Having trouble with Normal Trial #4, Combo #4. (Jump in hk > s.hp > Shouoken > Special)
I can pull the whole combo off usually, it’s just that I can’t get the Special to connect while Dan is falling. I have been using the EX version of Shouoken, is that right? Or do I just need better timing on the Special execution? Or can you cancel the Shouoken and do the Special in the air?
Yeah guys I’m have a lot of trouble linking(it is a link right?) off of LK Hurriacan. Sometimes standing LK hits other times it doesn’t but I can never seem to get a feel where the link is. First time actually working with links in a 2D fighter for me to so that could be it but I just can’t seem to get the consistancy down. Any advice or will it just be endless hours in practice mode till I can never miss it?
No, I’m not kidding, and no, it’s not that hard either. Of all the things she has, it’s one of the easier ones. Just start doing the qcbx2 motion right after you input the shouoken.
If you think that’s hard, you’re gonna have FUN with some of the other challenges…
Can someone please give me some help with Hard Trial #2?
j.HP > c.LK > c.LK > EX Sho-oh-ken.
I cannot for the life of me get this, and it looks SO simple too. It’s really frustrating to be breezing through the Trial mode for Sakura only to come up to this brick wall of a Trial. :arazz: What gets me even more frustrated is that I checked up the Trial video on YouTube for Sakura, and I was able to do ALL the Trials AFTER this one. (On top of that… in the YouTube video of the Challenge, the guy who recorded the video has to attempt this one multiple times too…)
Is there some sort of trick when Inputting the EX Sho-oh-ken in this? Every time it comes out, it comes out too late and Dan ends up blocking. I figure that the 2 c.LK’s need to be linked instead of combo/chained together. But How on earth do you link 2 LK’s? It must be within 1/60th of a frame timing…? Of course I am exaggerating… but I’m just so frustrated with this Challenge :arazz: By any chance is there some sort of motion or timing I should be looking for?
No real tricks that I know, other than the obvious fact that you start the sho joystick motion as you’re doing the lk. The way I cleared this one was by doing just lk >> EX sho to get a feel for the timing (hard enough in and of itself), and then trying to replicate that during the large combo string.
I find that Sakura’s c.lp > c.lk > c.lp is a real simple combo that, even though doesn’t do a lot of damage, it has worked well for me in keeping the pressure. Is there anything that could follow to make it not so weak and a little more threatening?
Although j. lk is piss poor considering her “old” cross overs (Please come back old j. mk, we still love you) It is still easy to get a cross up and hit confirm and combo it. Easiest set up is j. lk cross over, and immediately as you touch the ground cr. lp, cr hp, ex copter kick, dp or the air punches. If they block it, its safe, you can drop it for a tick throw, and you can confirm weather or not you use ex copter. And since all copter kicks have armor break and have frame advantage, you dont have to worry about being punished. Its a bit hard to get it in, but once you master this, your wake up will be as deadly as ever.
Anyone else having trouble with Hard Trial Level 4? I can’t connect the beginning c.lk -> hp consistently. It seems so easy to do, but the timing for it is really tight. I can do the rest of the combo no problem, it is just the very first part that gives me trouble. If anyone wants to type up the combo it would be greatly appreciated. I can’t remember it off the top of my head right now.
EDIT: Never mind you guys, I just got it. It seems all I needed was I nice warm shower and a bowl of hot oatmeal. I booted up hard trial mode level 4 afterwards, and cleared it on my 2nd try. Then I continued to clear level 5 as well, which in my opinion was much easier. It was one of those great moments like, “What just happened?” Also, I hadn’t realized you unlocked icons once completed all of a character’s trials. Very rewarding.
For the characters who don’t get hit by the super-beefy shit (shotos, Rose?, others, I’m bad at remembering to test this) this works off of a point-blank hit or a followup to jump-in fierce:
close MK xx LK Tatsu, close fierce xx LK Tatsu, stand short xx whatever finisher you want.
I actually prefer this to close fierce xx lk tatsu, low fierce xx lk tatsu even on characters who get hit by that because the link into close fierce is much easier and the difference in damage is really small. You can’t get close fierce after the first LK tatsu on Boxer, Guile, Zangief, Blanka or Rufus. Did I miss anybody?
Also, super-lol combo, only 349 damage but it looks fly, I think it’s against Fuerte only:
close MK xx tatsu, close fierce xx tatsu, low fierce xx tatsu, stand short xx HP Shoryuken