Dude he got it wrong he meant shoryuken because he said something about she leaving the ground.
Yeah that thread is bologna. I’m stoked I wanna see if I can pull it off with cr.mk xx lvl2 hado xx super. I know cookie said lvl 3 but I wonder if its possible I mean I can super of lp shory.
I’ve been a Sakura player since vanilla, she’s my main and I enjoy playing with her, she’s quite fun. I thought I should help out all the Sakura players out there that are starting out or want to expand their mind, simple things maybe ppl haven’t thought of or missed. If there are combos I’ve written down and are already in this thread sorry. These are just combos I do for fun and practice, impracticle
st.lp>cr.mp>light shunpukyaku>cr.hp>EX shouken>FADC>cr.lk>cr.lp>st.lp>st.lk>EX shunpukyaku>dash>U1/U2
st.lp>cr.mp>light shunpukyaku>cr.hp>heavy shouken>FADC>cr.mp>light shunpukyaku>st.lk>EX shunpukyaku>dash>U1/U2
cr.lk>cr.lp>st.lp>st.lk>EX shunpukyaku… if it’s not coming out, you’re doing it too fast!
I love how Sakura can juggle with her shunpukyakus, when I do, i always start with (for more damage I use fierce, you can connect of course cr.lp, st.lp, cr.lk & st.lk, for some reason i never see any Sakura’s do that) cr.mp>light shunpukyaku> cr.hp>light shunpukyaku>st.lk OR cr.lk (depends on the characters hitbox if they are big enough for the lk’s to reach)>heavy shunpukyaku.
Her st.lp can connect to her st.mp, somewhat easy to connect, I only wish it could connect to EX shunpukyaku : / but it’s too far!!!
St.lp connects to low roundhouse, kinda tricky though
light shouken can combo into otoshi, ONLY if you anti-air them with light shouken from neutral jump as they’re going up, it looks cool too ^^
Her st.mk (up close knee animation) can go into of course light shunpukyaku and be repeated again, making it a 4 hiter, and DON’T forget you can connect a st.lk to that light shunpukyaku so you can continue it with whatever you please. Unfortunately you can’t do this with everyone, like Gief. You can also do this with cr.hp >_________>
I randomly play with different characters in training and study their hitboxes and come across silly things, like with Deejay, with his slow recovery time, you can do cr.lk>cr.lp>cr.hp>light shunpukyaku (and here’s the badass part) you can connect a cr.mk> heavy shouken. I tried this out several times with Deejay, crazy shit. I haven’t really tested this out on the majority of the characters but you get it
It’s fun to sometimes use her normal otoshi as a mix up tool, but you gotta be smart about it.
I hate U2… hadouken FADC U2 GDLK d:Db
I hope this helps out SOMEONE
Most of these are indeed impractical. You have good awareness of combos but you obviously taught yourself and didn’t look for best damage and best stun combos. You most likely went with what was easiest for you to combo or the first thing you discovered and made a habit of practicing. I hope new players don’t actually learn all of those combos you wrote up as you are losing out on alot of damage and stun and many of these will easily whiff on crouchers.
s.lp>c.hk and the combos you listed on Dee Jay were the best ones you put up there.
[]Know that c.hp and s.hp force stand making it easier to connect shunpu and shouoken.
[]st.lp>cr.mp>light shunpukyaku is pointless. Instead do cs.lp>s.hp xx lk tatsu (more damage, stun and force stand)
[]after ex shou>fadc go with cs.mk or cs.hp
[]cr.lk>cr.lp>st.lp>st.lk>EX shunpukyaku should be cr.lk>cr.lp>c.hp xx EX shunpukyaku or cr.lk>cr.lp>st.lp>c.mk xx HP Shouoken
[*]Only reason to combo off of c.mp would be from buffering a special into it if used as a poke in footsies or after a counter hit poke.
im still practicing cr.mp instead of cr.mk because i can xx hadoken during blockstring… cr mk xx hadoken done too far lets my foes leave blockstun before hadoken reaches. having said that, the awkward way the cr mp hits makes it a little tricky for me to xx shou at times.
i should find time to work up a good tatsu loop i can remember… it’s something i need to work on… i started a bad habit of cr mk xx lk tatsu… shame on me
I thought of a possible u2 setup the other day, but I don’t have my 360 up here to test it, I don’t think it’s actually possible but who knows. I find that a lot of people like to jump in when they see sakura charging a fireball, and a lot of times it results in a trade, so my basic idea was to FA cancel the fireball to absorb the hit rather than get a trade and dash combo into u2. You might just be able to FADC backward and avoid the hit entirely, I don’t know. Just something I thought about.
good tatsu loop:
jump in, cls.fwd xx lk tatsu, s.fierce xx lk tatsu, c.fierce xx ex tatsu …
replace ex tatsu at the end with ex shouken FADC s.fierce xx fierce shouken for more stun.
the corner otoshi x 2, backdash, fat hado setup doesn’t work on every character I’ve noticed.
When I do it against Dhalsim, for example, it just goes past him :’(
Really? I’ve been getting it every time on sim. Maybe do your second hit of your otoshi a tiny bit earlier.
Skatan, I swear you have a different avatar every time I come here. Also, Daniel; 3 viewers on FR Stream tonight? What was up with that?
Gotta keep it fresh
We got bodied by 24/7 streams/Atlanta Fight Club. For a lot of the night our stream wasn’t even on the front page because SRK Live had two links up there, thus leaving space for only two other streams’ links to actually show up.
Also some blames lies with nothingxs, who saw that we had no viewers and stopped managing stream. Of course people walking in are going to leave when the names are wrong, no commentator, and they have no idea what’s going on/can’t talk to us.
When you focus attack cancel, your focus loses armor.
Really? I guess that makes sense.
i got bored and wanted to stun seth
YouTube - codallenschmidt’s Channel
i got a new combo vid upp just messin around on adon and found some good character specific stuff. similar combos work against dee jay and juri. it has to do with lk tatsu connecting with its last active frames so u can connect some good stuff
Nice find, but does this work on Adon the same way it works on Deejay? Deejay’s is useful because it happens as a result of a hit confirm, so if you have no meter you can do a huge combo. This one looks like you need a jump-in or focus attack to land the late lk tatsu, and that in itself isn’t as useful to me.
Don’t get me wrong though I love this setup, it’s part of the reason why I love the Sakura vs Deejay matchup.
i dont know if u can hit confirm into it thats something ill have to try. or u can try and let us know lol
adon specific combos w/hit confirms:
1) u can cr lk, cr lp, cr hp xx lk tatsu, cr mk xx hp shou
2) cr lk, cr lp, cr hp xx lk tatsu, sweep
3) cr lk, cr lp, cr hp xx lk tatsu, mp shou
4) (corner specific) cr lk, cr lp, cr hp xx lk tatsu, lp shou, ultra
juri specific combos w/hit confirms
1) cr lk, st lp, cr hp xx lk tatsu, cr mk xx hp shou hard to do but possible, seems like conditions need to be very precise
Reason I ask is because I don’t own an Xbox and am therefore incapable of practicing combos or checking out things on my own. Good to know that the meaty hit-confirm setup works on someone other than DeeJay, I am very happy about this.