Sakura Combos - School girls hit hard! [Updated: 03-01-11)

What I do is D+LK F+LP (x2) D+MK DF F+HP, sometimes I get an accidental Hadouken so probably best to start on DF+LK :sweat: I like to do F+QCF for DP motions since it covers F D DF and F DF F (of course from crouching I use DF F DF).

its the fastest way for sure. once u do it enough and u get use to it u will see how dirty it is. imagine my index finger holding down forward, and then in like a frame i already input it.

I used to do it like Sugami. Now I do d+lk // lp lp // d+mk // df-d-df+HP

For me itā€™s: :db:+:lk:, :db:+:lp:, :df:+:mk: :d::df:+:hp:

If you only press :df: twice then thereā€™s no way you can get an otoshi on the first one.

I still get screwed occasionally after crossing sides when all my low block attempts are suddenly transformed into :df: motionsā€¦ :shake:

yeah u gotta be careful when u cross sides cause u might get an otoshi u dont want

Yup yup, which is why I usually start in D or DF position depending on what I plan on doing, though you can do a Shunpuu from DF quite easily so should probably start DF for everything then itā€™s easier to adopt to situations where I need to use Shou over Shunpuu (i.e. c.HP would be out of range).

Thanks guys lots of input. So after trying most of your different ways. (Iā€™m also using ps3 dpad) This is what came out the easiest for me. c. lk s.lp shou. Lost one of those lps and yes i get the odd otoshi but Iā€™m working on that. :slight_smile:
Edit in here
Iā€™ve actually now realized if im close enough c. lk s.lp c.fp into fp shou is alot easier and more dmg

Hmm, sum intrestinā€™ stuff am gonna try out a few of the different inputs (plus work out what am currently doin :confused: ) to see if this can help me too :smiley:

[media=youtube]NadAipFN6_A#t1m17s"[/media] :tup:

:rofl: Dizzy during the Ultra, ā€œthere are no rulesā€, funny stuff :tup:

[media=youtube]wFsY45do1rg"[/media] :tup:

How many jabs did he land on Rufus? :rofl:

Also I think the music is from an old Jackie Chan movie :bgrin:

i today got an idea for a new Sakura mixup, in theory.

it is an ex burner but means huge dmg and dizzy potential and should be pretty ā€œeasyā€ to execute.(no 1 frame links!)
lemme see if i get time to test it tomorrow :slight_smile:

i today got an idea for a new Sakura combo&mixup, in theory.(after watching the trials)

with means huge dmg and dizzy potential
lemme see if i get time to test it tomorrow :slight_smile:

requirements: successful jump in with hk, ~ 2,5-3 ex bars at combo start

dizzy on every SF4 Char except Zangief if you use the easier linkable(2 frame links max) (less dmg/stun) version

the idea: (calculation not tested yet) > FADC s.hp > lk shunpu> > Ex Shunpu > j.hp or

Stun = 681 dmg = 446,5

mixup: , cr.lp,cr.hp xx ex shunpu > Otosho

Stun = 451 DMG = 297,5

(Ex shunpu calculated here as a 3 hit version, if it hits 4 times = > stun/dmg increase!)
it might be the easy version might beat gief too cause shunpu hits him 4 times usally!
(but if i calculated right it would be in that chase only 1192stun 8/)

the hard version for our pros changes to cr.hp
which is enough to Dizzy every SF4 Character after 1 Mixup

the whole idea ofcourse bases on the assuption that FADC s.hp is possible
would be really nice if it is

can we update the OP to have notable/usefull/essential combos to be used? I just got my stick and just looking through all of thisā€¦well I dont even know where to start. Lol

I donā€™t think the OP is around any moreā€¦

Anyway try starting with:
cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.HP xx EX shunpu
cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.MK xx HP shouoken

Then when youā€™re comfortable with them try:
cl.HP xx LK shunpu, st.LK xx EX shunpu
cl.HP xx LK shunpu, cr.HP xx EX shunpu

Then you can start to think about resets and mixups etc. :tup:

Thanks alot twis. :slight_smile: Iā€™ll get working on that as soon as I finish my homework for the week. I just got my stick and Iā€™ve just gotten used to doing alot of basic stuff. So now Iā€™m working on my combo game a little to get me more used to it. Also Iā€™m really new to SF. I just got my stick yesterday, and I bought the game and was using a pad since December. I pretty much dropped Smash Bros to get into SFIV and Tekken (which I will get to later).

If youā€™re new to SF then itā€™ll probably take you a while to get used to the timing for combos. The first 2 are definitely where you should start as theyā€™re quite easy relatively speaking - the last 2 youā€™ll probably find very difficult.

Combos arenā€™t something that you need to get too hung up on right at the start. There are other fundamental skills like spacing and learning when to block that will win you more fights than combos - particularly if you canā€™t get in to start hitting them in the first place. :razzy:

If you are going to be practicing combos then Iā€™d recommend that you read up on plinkingif you havenā€™t already.

Since I only have the game for pc and I live in dallas. I am pretty much just stuck here on my own. There are no arcades in my area that have sfiv,and Iā€™m not sure how big my sfiv community is around here. I asked for combos so I have something to work on that works while practicing spacing and such. Challenge mode isnā€™t really practical from what Iā€™ve seen,and I still have a hard time with those. This game has a huge learning curve when it comes to inputs and timing. Especially since this is my first encounter with a square gate and japanese parts. Iā€™m looking to learn fast so I can get some online games in while I search around my area for its fighting game community. So any help or some sort of learning program will be very helpful on my path. :slight_smile: thanks again

Whats Sakuras highest stun combo? I was just playin about after watchin sum of the crazy sak loop vids and I can get 711 wiv 400 dmg and only 1 ex meter. j HP ( MK xx LK tatsu) x3 cr.HP xx EX tatsu j.HK.

I guess this maybe able to do more stun wiv something like LP shou, mk otoshi (after ex tatsu) but I was too close to the corner each time I landed up to the ex tatsu.

Just wanderin whats the highest stun combo with out usin full meter.