I miss you.
which knockdown combo do you guys prefer in your matches c.lp, c.lp, s.lp, c.hk or c.lp, c.mp xx lk tatsu, s.lp, c.hk?
Hmm I never use the sweep combo, is that a 1f link?
I always use DP/Ex tatsu combos, I really should be finishing hitconfirms with MP DP for the advantage
Yeah it’s a 1-frame link. Nice if you can do it but personally don’t see it being all that useful since you can get favourable wake-up options from Shou and EX Shunpuu now.
And you can always use ex shunpu, c.hk for added damage
some new combos that ive found.
(works best after a reset)
**cr.lk, cr.lp, cr.mp xx lk.shunpu, cr.hp xx lk.shunpu, cr.hk **254dmg 416stun
**cr.lk, cr.lp, cr.mp xx lk.shunpu, cr.hp xx lk.shunpu, cr.mk xx hp.shouoken **291dmg 456stun
both leading too a safe jump/mixup possibility
but they only work on yun and yang but i havent tested it on all the cast yet. hf
[media=youtube]tDK3XTZB20o[/media] currently training with sakura and have a whole playlist on YT for her upcomming replays decided to make a trailer for her here goes
After dicking about with Fei, i went into training for to try to find the most damaging meterless combo that i can pull of somewhat consistently with Sakura.
Has anybody got any tweaks to make it better or any easier variations for similar damage?
Umm… I actually think you do more damage with a single loop in that instance, at least was getting more with EX Shunpuu ender. Whatever floats your boat really.
yeh this was just at the start of the round before i have meter or if i’ve splurged it all
Twin specific:
cl.hp x lk shunpu, st.lp, c.hp x lk shunpu, c.hk
Actually come to think of it I think the double loop I tried started with s.MK, I’m not sure the one you used works against all characters.
Not what I meant though. If my calculations are correct you only get an additional 20 odd damage doing s.HP xx LK Shunpuu > c.HP xx LK Shunpuu > s.LK xx HP Shou instead of a simpler s.HP xx LK Shunpuu > c.HP xx HP Shou. With EX Shunpuu it’ll probably be less since you’re more likely to miss a hit (of Shunpuu) with the longer combo but it’s character specific. It’s up to you if you think risking the extra link is worth 20 odd extra damage.
During the recent Shadowloo Showdown in Aust.
I noticed Uryo doing alot of twins specific combo’s…
I have looked through over 50gig of footage from the tournament but cant seem to find the clip of the following combo.
lk.tatsu,s.mk,lk.tatsu,s.mk,lk.tatsu,cr.hp,lk.tatsu,cr.hplk.tatsu,cr.mk,hp.srk,ultra 2
he started on one side of the screen and ended on the other with the ultra 2 finish…
it was so epic… we thought it was mvc3…
i haven’t been able to combo lk.tatsu to cr.mk>>hp srk…
Must have got so little damage out of that Ultra
It’s pretty easy to combo LK Shunpuu > c.MK on the twins in certain situations, the LK Shunpuu hits so late you get massive frame advantage from it. Normally it’s not possible though. LP Shou would have been better for comboing into Ultra.
that combo sounds amazing!
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My bnb vs twins now is… j.hp, c.lp, s.lp, c.hp xx lk tatsu, c.mk xx hp shou. 331 dmg and you can do variations to adjust to spacing and situations. It’s not even a hard link, compared to the loop we all have to do in our matches. You can setup after a throw for the ambiguous crossup j.hp, or reset and dash in to a c.lp etc.
i get 280ish (cant remember) on the twins
s.lk,s.lp, c.hp, lk tatsu, cr.mk, hp.shuou
you can switch out the c.mk xx shuuou with sweep.
i really like skatan’s setup, but i am not consistent with connected the lp with hp to set up that meaty tatsu in his combo
I made this. It sucks. Enjoy.
Nice stuff there Danny. Been meaning to try out the counter-hit close strong ultra 2 for a while but keep forgetting about it. Nice to know it doesn’t push back far enough. Though I would only do it on T Hawk.
Going to make my next combo video next week to get my links tight for EVO. Well, it won’t be nearly the size of my last one, but I just want to show off this insane combo that I can’t believe I haven’t thought of.