Sakura Combos - School girls hit hard! [Updated: 03-01-11)

Could only get counterhit close strong into U2 to work on Abel, but to be fair I haven’t tried T.Hawk like you just suggested. I imagine it only works on very few characters.

I think I would just be those two. When I did meaty tatsu into ultra 2, I only got it to work on Abel and T Hawk. So I figured it’s the same for that setup.

your vid is linked on eventhubs 8D

I’m not sure if this is relevant to you guys or is already known, but here are the frame gaps between any normal xx LK Tatsu on block:

ALL LPs and LKs = 6 frame gap.
ALL MPs and MKs = 3 frame gap.
ALL HPs = block string.

All light attacks ended up with 10 block stun. All medium attacks ended up with 13 block stun. All heavy attacks ended up with 17 block stun. LK Tatsu starts up in 16 frames.

It’s actually rather interesting, the designers seemed to very purposefully discourage any different types of LK frame traps. Oh well, I guess a 3 frame gap is pretty nifty.

this is the best sakura combo I ever landed in a match. It was off a crouch tech so it was the only way to get that many hits and a hit confirm at the beginning. I’m still quite the noob sak player but im pretty impressed i did this online. [media=youtube]jXifwJI7W-k[/media]

Hey guys… i like to style with sakura… pc version is the place to be if you like styling. Enjoy !


Hey I am trying to make Sakura my secondary character and well, I cant find out what her bread and butter combos are on the Sakura this forum. Can some one help me out?

Sorry if this is known, but you can link a cr.HP after the last hit of a counter hit rh.Tatsu. Pretty useless really, but if you happen to find yourself in the situation, now you know you can get big damage off of it. Or maybe you already knew, I don’t know.

Oh and, sorry again if this is already know, but you can link a jab or strong shouoken after a counter hit st.Roundhouse. This is actually a little more helpful, but nothing game changing.

Sorry if this post has been entirely pointless!

Is that or

For ch hk shunpu it’s better to use or since they both have more range than c.hp.

After ch your best option is since even if you fail the combo you won’t get punished for it., should’ve specified that. The spacing is kinda tricky, making it even less useful. These were just gonna be part of a combo video I was thinking of doing, covering little known counter hit combos, but I don’t have a capture card so I’ve decided to just share them on the forums in case they turn out to be useful.

I knew about CH > but never thought of linking a shouken afterwards. Will play around with this. Character specific I assume?

It’s not character specific I think, but I have already played around with it and is more consistent and it’s ukd so it’s the better choice.

I’m still pretty new to Sakura/SF in general and am trying to find a little help with new bnbs for online play…I can land cr.hp xx l.tatsu > cr.hp(or xx EX tatsu pretty consistently when offline, but when I try 1F links online, especially against the regular group of people I play with who know me well they tend to just throw out ultras after the first l.tatsu and punish me for dropping. Any recommendations for safer stuff?

Don’t bother altering your game just to adjust to lag.

But if you must, be sure you are plinking the cr.HP. If that doesn’t help, you can use st.LK instead (and plinked, to make it even easier at 3f link). If it’s really that laggy, either drop the combo on purpose to bait the ultra, or just end with hp.shouo.

If you don’t feel confident doing the combo, just drop the combo on purpose to bait a reversal/ultra, but really you should be aiming to finish the combo. is an easier link than cr.hp, but xx ex tatsu tends to whiff on crouch so it’s better learning cr.hp because cr.hp “forces stands” allowing ex tatsu to hit all the time. (ex tatsu combos whiff on Yun/Yang/Oni/Akuma/Blanka/Honda/EvilRyu so keep this in mind, use DP combos on those people or if you want to risk the ex tatsu combo to get that launch)

Learn how to plink, for plinking tatsu > cr.hp, you press hp then instantly press mp almost simultaneously , it turns the 1f link into a 2f. Don’t say “oh I can do the link better without concentrating on plinking”, learn how to plink, it’s worth it in the long run.

Also, I wouldn’t use online as an accurate measure of skill, if the connection is good then it might be ok.

For learning the combo, it’s just practice, practice, practice.

For whatever reason I have a ridiculously hard time getting xx tatsus to work, I know I want to use it because of the range but it just doesn’t seem to like cancelling for me, lol. I’ll try the reversal bait now and again, that’d probably help out at least to waste their meter so I can be a bit more aggressive. I don’t have much trouble plinking the cr.hp, but how exactly do you plink the lk? I was under the impression that the only thing under it priority-wise was lp and a throw would come out instead if I tried that.

Plink with the select/back button.

Ah, well crap, using a modded SE so that’s clear on the back of the case, lol. 3f should be plenty of time as is at least.

You can plink with select/back. Tatsu > is a straight forward link anyway with a bit of practice. It’s a 2f link xx light tatsu will not connect xx Medium tatsu will not connect xx HK tatsu connects xx ex tatsu connects