Sakura Combos - School girls hit hard! [Updated: 03-01-11)

Updated March 14th by Mr. Flowers

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dragonballjoseph combo video + transcript


[quote=dragonballjoseph, post: ]
Been working on a Sakura combo video for the past few weeks, and I finally got around to getting it done. :slight_smile:
There are some neat little things in it.


Intro is the self proclaimed DBJ Combo ( xx lk tatsu > cl.fierce xx lk tatsu > c.fierce xx hadoken)

1- counter hit stand jab link into ultra 2 (kick)

2-j.roundhouse into ( > cl.fierce > c.fierce ) tatsu loop into a st.short xx ex shou into another tatsu loop into st.short xx ex tatsu > otoshi x3. Followed by another tatsu loop int a st.short xx jab shou into ultra 2 (kick)

  1. Sweep. Whiffed cl.strong to get the timing for a meaty tatsu so that I can link an ultra 2 (kick) afterwards.

  2. Fully charged ex hadoken > FADC > ex tatsu. Both hits of the ex hadoken hit along with the last hit of the ex tatsu, leaving Balrog in a juggle state for the ultra 2 (punch)

  3. Counter hit overhead > c.fierce xx lk tatsu (meaty) > low forward xx super
    One of the meaty tatsu setups that work on Deejay

  4. j.roundhouse > ( xx lk tatsu) (x3) > c.fierce xx lk tatsu > st.short xx fierce shouken > FADC > cl.fierce xx tatsu > c.fierce xx tatsu > st.short xx fierce shouken > FADC > cl.fierce xx RH tatsu for the dizzy.
    Follow up with j.roundhouse > ( xx lk tatsu) (x2) > c.fierce xx lk tatsu > st.short xx jab shouken > ultra 2 (kick)

  5. j.roundhouse > cl.fierce xx ex shouken > FADC > cl.fierce xx ex tatsu > ultra 1

  6. (Meaty setup for Viper and Adon): j.fierce > xx lk tatsu > cl.fierce xx lk tatsu > c.fierce xx lk tatsu
    This combo follows it with a sweep.

  7. Setup from #8. This combo follows with a xx fierce shouken xx super

  8. In order for a meaty to happen on Cammy, sakura must cancel an ex shou (it puts her in the proper position). So a tatsu loop is done into ex shouken, into the setup in #8. It is then followed by a xx jab shouken > ultra 2 (kick)

  9. j.fierce > xx lk tatsu > cl.fierce xx lk tatsu > c.fierce xx lk tatsu > st.short > fierce shouken > FADC > cl.fierce xx tatsu > c.fierce xx tatsu > st.short xx fierce shouken > FADC > cl.fierce xx tatsu > c.fierce xx tatsu > st.short xx jab shouken > ultra 2 (kick)

  10. Counter hit far roundhouse into sweep
    Works on characters with wide lower body hitboxes

  11. j.fierce > xx lk tatsu > cl.fierce xx lk tatsu > c.fierce xx otoshi (x3)
    Works on the tall characters

  12. counter hit j.roundhouse > [ ( xx lk tatsu) (x3) >c.fierce xx hadoken > FADC] (x2) . ( xx lk tatsu) (x3) >c.fierce.
    Follow up the stun with j.roundhouse > cl.fierce xx jab shouken > ultra 2 (kick)

I accidentally FADC?d again at the end. Tried to redo this combo, but I would always screw up the last c.fierce link. Got to a point where the combo sickened me and just left it how it was since the fadc doesn?t matter since he?s stunned when it happens. >_>;

  1. Counter hit roundhouse tatsu (on the third hit) > st.short xx ex tatsu > dash > ultra 1

  2. Counter hit far roundhouse > xx fierce shouken xx super
    Works on characters with really wide lower body hitboxes in the corner

  3. j.roundhouse . ( xx lk tatsu) (x2) > st.jab > st.strong xx super

  4. j.fierce > st.jab > st.jab > c.fierce xx lk tatsu (meaty) > low forward xx fierce shouken
    A meaty setup that works on Cody

  5. j.roundhouse > st.short > st.jab > c.fierce xx ex tatsu > ex shouken > FADC > otoshi (x3)

  6. Meaty setup from #8 followed linked into a super.

  7. Air tatsu > strong shouken
    Fierce shouken can work mid screen too, but you still just get one hit of it, so the strong
    Version is the better of the two to use since it has less startup.

  8. Air tatsu > fierce shouken > ultra 2 (kick)

  9. nj.roundhouse > c.fierce xx ex tatsu > ex hadoken > fierce shouken > ultra 2 (kick)
    Fun with juggles!

  10. Full screen ex hadoken > ex otoshi
    Nice full screen combo. Also useful from making traps

  11. j.fierce > c.fierce xx hadoken > FADC > xx lk tatsu > cl.fierce xx lk tatsu >c.fierce xx lk tatsu > sweep
    Hadoken FADC can lead to meaty tatsu setups in the corner against some characters

  12. EX hadoken > FADC into one hit otoshi. Character bounces of first hit of the ex fireball, leaving them in a juggle state for a fierce shouken into ultra.
    More fun with juggles!

  13. A very low nj.fierce into lk tatsu > st.jab > sweep
    If you hit a character with a jumping attack very low to the grab, you are able to link an lk tatsu afterwards.

  14. j.fierce > cl.fierce xx lk tatsu > c.fierce xx ex shouken > FADC > cl.fierce xx lk tatsu > c.fierce xx ex tatsu > otoshi (x3)
    Follow dizzy with > c.short > st.jab > sweep

  15. j.roundhouse into DBJ combo (x2). Taunt > jab shouken > ultra 2 (kick)
    Taunt doesn?t affect anything, just a way to send off the vid. :slight_smile:

Also, Akuma is mad that he no long has a runaway tatsu while Sakura still has her insanely good kara-ex air tatsu1


Good shit HeartNana :lovin:

If I see you this year, I’ll give you a cookie :lovin:

Yay! Another Sakura thread. I was countin’ the days… Thanks Nana.

I’ll be looking forward to your findings. :tup:

I can’t wait. I’m getting the game on the 17th and going to learn it as fast as I can.

find out if c.lp links into close s.hp

Subscribed! Can’t wait to find some crazy shit.

Soon…I will have my girl Sakura again !!!

That EX Tatsu into Ultra (no FADC) is freakin sick

I can’t wait to finally be able to play as her again.

As long as the basic HP xx HP.Sho is in for me, i’m set.

From the [media=youtube]yeDM-E8cufM[/media] challenges:

[Hard 3] should read: j.HP -> c.LP -> c.HP xx QCB+LK -> s.LK xx DP+P
[Hard 4] should read: c.LK -> s.HP xx QCB+LK -> c.LK xx QCB+KK -> DP+K, K, K

I think the DP at the end of Hard 3 is HP, but I’m not sure. Regardless, good stuff, dude. Thanks for putting that up!

Look forward to working with everyone to make Sakura seem gdlk.

Goddamn Tatsu link combos do hella damage. I wonder if the lk tatsu is safe on block?? Because if so goddamn random tatsu for easy big damage! For instance I imagine if you can cr.fp from when you get a closer hit lk tatsu you could probably link from a farther hitting one. So, poking, tatsu over random by ryu or someone, then sakrua ex tatsu do something else!

Seems like pretty much EVERY tatsu is somewhat safe on block.

She has hella priority from what I played of her the other night.

Linking after LK tatsu is much easier than CvS2 tatsu linking.

Getting the ultra after EX tatsu was tricky though.

Challenge mode shit looks pretty simple.

subscribed :lovin:

cant wait to try those combos out.

here’s one i read on another site:

Heavy Punch, Shouoken, Haru Ichiban (her Super Combo)

don;t know which shouoken it is, but i didn;t see it up there.

Check normal 4 #4.

Yeah, comparatively, her stuff is pretty easy.