Sakura Combos - School girls hit hard! [Updated: 03-01-11)

Her optimal lk shunpuukyaku loops loops usually depend on the character. But the universal one would be something like > xx lk.shunpuu >cl.hp xx lk shunpuu > xx ex shunpuu or hp shouken. For me I go for the cr.hp instead of for the ending loop since it does more damage and stun.

Lk shunpuukyaku leaves gives her +4 frame advantage on hit. Therefore, linking and cr.hp is a one framer. If you see the japanese player Uryo play, he usually uses the least amount of 1 framers possible in her lk.shunpuu loops cause he doesn’t want to risk screwing up his combo which is fair enough. Some consider it impractical to rely on her one framers but for me if it’s free damage so why not practice and go for it?

Also in regards to the first paragraph when I mentioned how her optimum loops depend on the character, what I meant was sometimes the during the loop, the second lk.shunpuukyaku would hit meaty, a good example of this would be against C.Viper. If you do something like cr.hp xx lk shunpuukyaku > cr.hp xx lk shunpuukyaku. The second lk.shunpuu would be VERY meaty on hit leaving her at around +7 or +8 because she can then link a sweep afterwards. So as you can see it pretty much doubles her frame advantage which is good to know. Another thing, some characters have really wide hitboxes like Dhalsim, so you can do something like> cl.hp xx lk shunpuu > cr.hp xx lk shunpuu > cr.hp xx ex shunpuu or hp shouken.

So pretty much if you want to go for cr.hp or after landing a lk shunpuu it’s 1 frame. Cl.hp, jab, and is I think a two frame link. Oh and yeah I’m pretty sure most Sakura players Plink these loops, maybe not the since it might feel akward but it really helps.

Also learn xx HP Sho FADC > St.hp > BnB , it’s 1f iirc and it does great damage from a mid-range poke.

Oh wow. Thanks for the detailed responses. I’ll practice this all today. Thanks again.

is EX Sho > FADC > c. mk > BNB 1 frame? I’m having trouble landing it.

it is and its also not good to do for the combo. cr. mk pushes your opponent too far back which causes u to loose tatsu loops that u could have done. i usually go with cl hp after ex sho since its a 3 frame link and it keeps u close to the opponent and does the most damage

maybe you mean her you can throw a st.fierce and then a cr.fierce after that and then end with ex.tatsu…but that basically blows your whole super meter on a combo with 1 3f and 2 1f links when you could have just as easily hit > shouken xx super for just as much damage with far less risk of dropping the combo.

Man you must be really afraid of 1f links.

To give you some credit, cancelling straight into super will indeed give you more damage. But if you play Sakura’s stun game, then it’s a whole other story.

cr.MK xx hp.shouo xx Super (10 hit combo, in case you cancel into super too early)

cr.MK xx hp.shouo xx Super (11 hit combo)

cr.MK xx mp.shouo xx Super (11 hit combo)

cr.MK xx mp.shouo xx Super (10 hit combo, in case you cancel into super too early)

cr.MK xx hp.shouo xx FADC , st.HP xx lk.tatsu , cr.HP xx hp.shouo

i’m simply stating an opinion and another option. what’s so wrong with that? i can do the links fine, but with all those hits, yeah, you’ll get stun, and then what? you’ll do another 10-hit combo? too bad the damage scaling makes it worth shit.

My opinion is do ex shouken FADC cl.hp xx ex shunpuu instead, it’s extremely easy to do and correct me if I’m wrong I believe it deals more damage than adding another lk.shunpuu to hit confirm cause it doesn’t scale as much . The only time I go for is when I don’t have that bar of meter for the ex shunpuu. In that case you do something like ex shouken FADC xx lk shunpuu > cl.hp xx lk shunpuu > cr.hp xx hp shouken it builds you meter too. If you can’t get the 1 framer just use or instead. Note that the after FADCing ex shouken is a 2 frame link.

Oh and yeah as retrokid stated > hp shouken xx super is just as good damage wise, it’s just that you’ll have to be able to hitconfirm from before you want the hp shouken to land other wise you’ll waste 2 bars FADCing out of it on block. But it’s still good to use.

But yeah , they are great things to know and use but don’t play Sakura revolving those tools. Use them by all means when necessary but just know that after using it, if you get pressured you’re gonna have an extremely hard time getting out.

Continue pressuring the opponent knowing that one more combo will most likely stun him/her? Sakura is a stun machine as much as she is a damage machine.

and again, being that sakura’s combo’s are lengthy, and taking into consideration the damage scaling that happens to both the damage you deal and the damage taken by a foe who’s healthbar is already low, is what you do while someone is dizzy really worth all that trouble when you’re only dealing 10% of what you could be doing due to all that scaling? you say ‘yes’ and i say ‘no’…you’ll take stun over damage and i’ll take damage over stun, now can you leave it at?

Many people play the stun game, incorporating resets and other ways to get around damage scaling. And you’re not necessarily always going to stun someone after a lengthy combo. If you’re good, you should be able to count or estimate the stun you’re putting on your opponent and adjust accordingly if necessary.

If you don’t play Sakura’s stun game, that’s fine, but there’s no need to shun out different playstyles. Just because it has a few 1f links and there is scaling to worry about, doesn’t mean it’s not useful.

i didn’t shun anything. i presented another option and you take a dig at me for it. i know it’s easy to do on the internet, but c’mon man.

I would hope this is the place to mention this. Was messing around with the hitboxes on the 4 new characters, and either A) they have some wonky ones, or B) Sakura’s cr. MK got some hitbox/frame change that allows her to combo into it after a lk shunpukyaku at almost max range. On E. Ryu I was consistently doing crossup (lk), cr. lk, st. lp, cr. hp xx lk shunp, cr. mk xx hp shouoken. On Yang it works, but the distance has to be just right (the tip of the cr. mk needs to hit, any closer and it’s blocked). Unfortunately, the sweep does not combo (from what I could tell).

I’m sure you guys have worked out you can now do:

s.MP > c.MP xx LK Shunpuu > s.LK xx HP Shou (EX Shunpuu works if standing). Character specific :frowning:
s.MP > c.HP - super character specific, what you can do afterwards is also character specific. xx LK Shunpuu > c.MK xx Shou (works on Yun). Other characters (that s.MP > c.HP work on) can link a s.LK after the LK Shunpuu (seems normal link timing).
s.MP > s.LK xx Shou (EX Shunpuu if standing) is easy but don’t see the point in it personally as a straight s.HP will do more damage.

I’ve managed to land HP Shou after air-to-air Shunpuu but it’s really random, guessing need to be close to the corner but not in it and need to hit them at a certain height for both yourself and your opponent. Also pretty easy to combo air-to-air Shunpuu into Shinkuu Tengyou Hadouken in the corner, two hits makes it easier as does using EX Air Shunpuu methinks (dunno if it was this easy before).

Having to amend the s.MP so many times :confused:

cl mp to cr mk or cr mp works without counter hit.

You can also do > lp shouken…linked, not canceled. Pretty interesting…though probably not useful.

Yeah s.MP > c.MP/c.MK was what they actually told us in a blog. Being a 1 frame link I don’t see it being any use unless you can hit confirm off the s.MP (seems rather quick for that) as you’ll get more damage from a single Shunpuu loop.

I guess you can just try frame trapping with s.MP > c.MP xx Hadouken/LK Shunpuu regardless of seeing if you hit or not shrug Maybe a certain someone can find a use for it that’s overly tricky :lol:

This is true of many other characters, not just the newer ones. On some characters (like DeeJay, Adon, and C.Viper to name just a few) you can get sweep after a LK tatsu in a combo.

A flashy combo to win the round in style

I did write down every character i got it to work on but my internet cut out and messed up the post so fuck doing that again. From what i remember it works on all the big characters plus Yang, Chun, Guy, Adon, Honda, E.Ryu, Vega, Blanka
