Sakura Combos - School girls hit hard! [Updated: 03-01-11)

You can always rewire your stick so you have an accessible select button.

cr.HP , st.LK is a 2f link. Plinking turns it into a 3f link. You don’t really have to plink this, but it’s a good habit imo (just plink everything), and 3f links are hard to drop even online.

Thanks, I might give that a shot, I try not to set anything to the 7th/8th buttons anyways so that would actually be an acceptable use for them.

What hit of shouokens do you fadc for the followup

oh shit i learned something new =D thanks!

  1. Remember that your opponent has to be standing for those things to be true.
    eg: st.LK xx hk tatsu generally doesn’t work on a crouching opponent.

  2. It’s also spacing/character specific.
    eg: j.HK , st.HP xx lk.tatsu , cr.HP xx lk.tatsu , st.LK xx hk tatsu does not work on Chun (hk tatsu doesn’t combo). If in doubt, you can always just use hp.shouo (just don’t drop the link).

Just do st.hp xx tatsu > cr.hp xx ex tatsu as a punish combo. It’s universal and it never misses, but it’s a tough link

EDIT: It might whiff on Honda/Akuma/Blanka/EvilRyu/Oni/Akuma/Yun/Yang though, for those, I’d end it in DP.

I like how this thread has the most views of any thread in Sakura SRK. We love our combos haha

Not sure if you ever found this out Mr. K, but it’s the 3rd hit that is FADC’d.

So today while dinking around in the lab i noticed that jf.hp can combo into jf.hp again, shits to gdlk to look at but i’m sure it’s hella unsafe to do even if you do connect both his because she’s still airborne after the second hit.

are you jumping in on a jumping opponent?

yeah it’s a meaty jump in. they were standing too.

Some combos I’m having trouble with and looking for advice:

  1. > DP: Is this supposed to cancel? How are you guys buffering it? I can’t get it to come out for my life, at the moment I’m trying to do :f::lk: > :d: > :df::hp:

  2. kinda related: I see Fergus and others talking about doing something like > QCFx2 + P for the hit confirm combo, how do you get the shou to come out instead of a hado? Are you just hitting the punch early to get it on the df and not the f?

  3. I’ve been working hard on shou > FADC > stuff but having trouble doing anything other than throws after the FADC. It’s working well on the people I normally play with just because they don’t really expect me to do more advanced stuff just yet but I know I need to start mixing it up. What should I be looking to follow the FADC with? I’m also a little confused on if the post-FADC stuff is supposed to actually link and continue the combo, or if it’s just a reset that I need to be looking for a mix-up to do.

  1. Iirc, yes. Do it asap.
  2. What’s the QCFx2+P for? Why are you doing a super motion just to get a dp? Try doing just dp motion (practice your inputs!). If you absolutely must use shortcuts, you can do 32123+p for the dp.
  3. Link after shouo xx FADC.

I do 323+p, I had just seen the qcfx2 mentioned by others and was wondering if there was a specific reason for it.

what is 323? or 32123?

err more Arcsys game nomenclature I guess, directionals are represented like a numpad

7 8 9 :ub::u::uf:
4 5 6 :b: N :f:
1 2 3 :db::d::df:

so 32123 is :df::d::db::d::df:

Man I cannot get the s.hp after shou FADC to land for my life even with plinking. I should be FADCing on third hit of a hp shou right?

here are my inputs if it helps. r u stick or pad well tbh i dnt think plink helps that much in this combo cuz its so fast.

Using stick, thanks, I’ll see if I can find where I’m missing it.

Plinking always helps anytime there’s links involved.