if u had ultra 2 u can do the last shou as lp and then u2 for a full ultra
Edit: facepalm hahaha I landed it and saw the numbers and didnt even think about having the meter’s on infinite…
haha if you’re gonna do impossible stuff with infinite super meter, try to see how many times you can do ex shou fadc c.hp xx ex shou …
Someone should make a 100 hit combo with infinite Super. Just for the lolz. fadcing ex shou and hadoken will make it nice and easy.
bah that’s easy -.-
It is possilbe…
I just have infinite meter on so I don’t have to wait for it to refill…
Vids or it didn’t happen
lol, i’ve been trying (to get to 100hits of sho xx fadc xx {3-4frame move} xx sho… ) and so far the best I’ve done is 21 hits
edit: up to 57 hits…
Hey guys, I made a Sakura combo tribute video. Hope you like it
Good job on, Peaceful Jay.
Wanted to say thanks for the great streaming too ^^ It’s always entertaining to watch.
I haven’t got time to read through 12 pages right now but I wanted to share something I just did in training mode, I haven’t seen it anywhere else, so I dunno if this is common knowledge.
Corner NO-EX meter into U2 combo:
c.lp, c.hp xx lp.shou, U2 (both types work, but PPP version is easier) - 393 damage against Ryu with full health.
swap c.hp for c.mk if more range is needed (363 damage)
The timing for the Ultra is, well, there isn’t any; you have to do the U2 as soon as you land from the shououken, ie., buffer it.
I don’t know if this is universal yet.
Also, (and this probably is common knowledge but I haven’t seen it) you can connect U2 after an air tatsu on a standing opponent in the corner. EX air tatsu makes it easier, but you can do it off any strength. 314/338 damage (normal/EX tatsu).
edit2: If you are after pure flash, you can do: c.lp, c.hp xx lk.tatsu, c.lk xx lp.shou, U2 for 369 damage. (pointless)
Yeah mate it’s common knowledge, even in the saks page you have a topic with all u2 setups
I don’t have a camera but cmon do you really think it’s that hard?
Nah, once you get the rhythm down it’s pretty easy though I still haven’t made it all the way to 100 hits yet… Whenever I get frustrated in the training room while practicing real combos, I go back to this little goal for a bit to clear my head. I find the repetition is strangely relaxing… very zen :china:
straight jump tatsu xup works midscreen on large characters like Rufus
You have no idea how happy this makes me B)
And it’s pretty much the most awesome way to bait wake up shoryuken.
Been hearing talk about this hado xx karu ichiban. mentioned here. now as I read it I’m like wtf he means shoryuken right??? I went into training and tried to get a cancel to come out and for the life of me all I can get is the super to come out just after the recovery animation of the hado. Now I know you can hado, fadc->u1 and u2. So is it possible in vanilla or super?
ps. if this is old news my mistake.
That guy was just wrong, you can’t cancel into Ultra 1 nor can you link Ultra 1 off of any of her moves (unless she magically gains moves that give her +11 frames on hit. Spoilers: She doesn’t).
I’m talking about hado xx super “Haru Ichiban” is that possible?
yea its pretty weird… charge up a full level 3 hadouken and input the super while charging and it’ll come out soon as the hadouken hits. I’ve never used this in a match… someone would have to stand perfectly still in front of you while you charge this level 3 hadouken and I’ve never managed to dizzy someone while maintaining a full super.
oh yea, hold the punch button down the whole time, don’t let go until after the super comes out. Not sure if that’s necessary, but it’s how I do it.
Awesome thanks!! I got it first try based off your instructions.