Sakura Combos - School girls hit hard! [Updated: 03-01-11)

Is there any particularly good mixup off of knockdowns for Sakura? Much like Akuma and Ryu she can combo relatively easily into her sweep via standing jabs. J.fp > s.lp > s.lp > s.lp > c.rh does 217 damage and 415 stun.

She has pretty much exactly the same options as Ryu with the exception of her tatsu and air-tatsu not being able to crossup.

And her cross-up isn’t as good either :frowning:

Sakura doesn’t really want to combo into sweep when you can combo into a Heavy Shou or EX Shunpuu for more damage and it’s easier :tup:

You could go for cross-up or use j.HP to be a bit ambiguous, it probably won’t cross-up but might be enough to confuse your opponent into blocking the wrong way, then use your standard hit confirm combo and go from there.

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Thats the way to do it eiSH. Cool ish.

nice vid man :tup:

Again the video is just amazing! And I have still never been able to link s/[c.hp>lk shunpu] x 2

I like the anti-Rufus Dive Kick combo into Super :tup:

I find that jumping resets (especially j.HK) don’t give you enough time to dash afterwards and still have an advantage as I seem to get jabbed out of them, guess I just need more practice x_x;;

just thought of a new combo. jump in hk, st. hp, lk tatsu, jab, jab, sweep. i know a lot of people like to score the knock down and its a way to keep things fresh on your opponent so they dont expect the same thing. personally im probably going to go for the ex tatsu reset combos 90 percent of the time but im gonna try throwin this their way once in a while

edit: oh and it does about 326 damage and 540 stun.

That’s a one-frame link and less damage and stun than other options :confused: If you really want an untechable knock down then go for the “Sakura Vortex” after EX Shunpuu.

but see u just used a meter. what if i dont have a meter, and also using that instead of doing the tatsu combo puts more on your opponents mind. and its really not that hard of a link i get it 90 percent of the time and lets say i mess it up, at that distance most people tend to throw a poke out or maybe a fireball, i could just catch him with the sweep.

edit: on some characters u can jump in hk, st. hp, lk tatsu, cr hp, lk tatsu, st jab, to sweep this one does 403 damage and 629 stun

If you don’t have meter you’ll probably be doing something like:

j.HK > c.LK > s.LP (x2) > c.MK xx HP Shou :stuck_out_tongue: (275/273 damage, 480/485 stun)

That’s a 3-frame link rather than a 2-frame link followed by a 1-frame link or 3 1-framer links, yeah the damage is a little less but it’s a lot easier to do and forces the opponent to block low. If you’re looking to punish a jumped fireball or something with a LK Shunpuu link:

j.HK > HP xx LK Shunpuu > s.LK xx HP Shou (355 damage, 555 stun)

Shou gives a techable knock down, HK Shunpuu gives more damage (less stun) if all hits land but obviously no knock down.

Really, more to the point c.MK comes out two frames faster than c.HK and combos into Shou for more damage. I don’t really see the point in using c.HK over c.MK xx Shou in a (hit confirm) combo x_x? If the c.HK link was easier or Sakura had better options on opponent’s wake-up (like Akuma and Fuerte) then maybe but just seems like more hassle than it’s worth to me.

but with the shou the can quick recover unlike the sweep and also there is a reason why obey and zackaustin like to sweep after an ex tatsu instead of a normal reset, or otoshi. there is also a reason why pros dont always to the hardest hitting combo. further more like destin sayed “Without having the game for 2 months or so, I can still pick up the game and do Sakura’s links at 95% accuracy within an hour or two. There are just no excuses, these links are important. Some people say the damage difference isn’t big enough (it is, especially considering its free damage, the best type of damage), or that its too hard (it isn’t, learn Plinking)” stop crying about hard links and get them down.

I hardly think s.LP > c.HK is an “important” link :stuck_out_tongue: If it was people would be using it instead of comboing into Shou.

I’m not “crying” about anything I’m just stating my opinion. Why are you attacking me? Just 'cause I have a difference of opinion? But whatever, do what you want I don’t want to argue about it.

wow thats funny cause when i stated my opinion u attacked me. but your right, i did attack u, my bad. just sayin that maybe dont shoot down everything just cause you think u have a better way, try it. thats how u become better. and if u still dont like it then thats fine. just dont always shoot things down.

I don’t think s.jab -> c.rh is THE most important thing, but it does have it’s use in that it’s an untechable knockdown.

thats all im sayin i didnt mean to imply that it was important, what i meant was that its link difficulty shouldnt be what your worried about.

Guys, every Sakura combo is an important combo. With her it’s all about mixing things up and keeping it different, so the more combos you know, the better you are.

And I’ve found myself occasionally sweeping after an EX.Tatsu. Just to reset things to a normal wake-up situation.

yeah some one on my side lol. and i agree with everything u said except if your doing excessive hits to make it look cool. then not so important

Well, making it look cool is also important to mind-screw your opponent. For example, do you know how you hate to be comboed for a whole round in Tekken? Well, if it happens to you in street fighter, you’ll start getting a bit frustrated and won’t execute properly.

Long combos are not as important as effective combos though, of course.