My latest combo video. Has Sakura’s most damagin (?) combo.
Tried it with U2 as well. after ex tatsu, jab shou > ultra 2 does the same amount of damage. It does have more hits though.
My latest combo video. Has Sakura’s most damagin (?) combo.
Tried it with U2 as well. after ex tatsu, jab shou > ultra 2 does the same amount of damage. It does have more hits though.
Lol those shorts against blanka
That is a sick video my friend
mother of christ that was nuts lol, good stuff, some of those seem pretty practical too, though I have trouble plinking mk so probably not something I’d try in a match unless I was really feeling myself that night
Here’s something I’ve done to help me plink mk/mp.
Since we use our index finger for pressing the light buttons, it can be a bit hard plinking those middle buttons, since the index finger is much shorter than the middle finger. So instead, when I go for a mk/mp plink, I shift my hand over so that my ring finger is on mk, and my middle finger is on lk. So it feels just like plinking a fierce button.
Thats how I do it too. Except I been picking up Xiaoyu on sfxt and whenever I try to plink cr.mk then stance cancel I just fuck it up completely cause my fingers aren’t in the normal place haha gotta work on it.
I’ve been working on that but sometimes I have trouble getting my hand back into normal position after, hit the link then drop the tatsu cancel lol
I plink mk with lp using ring on mk and middle on lp. Kinda janky but it also puts my thumb really comfortably on lk for mk xx lk tastu nastiness. That’s a way sick video dbj.
<blockquote class=“UserQuote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/66536/MorningstarPAer">MorningstarPAer</a> wrote: <a href="/discussion/comment/6880595#Comment_6880595" class=“QuoteLink”><span class=“ArrowLink”>»</span></a></div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>I can’t link cr.hp after lk tatsu to save my life.</div>
<blockquote class=“UserQuote”><div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href=“http://forums.shoryuken.com/profile/16622/sakabato24”>sakabato24</a> wrote: <a href=“Sakura Combos - School girls hit hard! [Updated: 03-01-11)” class=“QuoteLink”><span class=“ArrowLink”>»</span></a></div><div class=“QuoteText”>I’m so rusty, I can’t hit the s.LK xx EX Tatsu in any combo I do anymore. <img src=“http://forums.shoryuken.com/plugins/Emotify/design/images/2.gif” width="" height="" alt=":(" title=":(" class=“bbcode_smiley”> I remember me being on point with it when I used to play SFIV</div><div><br></div><div>Yes. These are so f’n hard. I have done hundreds of fucking lk tatsu into cr.hp, it hits 1/25 times or less… my ‘plinking’ probably sucks but that didn’t seem to help either…</div><div><br></div><div>st lk into ex tatsu also fucking hard, you have like 1 frame to put in the down tatsu input, so easy to accidentally do cr.lk instead</div></blockquote>
Here’s my video, might be useful/entertaining to someone:
Of course one can chain st.MK into light Tatsu into cr.HP into light Tatsu almost infinitely, but the damage scali ng prevents this being of any practical use (even though it’s meter-less).
omg I love it
I’ve been trying to use more hado FADCs since it’s a bit friendlier than the h.shou link, but having a hard time adjusting the timing for PS3 as I prep for EVO…go fig though I’m hitting the h.shou one much more often on PS3 though.
I have recently just realised that if i wanna up my sakura game i am going to need to implement hp shouken fadc st.hp into my game to capitalize on max damage.
The reason why i never used it and pretty much never really thought about it whilst playing was because the link is soo damn hard and inconsistent to me and i didn’t want to risk losing the 2 bars. I can plink and can do all her 1 frame combos consistently except dp fadc st.hp.
Got any tips Callisto? and does it matter if i don’t use the tap forward fadc tap forward technique?
Practice. That’s all it is. It won’t matter which technique you use, just whichever is more comfortable.
Thanks for the reply Legend will just practice it all day today then in till i get comfortable with it.
And are you sure that technique forward focus forward doesn’t change a thing? Because i really do not wanna have to learn to do that it just feels unnatural & uncomfortable to me lol.
I personally was not able to land it before I started buffering the first forward input before the FADC, but I don’t necessarily know if that means you need it.
Like most new combo practice, I would recommend breaking it up, don’t worry about the tatsu loop that comes after the cl.hp, just practice the FADC cl.hp link by itself for awhile. It’s hard to describe exactly, but I can tell you that there’s just the tiniest pause between the FADC input and the plinked hp; I input it like h.shou > forward > forward +mp+mk > very slight pause > hp~mp.
Sorry for the bother but I just want to ask a plinking question. For plinking, I use it to have a better chance of linking c.HP from tatsu, right? Like tatsu, c.hp, tatsu etc
Is the way I’m supposed to do this is by first pressing c.MP then c.HP by quickly tapping them in that order?
i think it’s Hp then MP. if you go to the training mode, the input’ll show you HP and MP,HP.
Yes it’s the higher button then both buttons on the next frame. It essentially gives you the input on two consecutive frames, which you can’t do by just pressing the button twice on consecutive frames(game thinks you held the button down), so you can be off by a frame and still have an extra frame’s chance to hit the link.
Hi guys, I’m trying to make a statistic regarding combos (all characters) and I need a little help. I need 2 combos per character: