doh, I didn’t look for it in the middle of a combo, i was just looking for it as a stand alone ><
It’s all good. I’ll update the combos with damage and stun damage later on. I’m too busy playing online to want to go into training mode, hahaha.
So, Nana, do you got some tips on linking a couple of c.LKs into EX Tatsu and/or EX Sho’ou ken? I always get some bullshit like standing LP or and standing LK no matter how hard I try.
I was never able to do the EX shoryuken one, I did, c.lp, ex shoryu.
For the other one, i dunno, it took me a buncha tries to get it, i don’t really remember, lol. I guess its just timing?
Yeah, but this timing shit seems so arbitrary. Not even pre-mashing the input does the trick. :shake:
Cancelling out of jabs/shorts has a certain property. You can mash jab/short rapid-fire to get them to combo together, but if you want to cancel the last one into a special move, it can’t be rapid-fired. The last jab or short needs to be a link instead. So short, short, special works. But shortshort, special won’t.
Ok Im having a big problem with something
how come its really easy for me to do
st short + fierce dp
and its like amost impossible forme to do
cr short, cr short, st short + fierce dp?
Timing perhaps? It shouldn’t be that hard to do
For all the sakura fans out there this video will help you . well i believe it will
Pretty sure that video was in The Sakura Thread already. Its nice that challenge mode will help with learning some combos and shit.
I also have the game, so If anyone would like me to test out anything for you. Please let me know.
(st short + fierce dp)
s.lp (push forward on this lp) > qcf hp (sorta like comboing lp > hadoken with ryu but a bit different)
(cr short, cr short, st short + fierce dp)
cr.lp > cr.lp > (push forward on this lk) > qcf.hp
these work out alot esier
i been using sakura and cammy since the 12th. both are good. sakura has potential, but her cross over is zero in this game. i will post more after i am done with cammy.
Billy - If you could help me out by posting combo damage/stun damage for her combos, that would be awesome.
I will hook you up baby!
Fun combo to throw out when you’re bored and have meter.
[at or near corner only] (air) :hk:, (stand) :hp: xx hadouken FADC :hp: xx light shinpuukyaku, c.:hp:, [ variable ]
[midscreen ver.] (air) :hk:, (stand) :hp: xx hadouken FADC c.:hp:, [variable]
Heavy Shououken
EX Shinpuukyaku -> Sakura Otoshi x3
-------------------------or -> Ultra
----------------------------or -> Forward jump :lk: (weird mixup games)
Medium/Heavy Shinpuukyaku (after which you can follow with a throw or start a block string, because you know they’ll be blocking after a combo like that)
Subscribed, and hope I can put these to use when I finally get the game. Thanks!
anybody doing low mk hit confirm into super or shooken or is everyone just using her link combos?
It’s very hard to try to one-hit confirm in a real match so that would only really be useful if you were sure it were to hit, however if that were the case there are much more damaging options.
If im not sure if the is gonna actually hit i just do lk tatsu or hadoken after it.
I’m having some major troubles with Challenge Normal 4 - 4 ~3:29 in the youtube link. I can’t seem to connect the Super after FADC. I think I’m doing it wrong because after I FA Sakura dashes into Dan but in the video the Super comes out right after. Any tips?