I take it the last tatsu is supposed to be the meaty?
If not, I don’t understand how the first one will affect the last one.
I take it the last tatsu is supposed to be the meaty?
If not, I don’t understand how the first one will affect the last one.
The last tatsu of the combo I mentioned hits late. You have to do the combo the way I transcribed it or else the last tatsu won’t hit late.
if cr hp xx tatsu normally doesnt do anything meaty, then how does doing the stuff before make it happen? im truthfully confused lol
Because of how far away Sakura’s positioned after the preceding part of the combo.
How is this difficult to understand
I’m still trying to find out why Ryu has an 80’s porn mustache in your avatar.
Doing the preceding moves sets the distance where tatsu will hit on a later active frame providing more frame advantage allowing for c.RH to link.
Depending on which active frame it hits on allows you to link more things. Most of the time moves hit on the first active frame and then frame advantage is calculated from there.
For example, LK Tatsu hits on 1st active frame it’s +4 on hit.
If it hits on the 2nd active frame it’s +5, you gain an extra frame and now you can link c.MK.
So a combination of spacing and character hitboxes allow some moves to be hit in the late active frames allowing for more options of linking things.
Hope this clears up the confusion.
That’s just Jamison Trumpets dressed up as Ryu.
Here are a few meaty tatsu setups I found
Against standing Viper
Against crouching Viper
c.LP, cl.MK xx LK Tatsu, cl.HP xx LK Tatsu, c.HP xx LK Tatsu, c.HK
non cross up jump in HP, cl.MK xx LK Tatsu, c.HP xx LK Tatsu, c.HP xx LK Tatsu, c.HK
cross up MK, c.HP xx LK Tatsu, c.HP xx LK Tatsu, c.HK
c.LP, c.HP xx LK Tatsu, c.HP xx LK Tatsu, c.HK
works midscreen, Viper can be standing or crouching
Crouching Balrog
I’ll post more when I find them
I dont know if someone posted this in here but I’ll post it anyway. I learned a combo that deals a great deal of damage on a Makoto (Super or AE). You can do this Jp.Mk Crossup or Jp. HP. This combo is very useful but it will take sometime to learn. If you score a knockdown on Makoto, you have a chance to do 40-50% depending on your meter. A Makoto cannot afford to make a mistake or they will be playing catchup for the rest of the round.
Jump in Without Meter: Jp.Hp-> S.Mk -> L.tatsu->Cr.Hp-> l.tatsu->Cr.Hp-> l.tatsu-> S.lk-> Hp. Shoryu
Jump in Crossup Without Meter: Jp.Mk (Crossup)-> S.Mk -> L.tatsu->S.Hp-> l.tatsu->Cr.Hp-> l.tatsu-> S.lk-> Hp. Shoryu
Next comes with meter. Now I’m going to break it into several parts. The first with one bar, the next with three bars.
Jump in with one Meter Bar:Jp.Hp-> S.Mk -> L.tatsu->Cr.Hp-> l.tatsu->Cr.Hp-> l.tatsu-> S.lk-> Ex tatsu
Note: When you do the ex.tatsu, you have four options: Reset, Hp. DP, Untechable Knockdown, Otoshi. Whichever you choice is up to your playstyle.
Jump in Crossup with one Meter Bar:Jp.Mk (Crossup)-> S.Mk -> L.tatsu->S.Hp-> l.tatsu->Cr.Hp-> l.tatsu-> S.lk-> Ex. Tatsu
Note: When you do the ex.tatsu, you have four options: Reset, Hp. DP, Untechable Knockdown, Otoshi. Whichever you choice is up to your playstyle.
The next combos do from what I remember 440+ with three bars. This will take some time to master, but from personal experience, they are well worth it. As I said before it’s up to your playstyle. DO NOT END THESE WITH ULTRA DUE TO DAMAGE SCALING. I would use these combos if I had the meter to do so. Not only do they do MASSIVE damage, **they drag Makoto into the corner every…single…time. **
Jump in with three Meter bars: Jp.Hp-> S.Mk -> L.tatsu->Cr.Hp-> l.tatsu->Cr.Hp-> l.tatsu-> S.lk->Ex. Dp-> FADC->S.Mk -> L.tatsu->Cr.Hp-> l.tatsu->Cr.Hp-> l.tatsu-> S.lk-> Hp.Dp
Jump in Cross upwith three Meter Bars:Jp.Mk (Crossup)-> S.Mk -> L.tatsu->S.Hp-> l.tatsu->Cr.Hp-> l.tatsu-> S.lk->Ex. Dp-> FADC->S.Mk -> L.tatsu->S.Hp-> l.tatsu->Cr.Hp-> l.tatsu-> S.lk-> Hp.Dp
These combos do just about 50% worth of damage. The reason that these combos work is do to the fact that when Makoto is hit, she slides back very slowly, allowing you to add more hits to your combo, that Sakura wouldn’t be able to do to others characters. Not only that but her hitbox is fat, making it even wrose for her.
Just found out combo’s similar to these do also work on Chun Li, Cammy (If I remember correctly), and Juri.
Juri: You cannot add the last part of the combo that goes **l. tatsu-> S.lk **cross up or not. It wont work on her at all. However, the Cr.Hp will Crossup and normal Jump in. So you can cancel that part, with a special move of your liking. Chose the best option.
Chun Li: Chun is a lil harder understand. You can do the same Crossup combos I showed with Makoto but theres a catch. You have to do the cross up correctly and it only works with Jp.Mk from what I know. I’ll try my best to explain. When you do the cross up, you have to make sure that you hit her On top of the head. For some god awful reason, anything behind the her head and the combo will not work. If you do the crossup and combo correct, you are looking at huge damage, and when fighting Chun, you will need all the damage you can get when you can.
As for Cammy, she may not be one of the Characters it works on. I’ve tried it on all characters and I believe she was one of them. Sorry if I’m wrong. Please try this out. In AE, Makoto is much more of a danger, and with this you can make her fear a knockdown. Reply when you have tried it. I’ll make a vid, on this showing that it does indeed work.
Rufus: EX. DP beats Rufus’s U2. So if you are ever in a low on life and tries to Chip, use it. It even works while you are waking up and he uses it.
Been working on a Sakura combo video for the past few weeks, and I finally got around to getting it done.
There are some neat little things in it.
Intro is the self proclaimed DBJ Combo ( cl.mk xx lk tatsu > cl.fierce xx lk tatsu > c.fierce xx hadoken)
1- counter hit stand jab link into ultra 2 (kick)
2-j.roundhouse into (cl.mk > cl.fierce > c.fierce ) tatsu loop into a st.short xx ex shou into another tatsu loop into st.short xx ex tatsu > otoshi x3. Followed by another tatsu loop int a st.short xx jab shou into ultra 2 (kick)
Sweep. Whiffed cl.strong to get the timing for a meaty tatsu so that I can link an ultra 2 (kick) afterwards.
Fully charged ex hadoken > FADC > ex tatsu. Both hits of the ex hadoken hit along with the last hit of the ex tatsu, leaving Balrog in a juggle state for the ultra 2 (punch)
Counter hit overhead > c.fierce xx lk tatsu (meaty) > low forward xx super
One of the meaty tatsu setups that work on Deejay
j.roundhouse > (cl.mk xx lk tatsu) (x3) > c.fierce xx lk tatsu > st.short xx fierce shouken > FADC > cl.fierce xx tatsu > c.fierce xx tatsu > st.short xx fierce shouken > FADC > cl.fierce xx RH tatsu for the dizzy.
Follow up with j.roundhouse > (cl.mk xx lk tatsu) (x2) > c.fierce xx lk tatsu > st.short xx jab shouken > ultra 2 (kick)
j.roundhouse > cl.fierce xx ex shouken > FADC > cl.fierce xx ex tatsu > ultra 1
(Meaty setup for Viper and Adon): j.fierce > cl.mk xx lk tatsu > cl.fierce xx lk tatsu > c.fierce xx lk tatsu
This combo follows it with a sweep.
Setup from #8. This combo follows with a c.mk xx fierce shouken xx super
In order for a meaty to happen on Cammy, sakura must cancel an ex shou (it puts her in the proper position). So a tatsu loop is done into ex shouken, into the setup in #8. It is then followed by a c.mk xx jab shouken > ultra 2 (kick)
j.fierce > cl.mk xx lk tatsu > cl.fierce xx lk tatsu > c.fierce xx lk tatsu > st.short > fierce shouken > FADC > cl.fierce xx tatsu > c.fierce xx tatsu > st.short xx fierce shouken > FADC > cl.fierce xx tatsu > c.fierce xx tatsu > st.short xx jab shouken > ultra 2 (kick)
Counter hit far roundhouse into sweep
Works on characters with wide lower body hitboxes
j.fierce > cl.mk xx lk tatsu > cl.fierce xx lk tatsu > c.fierce xx otoshi (x3)
Works on the tall characters
counter hit j.roundhouse > [ (cl.mk xx lk tatsu) (x3) >c.fierce xx hadoken > FADC] (x2) . (cl.mk xx lk tatsu) (x3) >c.fierce.
Follow up the stun with j.roundhouse > cl.fierce xx jab shouken > ultra 2 (kick)
I accidentally FADC?d again at the end. Tried to redo this combo, but I would always screw up the last c.fierce link. Got to a point where the combo sickened me and just left it how it was since the fadc doesn?t matter since he?s stunned when it happens. >_>;
Counter hit roundhouse tatsu (on the third hit) > st.short xx ex tatsu > dash > ultra 1
Counter hit far roundhouse > c.mk xx fierce shouken xx super
Works on characters with really wide lower body hitboxes in the corner
j.roundhouse . (cl.mk xx lk tatsu) (x2) > st.jab > st.strong xx super
j.fierce > st.jab > st.jab > c.fierce xx lk tatsu (meaty) > low forward xx fierce shouken
A meaty setup that works on Cody
j.roundhouse > st.short > st.jab > c.fierce xx ex tatsu > ex shouken > FADC > otoshi (x3)
Meaty setup from #8 followed linked into a super.
Air tatsu > strong shouken
Fierce shouken can work mid screen too, but you still just get one hit of it, so the strong
Version is the better of the two to use since it has less startup.
Air tatsu > fierce shouken > ultra 2 (kick)
nj.roundhouse > c.fierce xx ex tatsu > ex hadoken > fierce shouken > ultra 2 (kick)
Fun with juggles!
Full screen ex hadoken > ex otoshi
Nice full screen combo. Also useful from making traps
j.fierce > c.fierce xx hadoken > FADC > cl.mk xx lk tatsu > cl.fierce xx lk tatsu >c.fierce xx lk tatsu > sweep
Hadoken FADC can lead to meaty tatsu setups in the corner against some characters
EX hadoken > FADC into one hit otoshi. Character bounces of first hit of the ex fireball, leaving them in a juggle state for a fierce shouken into ultra.
More fun with juggles!
A very low nj.fierce into lk tatsu > st.jab > sweep
If you hit a character with a jumping attack very low to the grab, you are able to link an lk tatsu afterwards.
j.fierce > cl.fierce xx lk tatsu > c.fierce xx ex shouken > FADC > cl.fierce xx lk tatsu > c.fierce xx ex tatsu > otoshi (x3)
Follow dizzy with j.mk > c.short > st.jab > sweep
j.roundhouse into DBJ combo (x2). Taunt > jab shouken > ultra 2 (kick)
Taunt doesn?t affect anything, just a way to send off the vid.
Also, Akuma is mad that he no long has a runaway tatsu while Sakura still has her insanely good kara-ex air tatsu1
Very nice! Learned loads of stuff that I didn’t think possible. Might even try adding some of those CH combos into my game.
I hate english sakura SO MUCH!
dude amazing stuff good job
First post now updated. Its been long over due. Thanks everyone!
Nice Job Flowers !!
not sure if this has been posted already, but by accident today I found out against Adon you can do
cr.lk -> cr.lp -> cr.hp -> lk.tatsu -> cr.mk -> hp.shouken
very easy links and hit confirm, 270 meterless damage + lots of meter, works anywhere on the screen
^ already been posted on the SRK wiki for Sakura.
hello, here are some shitty impractical combos!
why so much fun sakura?
ex hadouken fadc jump tatsu whiff U2 was indeed fun! I wonder if the combo would still work if the air tatsu hits.
nah, smacks him outta range. it doesn’t work if you land on the front side either, ultra startup is too slow. i had to crossup him up simply so he’d be falling INTO me rather than away haha.
i’m sure it’d work in the corner, but there are loads of silly U2 setups in the corner. this one was after a back throw, if you do the air tatsu properly (which i really never do, lol) you get one of those dirty marvel-esque projectile crossups
Can someone help me out?
What is Sakura’s most common tatsu loop (that works on the most characters, I guess) and when exactly are the harder links?
I want to learn Sakura, but I’m still having trouble just getting her BnB down. I’m thinking maybe I’m just using the wrong normals.
Right now I do jump-in j.HK > cl.HP > lk.tats > lk > ex.tats.
Can I extend that? Am I using the wrong moves? Can I get more damage by swapping out normals? I’m pretty determined to practice the combo in training mode for hours if I can just figure out what her BnBs are. The combo thread confuses me with the new forum upgrade not showing spoiler tags. It also might be my browser settings, because everything is all kinds of f’d up, format wise.
edit: these combos are impossible to do online. :x