Sakura Combos - School girls hit hard! [Updated: 03-01-11)

Though this might belong here:

during typical combos, Sakura can sometimes score a meaty LK tatsumid combo, on certain characters this means she can increase her combo-ability. I’m having a fuck about with it now so i’ll get back to you but for now. If this stuff is already known then nevermind.


Crouch LP/LK -> Crouch LP -> Crouch HP -> LK Tatsu (Hits meaty +6/7 frames) -> Crouch MK -> HP SRK = 270/426 Stun

(Focus or Jump in & Close MK ->) Close HP -> LK Tatsu -> Crouch HP -> LK Tatsu (Hits meaty +6/7 frames) -> Crouch MK -> HP SRK = 425/694 (Going by Jump in & MK start)

If i find more i’ll add them

i just posted some videos of similar combos on the previous page

really? lol oh well

For Adon I would go with, c.lp, c.hp x lk shunpu,, because if you just hold jump you get a perfectly timed safejump against him. So if you’re doing ex shunpu against Adon you should always finish with into auto-safejump.

So I’ve been struggling with figuring out what to do next after her bnb (cr lk cr lp cr hp xx lk shun)… IIRC (from last night, how sad). Naturally, I picked up on doing cr hp xx lk shun, because I have connected it before… but sometimes it likes to whiff because I was too far I suppose. Now given that I sent them too afar to do another cr hp, should I do st lk xx shou or cr lk or does it not matter? x sho or x ex shunpu depending on what you’re after

That’s great to know, Adon has been giving me real grief lately.

shit. I came home with a PSN card and bought the femme fatale pack… yippee #9, she looks even more asian than she already did… but while I was playing around, I found out that cr lk cr lp cr hp xx lk tatsu whiffs on sakura… :O. I hope that’s character specific.

of with hk tatsu or ex tatsu instead of lk tatsu for the most part. it puts a lot of characters too far away. that or instead of using a tatsu u can do a hp shou. i usually only do lk tatsu links when doing frame traps, jump ins, or resets.

I seek to do lk tatsu links as a dmg/stun dealer, I don’t get many opportunities tbh. I’m going to practice xx shou some more first. Seems more solid than tatsu at the moment.

Sakura can get a meaty LK Tatsu mid combo against Viper.(I’ll compile an actual list soon i think)


After Focus walk in deep or Jump in deep

MK -> LK Tatsu -> Close HP -> LK Tatsu -> Crouch HP -> LK Tatsu = = 7 Frames (Crouch HK, Crouch MK)

Hey there, just wanted to show a combo I made, impossible to do it on a real match but just for the fun of it :wink:
Sakura hit hard - [media=youtube]PQldGgf5yIU[/media]

Very nice chinta.

thx, 1 thing I learned from doing this combo video, mp.shouoken FADC does more than hp.shouoken FADC by 10 damage, it could be useful, but not easy to pull off anyway in a real match compared to a EX.shouoken FADC

can anyone else here besides me and skatan consistently do the hp shou fadc cl hp combos?

I don’t even bother trying it online.

i love your avatar or what ever u call that haunter used mean look picture lol

Many Sakura’s including myself can.


EDIT: Speaking of meaty LK tatsu combos, it’s incredibly difficult to set up but you can do it on Balrog. The tatsu doesn’t hit quite as meaty as the other ones, so you can only get a off of it.

I’ve only gotten it to work off of crossup j.MK, st.jab, cr.FP xx LK tatsu or j.FP, st.jab, st.jab, cr.FP xx LK tatsu.

DOUBLE EDIT: I don’t remember if somebody already said that the meaty LK tatsu combos work on Cody, but they do. They only work off of the following combos so far:

crossup j.MK, cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.FP xx LK tatsu, cr.HK

OR if you want to style and get big damage plus an untechable knockdown at the same time you can do:

(Jump in FP or EX Shouken FADC) cl.MK xx LK tatsu, cl.FP xx LK tatsu, st.jab, cr.FP xx LK tatsu, cr.HK. (392 Damage off Jump In, 427 with EX Shouken FADC)

You have to do the st.jab before the cr.FP in this combo or it won’t hit meaty. Also note that only cr.HK will reach after this long of a combo.

just wondering cause i never see it used though i did watch one of youre matches against F. Metroid were u did use it. i find it as something people should dedicate some time to learning because it helps so much

Meaty LK Tatsu combos continued.

It also works on Sakura (Go Figure) if you do the following combo:

LK tatsu, cl.FP xx LK tatsu, c.FP xx LK tatsu, c.HK

Figuring out more as I test more, will post my findings.