its just a variation on the BnB you can do to Deejay because of his weird hitbox. it makes the tatsu hit very meaty
wow that’s a meaty ass lk tatsu.
i like it
lol I miss my plinks 90% of the time and can still hit that sweep no prob. its possible she is +8 or more after that thing
I tried linking into super after it but it doesn’t seem to travel the distance needed quickly enough to combo
try going into ultra 2 kick version. he probably is to far away but it would cool to see if it works
Frame-wise, it would connect. Distance-wise, I’m almost positive it won’t.
yeah that one straight up will not work. I thought I might be able to get one hit out of it at least but I couldn’t get any at all no matter how I tried to set it up
U sure?
also: [media=youtube]-ukomjKYjBE"[/media]
a more exotic setup like the Abel one is certainly doable especially with his hitbox. I was working with the hit confirmable meaty setup Sak has on Deejay only
Damn Skatan you freaking robot just sick!
Are these Super Meat Feast set-ups character specific?
not necessarily
but character specific hitboxes can help.
the easiest one, is just very meaty wakeup lk shunpu.
the mk crossup -> counterhit lk shunpu is more or less the same.
I was referring to the hit confirm version as shown in the DeeJay video.
Also I’ve known about the CH St.HP option, but I haven’t tried it in actual matches. Have you been able to use it at all to any effect?
It’s easier to do the same thing from ch if you’re planning on landing it in a real match.
But I’ve managed to land that ch st.hp combo 2-3 times in match.
I don’t fish that much for ch st.hp, maybe I should do that more often.
performed by me
CVS2 shouken loop! lol
not bad but to make it flashy you should go for s.hp lk shunpu cr.hp xx shou fadc repeat and finish with lp shou u2 or if the meter gain allows it ex shunpu -> U1
i’ll try it man.
lol it’s such a fast link.
that’s pretty cool. you could get a lot more out of it if you toss in a loop or shunpu before each sho
s.fp xx jab shou FADC s.fp xx short shunpu, c.fp xx jab shou FADC s.fp xx short shunpu, c.fp xx short sunpu, xx fierce shunpu
I bet it’d work. it’d be hard but hey Sakura is all about crazy crazy links
haha ssfiv latest news: sakura sho sho sho cvs2 is back you can now custom combo and do that.
Joking of course, but it was nice man
haha thanks guys
i’ll try some more stuff soon.