yea but i just dont feel it in that combo lol
Try doing the combo with and without plinking and then compare your results.
yea i dont feel it. its probably cuz im not fast enough with fadc so my plink feels like a 1 frame
I think you have to buffer the dash correctly to get the 1f window in the first place
I do forward, hold focus, forward and then plink the cl.hp
That seems closer, but still not getting it. Thanks for the tip though…just so I can get a relative idea, is this supposed to be one of the harder things to do for her? Trying to determine if I’m just a great big scrub or if I’m actually learning something advanced XD
i dont hold fa i double tap it. i find holding it slows me down. TBH i dont really go for the combo unless its going to kill i usually just use ex dp.
It’s her toughest link and one of the tougher ones in the game imo
That shiz used to be impossible for me, but I’ve become pretty comfortable with it. I swear, I miss cr. f after tatsu more… and that’s not even a toughy
Really struggling with tatsu combos, on a downed opponent I often find I am mixing them up with lk tatsu or throw, and the lk tatsu starts a combo off their tech attempt, but I dont know where to go from here.
I can get cl. mk, lk tatsu, cl. fierce, lk tatsu to come out, but i dont know what I should be doing after this.
Should I be doing cl.fierce into the ex tatsu/shouken instead?
Is it character specific which characters I can land this on?
It can be character/spacing dependent, but I’m pretty sure > EX tatsu/h.shou should hit most everyone.
If you can confirm the lk tatsu hit (which is fairly easy) then go straight to cl. fierce xx ex tatsu. If I’m not looking to launch, I’ll do cl. fierce xx lk tatsu, cr. fierce xx mp/hp shou.
Why wouldn’t you do at least cl.hp/ xx lk tatsu, cr.hp xx ex tatsu?
Depends on if you’re going for ultra, I believe with scaling you’ll actually do more by doing just the one s.hp
Further to the earlier question, why would I be doing the medium shou. Is it better wakeup-wise ending a combo with that, and does that make up for the damage/stun loss from not doing the hp one?
It gives better mixups than hp sho.
More frame advantage too
you can basicly do the same from hp.srk aswell they just look abit diffrent i’ve started using the hp.srk and like 2steps fw j.hp and you can choose the side same as the fw.throw ½step back j.hp choose side aswell the hp.srk works with (aint safe) but a nice mixup or (safe) crossup t he hp.srk does not hit out 3f srks with j.hp like the throw one does though
What’s interesting about this is that Uryo doesn’t plink.
Why do you say that?
There are several undeniable plinks in this video.
mp srk gives less FA than hp srk,
uryo, like all players. will plink where possible.
plinking with the use of select/back is not permitted in most tournys. although its not exactly proved easily, bad habit anyway
Ah shit, right thanks for clearing that up