usually i sometimes for for lk tatsu to set up a frametrap with s.jab. however when that does hit, i usually never land the followup. could be because i haven’t touched the game in months but just curious; would link after that or is there a better followup?
Must be my imagination.
I saw an older video of Uryos where he didn’t plink at all and pwned, but I think it was a video in which is was dared to win and not plink.
cr.hp does more damage, but the second jab gives more time to confirm, and I have spacing issues with cr.hp sometimes barely whiffing due to pushback if I’m not right on top of them when I land the
In some matchups you want to be using, c.lp, x hp sho, otherwise,c.lp,c.hp x hp sho.
There are also characters that you can do,, c.hp x lk shunpu c.hp/ x hp sho against.
Every know and then after I do ex tatsu I do a late cr.hp and mk. tatsu. Alot if people dont know about it and press buttons so the tatsu will hit and you can get a… I wouldn’t try this alot and if the tatsu don’t hit don’t or you’ll get blown up.
Anyone have any ideas how to get the last 16 stun in there? I thought it’d build enough meter for the EX tatsu in the end, but when I tried without infinite bars I realized I was wrong.