Sakura Combos - School girls hit hard! [Updated: 03-01-11)

I actually was able to do c.HP >> lk tatsu >> c.HP >> other stuff on Blanka pretty consistently. I guess there’s a difference between c.HP and s.HP in that regard? Still, c.HP should be just as good if it works, right?

This might be old news, and if it is, sorry, but if it isnt, it may help for those who are having trouble with the timing with some combos, (me being one of them haha).

I was looking through the thread and found some combos that I would try, after about an hour of trying, I couldnt complete some of them =(

These being the combos

c.LK c.LK c.MP or cMK xx shououken (but i can do c.LK c.LP c.MP @_@ and hard trial 1! cant do c.LK c.LK to EX Shouoken)

c.LP c.FP xx Light shinpuukyaku s.LK xx EX shinpuukyaku Ultra

I just cant pull of some moves after two or three hit strings. @_@ I cannot figure out what im doing wrong.

Anyways the reason for the post is for others who are having trouble. I feel that along with the other combos I can do, this is a good mix up to add, as well as good punishment if you can link the first part of the combo, and if you did miss the next portion you are safe at least safe from what I can tell so far.

Light shinpuukyaku c.LK xx EX shinpuukyaku (this is the base of it, if they block any of it, you should be safe. and its decent chip damage for what it is.

Light shinpuukyaku c.LK xx EX shinpuukyaku ultra does 441 give or take depening on the timing of the ultra. 441 Damage 310 Stun

Light shinpuukyaku c.LK xx EX shinpuukyaku sakura otoshix3 288 Damage 490 Stun

Light shinpuukyaku c.LK xx EX shinpuukyaku F Shououken 224 Damage 394 stun

Light shinpuukyaku c.LK xx EX shinpuukyaku EX Hadouken 250 Damage 462 stun.

Sorry if its a waste of a post, but if it isnt, I hope it can help others who are having trouble with string canceling into moves.

Not to mention, (For me at least) its an extra combo starter in your line up and I found it easier then some others. its a nice small step to take, until you (and I) can figure out how the timing goes for string hits to moves.

Hey guys, this is my first few posts so sorry if this has already been discovered. And BTW, I don’t know all the terminology, so hopefully I don’t type something stupid.

Anyways. I’ve discovered a combo/string. I’m not sure if the opponent can do anything to counter. But…anyways.

EX Hurricane Kick—>j.HP/j.HK/j.anything—>m.dragon punch right when they land.

This can be varied in many ways.

I.E. If you have two available ex moves then.

EX Hurricane Kick—>j.anything—>EX Hurricane Kick—>j.anything—>m.dragon punch right when they land.


EX Hurricane Kick—>j.anything—>m.dragon punch xxx FA(I hope thats the right notation, basically what I’m trying to say is cancel the m.dp into the FA)—>m.dragon punch.

The last one is really risky, as cancelling the m.dp into the FA is somewhat difficult (at least for me), additionally, it could be difficult to land the FA.

Also if you have them in the corner, a good alternative instead of using your super combo is…

EX Hurricane Kick—>j.anything—>EX Hurricane kick—>j.anything—>etc. etc. etc.

anyone want an ambiguous crossup?

i’ve been fiddling with this vs. Ryu, so i dont know how well it works on other people

do any combo ending in EX tatsu…

then just before he hits the ground doin an instant jumping fierce. i dont know bout you but that shit looks mad ambiguous to me, i cant even tell what side i’ll end up half hte time

the end result would be what again? a random cross-up?
will you still be at advantage?

the crossup isnt completely random as i kept working with it, it seems to cross ryu up when he’s practically inches from the ground. still its pretty hard to see until the last second.

i’m not sure if there is advantage in the situation but it felt like we both land at the same time.

I dunno if this has already been covered but if your trying to EX tatsu into the Ultra you dont have to dash (thik i read that earlier) you simply after time the ultra jsut right so the first kick lands when they are on the way down. I find if i input the ultra command jsut after they pass the arc of the launcher im usually pretty close.
This combo is always guna be hard to land though because of the variable timing.

Anyway feel free to add me if any1 wants to play on PSN

Yes, but both kicks of the ultra will work if you dash, while only the 2nd works if you don’t. I prefer more damage, especially since Sakura’s ultra does such low damage.

i see, and is the timing easier too?
Has anyone found a way of linking her yet? I can never seem to find a way to start combos other that the incredibly obvious jumping mk. What are good methods of initiating attacks on the ground?

at work so havent read the whole thread, but was playing around with her last nite and found a nice looking combo (again, sorry if this is a repost)

anything - ex tatsu - - cancel ultra

i think cancel ultra eliminates the need to dash afta ex tatsu and u still get the first hit

“anything - ex tatsu - - cancel ultra”

Im fairly certain this doesnt work :S the f .hk never lands, u can replace it with a flower kick though, but you cannot combo after the

EDIT: I stand corrected it does work it jsut has to be timed well, im thinking delaying your folow jump slightly is the easiest way to land this … but how to combo into an ultra? is that with a dash cancel or not? either way they wont crumple so how can you be sure of landing the ultra?

Any tips on pulling off the ultra after a dash? the very few times ive been fast enough the ult has missed anyway…

Im begining to wonder if this ex tatsu into ult is even worth the bother and risk? maybe FADC into ult combos would work better… shame i dont know any

Second edit :
Pretty simple but i think it has potential… H. Shouken - FADC - EX Tatsu - Whatever, ive had ex shouken make multiple hits at this point, or another strong shouken will give good damage.

Man I gotta get that c.fierce link after lk tatsu down. Having sick trouble don’t know why.


after ex tatsu + i find that the is the only way to set up the ultra without frame perfect timing - if it is possible at all.

u dont have to cancel anything as such, but if u do the input seriously fast the jus connects and then the ultra is triggered. wen the hits it gives an extra split second of float that allows the ultra to hit

@gutterscum is that not just a case of the CPU not blocking cus ur in training mode though? :stuck_out_tongue: because the player doesnt fall over when he lands he can block instantly, which is what the cpu does if you set auto block on in training

That doesn’t work, it resets the opponent.

They can block it.

ah ok, yeah srry it does reset, my bad

im stuck in the habit of throwing in extra moves and obsessed with juggling

her ex tatsu reminds me so much of dudleys ex rush punch thing from 3s, and im attempting to come at it from that mindset

I’ve been playing around with sakura a bit trying to get into making her more a secodary fighter for me. I am having a problem though with the her power on attacks. I know that it is low but she is fast is the a combo that I am missing to help with damage scaling against stronger opponents. Please help :smiley:

i don’t know if this has been mentioned but

meaty charged fireball combos into lk,, and cr.HP (into EX Tatsu)

not sure if it works for the super or ultra, but i think i was able to hit them into the fireball after i threw it with the super, but it could have been the other way around

of course this is hard to time because of the KOF tech in this game BUT there are some things that can’t be teched in this game, like throws

if this has been mentioned already in the thread, sorry

also jumping ex tatsu combos into mp dp


Just posted this in the matchup thread but I’m gonna re post it here, since it seems more fitting.

I was messing around with cross up traps, here’s a fun one. xx EX hadou, wait, level 2 charge hadou, fadc, crossup, its not practical cause it wastes two meters, but hey someone might use it.

but one thing I didn’t test is if the opponent can quick wake up after ex hadou.

Just theory really haven’t tested it out in a match, it’s definitely not too hot, but it looks sweet.

Not sure if this is written already, but I’ve been playing around with lk tatsu combos for the past week and this is what I found.

A jump in combo would look like this:
j.hp, cl.hp, lk tatsu, cr.hp, lk tatsu, lk, ex tatsu,** -
After the you have a chance for a crossunder mixup, choose what side you’ll be on and do

  • cr.hp, ex tatsu, otoshi/j.hp. This will stun characters with 1000 in stun meter. The j.hp is for characters with below 1000 stun meter like viper/akuma.
    When they’re stunned you can do a jump in combo of your choice, and they will be left with between 17-25% health left (Tested on Ryu).

Another combo with the same principle is this, which can be used for punishing shoryuken on block., lk tatsu, cr.hp, lk tatsu, lk, ex tatsu, -
Same situation

  • cr.hp, ex tatsu, otoshi/j.hp

Something funny I found about Akuma is that if you do this setup while you have 2 ex and an ultra, you can “instakill” him if you guess right on the crossunder.
Just do any of the combos listed above and for the stuncombo do -
J.hp, cl.hp, ex tatsu, ultra
This will kill Akuma, and maybe just for doing a shoryuken at the wrong time, Sakura seems good.

edit: After further testing it seems as if this will not just kill Akuma, but all 900hp characters. However, only from the jump in combo (from what I’ve tested).