I personally would’nt combo into hp or c.hp into srk unless I know I could win the game right then and there, or just wanted the guaranteed damage (which I guess you want often). If you are going to continue to choose to not play the ex tatsu mixup game then at least consider this…
1)Ignoring Sak’s mix-up game doesn’t make sense (It does in some situations of course)
2)Use Medium Srk instead of Ex Srk… Don’t waste an Ex bar for a combo Srk unless you know your opponent will die. Also medium Srk actually does more damage than heavy Srk…
I don’t feel like typing more but I’m sure the other fine Sakura’s out here could give you more advice… but to be honest… it is THAT SERIOUS, but you be your own Sakura and not a clone. But I’d use Ex tatsu mix-up game more often dude. (But you don’t have to use it all the time, its not a rule… just a mix-up, game)
It’s all down to preference, but you should be using the fierce link instead of strong. Personally I hate Sak’s ex tatsu, mix ups or not and don’t use it often so my bnb always ends in HP or EX shouken. EX tatsu is slightly cheap imo.
And how does MP shouken do more damage than HP? MP=135, HP=155?
I dont think so. The one sak I played said I sucked. Then I beat his sak, and he still said I sucked. Yeah you seen this on another thread, hope I didn’t break any rules, Im new to shoryuken.
Firstly Lol@^^^ post. Look at my old SRK account. I every all that bad rep just for saying I wanted lockable characters in some SSF4 thread. Some people didn’t like that and got all there friends to neg rep me. Now my new account has full rep. It’s so easy to get rep in this forum its stupid really. Just become a paying member.
I been in the lab trying to come up with some new stuff…
Anybody, while in the corner, try Ex Tastu > Focus Attack (As they are falling, which juggles them again before they even hit the ground) … I can’t seem to be able to get a hit after I dash foward or backwards out of the focus attack juggle. Not even a perfectly timed Ultra. Is there a rule that after a character is juggled and then juggled again before he hits the ground he can’t be hit?
I defended the idea of lockable chars and I got positive rep…maybe it was the way you said it that got you negged. Either way rep doesn’t really do much…and you might as well try getting a full neg bar with your old account for the hell of it. XD
As for your question, I believe that an AA focus won’t cause the opponent to be in float state if you perform it after a move that causes float. In your case, EX tatsu causes float, so AA focus will not cause float again.
I think a level 2 Focus Attack only gives juggle properties whereas the level 3 will give “float”, obviously there’s no time to to fully charge a Focus Attack after an EX Shunpuu for the hit.
Ultra lacks juggle properties which is why it isn’t landing (why you’d want to do that is beyond me though). As far as I’m away the only juggling moves Sakura has are Shou (last hit of LP and MP version, last 3 of HP), Otoshi and EX Hadouken (only one hit).
Considering how slow her Shououkens come out there isn’t any time to juggle them after a FA2 that knocks down.
It seems you are right. I’ve tried everything. :china:
Well the reason I would want to do it is to get in a extra hit for free before ultra and to look cooler… its not like an ex bar would be used in the process. But I guess you are right too. But Tatsu can hit a juggled character too, just not more than once. :china:
Well that extra hit waters down the Ultra, doubly so since it’s a Focus Attack. Mid-stage you can EX Focus Attack the launching kick (cancel it) of an EX Shunpuu (which is what I thought you were referring to :P). Funny thing is you can Super Cancel the last part of an EX Shunpuu, which is obviously impossible in an actual match
I don’t know any situation where a Shunpuu is able to juggle, if you’re referring to after an EX Shunpuu that doesn’t count because that puts them in “float” state rather than “juggle” state.
I’d kinda like her EX Hadouken sped up a little and have both hits able to juggle, then catching someone with a Light Shou AA would do more than 30-60 damage (guess that’d be too similar to Ryu though).
Yeah that’s not a juggle technically since they’re not in juggle state when you do it (I did say that) After an EX Shunpuu anything can hit them, this is what we’re calling the “float” state instead. Only a few moves seem to have this effect, ontop of Sakura’s EX Shunpuu there’s Seth and Abel’s c.HP, Gouken’s back throw, Akuma’s LK Tatsu and an FA3 spin to name a few, I’m sure there’s more.
After a Light Shou you have a few options depending on how it caught them in the air:
Medium Shou - easy
Heavy Shou - easy, if caught them with the very top of the Light Shou
Otoshi - hard, same as Heavy Shou but dependant on distance
EX Hadouken - hard, same as above but only one hit will land
The other time you can juggle an EX Hadouken is off an Air Shunpuu in the corner, have to land almost immediately after knocking them over though so it’s anything but consistant. Also fact that only get 1/2 damage for it is a waste of an EX bar
Crossover lk, c.lk, c.lp, c.hp x lk shunpu, c.mk x hp shou - 264
Works on Ryu and Ken, did not work on Akuma, going to test further.
Reason c.mk connects is because lk shunpu doesn’t connect on the first frame, thus giving her an extra frame to combo with.
I just posted that combo because of the flashyness-factor, it’s cool being able to link into a 5f move because it’s not possible usualy.
But on your question on what’s wrong with the combo you posted my take on it is this;
It’s not hitconfirmable and after a blocked lk shunpuu you can’t really threaten them with a throw.
I think it’s better to do crossover j.lk, c.lp, cl.hp x light shunpuu instead since if it’s blocked you can just stop at c.lp and mix it up instead of being commited to cl.hp x lk shunpuu.
If you know it’s going to connect then crossover lk, cl.hp x lk shunpuu, crhp x hp shou is the best meterless crossover-combo at 341dmg.
And it’s pretty much the same in difficulty as using s.LK instead of c.HP.
No, I meant confirming directly after j.lk, which isn’t possible afaik, confirming after lk shunpuu is a given I don’t see how anyone could ever mess that up
It’s true;
**xup LK, cl.HP x LK Shunpuu, cr.HP x HP Shou **
This worked on Sakura I think so I figured it would work on Ryu/Ken as well since she’s a similar hitbox to them.
Instead I figured out that this combo is the 2nd best one to use, and it works on everyone I think? xup LK, cl.MK x LK Shunpuu, cl.MK x LK Shunpuu, c.HP x HP Shou - 328dmg 500stun
It’s possbile to make it a bit easier by doing this combo as well: xup LK, cl.MK x LK Shunpuu, cl.HP x LK Shunpuu, st.LK x HP Shou - 321dmg 479 stun
IMO it’s probably better to use the easier combo because the damage/Stun difference isn’t that big.
But if you can land the double cl.MK consistently go for it!
Oh, well the Light Shunpuu serves as a hit-confirm, don’t really need to hit confirm into it, otherwise you’d generally be doing a 3-hit link combo into Shou or HK/EX Shunpuu. At least that’s what I do, keep it simple
Sadly not the case Dunno why it’s harder to hit these big muscular men than small girls. There’s a few cases where EX Shunpuu misses a hit on Ryu & co but lands all on Sakura and Cammy (probably smallest characters in game).
I have a hard enough time landing simple LK Shunpuu > s.LK/c.LK links Let alone trying with c.HP/s.MK loops, I should really work a bit more on the basic ones ^^;;