i have something like that in mind.
but not the time.
we need more combo videos and less reset/mixups.
i have something like that in mind.
but not the time.
we need more combo videos and less reset/mixups.
Your video helped with Bison. Haru select everytime I see Bison is the opponent. Pyscho punisher gets punished everytime. Thanks.
great video! I learned a couple of things. :tup:
(Okay, technically you can plink c.lk with a custom arcade stick setup and abuse of the Back button, but let’s leave those sorts of shenanigans out of this…)
I get that most of the combos in there weren’t intended to be efficient, but the fact that every shou FADC in the vid used that follow-up irked me
Its obviously not a combo you should be aiming for, as close s.HP is faster, but it’s useful if you pull out c.HP by mistake, as it means you don’t drop any damage, whereas in vanilla an accidental c.HP meant you had to sub in a s.lk for the second HP to keep the combo going.
lets make all sakuras better
check out this awesome sak vid
Hey guys I recently found that you can hadouken FADC ultra 1 I don’t know if it’s a reliable tool or not but sometimes you never know.
I also found today that after you focus attack a guy, when they are almost hitting the ground you can shuouken > FADC > otoshi ( mid screen also ) or ultra 2 ( mid screen also ) . Yeah i know it would be sweet if was possible to combo to ultra 1.
What’s the damgage scaling like on these combos Bliz? Is it good or bad?
Not bad actually it’s really good and I think it’s another tool to Sakura.
Is there a list of Sakura FADC combos? It’s not on the first page of this thread, nor the one that guttinboy created.
I’ll add this to my thread once I’m done with the base combos; thanks for bringing this up as I kind of forgot about it. I don’t know any combos off of my head, but the destin combo should work on everybody besides honda. On most people, you can probably go off of my character specific thread and just use the most damaging cl.hp combo that works on that respective character if you don’t want to spend additional meter. However, like Destin pointed out, you probably shouldn’t fadc out of an SRK if you’ve used 3 attacks prior to it unless it will win the round because of dmg scaling.
Can you point out the Destin combo for me, thanks? I mainly wanted to know what they are so I can test my execution, more so then using it in an actual match.
Edit: Never mind I think I found it.
Jump RH, crouch mk, HP shouken, FADC forwards HP, LK tatsu, cr.hp, EX tatsu, jump RH.
The forwards HP I believe is standing close HP, correct? Is that a one frame window after she FADC, because I never seem to get any attack to connect. My timing must be off.
Thanks for that.
Also, how many ways can Sak link into her Super? Right now, I only know how to do it from her SRK. Thanks again.
cl.mp (elbow)
Those are all the normals i know you can link from.
Don’t forget you can super off of hadoken
You can super cancel close standing roundhouse. Best super cancel to do is off shouoken (mp version does more if you get the cancel on the last cancellable hit).
did a quick search and couldn’t find anything
on deejay
c.lk c.lp c.fp xx light tatsu, sweep - 216 damage
c.lk c.lp c.fp xx light tatsu, c.mk xx fierce shoryu - 270 damage
you can also do s.lp s.lp c.fp xx light tatsu, sweep for about 225 damage. that one puts you too far awy to connect c.mk after tatsu
I did record a vid if anybody needs to see how it works. but it should be self explanatory
I had no idea sweep could combo after lk tatsu. If you have a vid lets see it.