP, light tatsu, c.HP, hadouken xx FADC, s.HP, light tatsu, c.HP, EX tatsu, sakura otoshi x3 (434 damage, 624 stun)

j.HK (or j.HP), s.HP, light tatsu, c.HP, hadouken xx FADC, s.HP, light tatsu, c.HP, heavy shououken** (489 damage, 705 stun)
j.HK (or j.HP), s.HP, light tatsu, c.HP, hadouken xx FADC, s.HP, light tatsu, c.HP, EX tatsu, sakura otoshi x3 (495 damage, 725 stun)
j.HK (or j.HP), s.HP, light tatsu, c.HP, hadouken xx FADC, s.HP, light tatsu, c.HP, EX tatsu, ULTRAAAA (ultraaa ultraaa ultraaa) (522 damage, 695 stun)

**j.HK (or j.HP), s.HP, light shououken FADC, s.HP, light tatsu, c.HP, heavy shououken **(490 damage, 644 stun)
j.HK (or j.HP), s.HP, light shououken FADC, s.HP, light tatsu, c.HP, ex tatsu, sakura otoshi x3 (502 damage, 684 stun)
j.HK (or j.HP), s.HP, light shououken FADC, s.HP, light tatsu, c.HP, ex tatsu, ULTRAAAA (ultraaa ultraaa ultraaa) (~537 damage, 684 stun)

j.HK (or j.HP), s.HP, hadouken xx FADC, s.HP, light tatsu, c.HP, EX tatsu, sakura otoshi x3(450 damage, 689 stun), s.lp, c.lp,, heavy shououken (196 damage, 380 stun),, s.lp,, heavy shououken (200 damage, 330 stun), s.lp, c.lp,, heavy shououken xx SUPER (~350 damage, 258 stun),, s.lp,, heavy shououken xx SUPER (~363 damage, 276 stun)

^^^ Wow man, thanks!

Is the ultra after a dashforward or not?

From anywhere but the corner, dashing after EX Tatsu is the best way to get full hits after the ultra.

oh yea well i know its better but i’m wondering if after teh dash for the damage numbers.

I’m not fast enough to dash and ultra yet after teh ex.

Thanks a lot godshot! something new for me to learn ! :smiley:

I don’t kno if anyone had this happen to them but in training i did a shouken i dont kno which one i was just fooling around and then i decided to hit the FADC and it launched them with the shouken and i immediately got it with a ultra.

It’s wierd i couldn’t figure out exactly what i did, Anyone know anything about this?

Found another one real simple but it’s just a

Hadouken -> EX Otoshi
it requires timing and i’ve found it useful for full screen, just me idk lol just thought i should post it

Hows that work? Do the hado and then ex tatsu and hope the get hit by both near the same time?

You know what, i was actually doing these on some matches online, and they work, but you just can’t whip it out like a basic combo, but nontheless, they are very effective and throw people off like hell

The way i started working it in, is i would throw the hadouken or ex hadouken whichever one, and from a distance this works up close it’s just ew, but i mean if the hadouken hits then it’s just a matter of anticipated and timing, just watch it like a few centimeters from in front of the opponent if it hits then the stun works in time for the ex otoshi.

Watch for it to be about a centimeter away then ex otoshi in time to catch the stun.

ooooh! my bad… I was thinking ex tatsu lol.

ex otoshi juggles from fireball :slight_smile:

correct lol

Also correction, The EX Hadouken doesn’t work it KD’s on hit

heres my favorite combo.

J. hp - c. hp - l. tatsu - lk - ex tatsu - into otoshi, cross under, or ultra.

and then the j. lk crossup - c. lk - c. lp - c. mk - strong or ex shoryuken or super.

the cross up is easy to get off after u hit with a shoryuken.


I just thought I’d share this vid here. Great for beginners to see this first.

At least not too much FADC with Sakura.

oo thats a great video. Wish i wouldve seen that when i just started playing sakura

Thanks for the tips and vids here.