Sakura Combos - School girls hit hard! [Updated: 03-01-11)

Eh? It’s pretty simply really since her Shououken gives you plenty of time to do the motion, just need to move straight onto it after the Shou motion but you should have been doing that on pad anyways.

Focus Attacks I find easier on stick since one of your fingers is already hovering over the right button.

Woahhh, that alt is pretty awesome.


We need more costume mods like this.

Has anyone else had trouble comboing c.MK to HP Shouoken before? All I keep getting is Hadokens. I’ve tried holding the punch button, thus getting a jab beforehand. But unless its part of the combo I’m doing I don’t want it and I understand its important. I can do it, but not to perfection yet.

Any quick suggestions on how I should be doing the stick movement? I’m sure the crouching makes it tough cause it counts as a down movement. You know the story. I feel like an idiot.

:d::mk::r::df::r:+:hp: If you see the :d::mk: connect. If you don’t want to bother confirming you can use the old :d::mk:~:r::df::r::hp:~ before the mk animation finishes. If you don’t make contact, only the :d::mk: will whiff, if the :d::mk: makes contact, the Shoryu will come out (horray SF4 buffered attacks!~).

Oh okay. Thanks for clearing that big fart cloud in my brain.

What I was doing was rushing the whole thing just entirely to fast. I must have been carrying the stick input through down-forward on the way up to forward or something. I guess I was trying to keep her crouching for some reason :rofl:

I haven’t been on my A-game lately.

Or you could be a lazy bastard like me and just do :df:+:mk::db::df:+:hp: :tup:

^ Gawd. I was playing at my friend’s place just now and I whiffed that combo so many times. I made contact with c.MK three times in a round and not once did the effing SRK come out. (and the last one could’ve finished him)

Conversely, when I played as Ryu or Ken, my c.MK xx Hado turned into c.MK xx SRK. Like 40 times.

This rarely happens when I’m using my Hori EX2 at home so I blame it on my friend’s SE edition stick. <.<

Here’s how I do Cr. MK–>Shou’ou;
…if that helps :sweat:

What are some good combos into her Ultra?
One I know is
Jumping HP/HK–>St. HP/Cr. HP–>QCB+2K–>Ultra

Though I think there are more stronger combos into her Super…

the least amount of hits the better, to an extent, into ultra does a nice bit of damage, I usually do,, cr.hp lk tatsu ex tatsu ultra

You gotta make sure the j.HK connects and that you do the Ultra right when you land, though, or you’re a sitting duck for punishment. (given that your opponent is not a retard) So unless some guy keeps spamming hadokens from up close, I rarely connect the Ultra after a j.HK as I’d rather just do her BnB to be safe, and connect it after EX tatsu if I feel like it.

The j.HK also does not have to be very deep, but if you’re playing online then it doesn’t hurt to delay it to make sure the Ultra connects.

Also, alot of chars can connect their Ultra from j.HK, even Dan, so don’t be surprised when people do it to you. >.>

The only time I use Ultra now is when I have near full / full meter, or when I want to stop the momentum the other guy has. And even at that you don’t want to use the Ultra inside a long combo, the most practical use for the Ultra being c.Fierce -> ex.Hurricane -> dash Ultra for most damage on punish.

does anyone else think that the damage scaling in this game is a tad on the excessive side?? especially after a reset. i mean you can shave 50 percentish life off of someone but once the dizzy breaks you cant even get off another 5%. i guess that makes it fair kinda but wheres the reward for having spot on excecution in these link combos if theyre just gonna scale all the damage. -_-

You can see where they were coming from though right? The devs were trying to make this edition of the game welcoming to newcomers, and part of that is making things more difficult for the old pros who already have great execution and know all the tricks.

Also remember that if they lessened the combo damage scaling then it would affect all the characters so Sak would still sit in the same position relative to the others. Just imagine what Sagat’s juggles into ultra would do with even less scaling… :razzy:

The combo scaling continues from the combo that stunned your opponent, hence why the damage seems pitiful after you’ve dizzied them.

If you can stun them with one move, then you can get the maximum damage output. Destin posted a method on how to do it in his stickied thread. (too lazy to link it)

lol, thanks for that, guess i got alot of homework to do before i can take my Sak to SB4

Yeah this is easily the most combo-able SF game to date, they didn’t want people dying in one combo like another game that comes to mind :stuck_out_tongue:

Sakura’s just a high combo character so things get scaled quite heavily with her, same happens with Seth and stuns but his damage isn’t all that great to begin with.

ex srk or ex tatsu?

Im a decent sak player, and when I play, I tend to mainly use the crouching hp into the ex srk. I occasionally combo into the ex tatsu, but my brb is the ex srk. while playing another sak online, he felt the need to criticise my choice of combo. Saying I was wasting damage. Is it THAT SERIOUS? Feed back please.

Pretty sure the Sak you played was Sugami since he described playing vs. someone like that in another thread.

But yeah, you’re missing out on damage potential doing EX SRK since you can’t follow it up with anything, whereas with EX tatsu you have the option of resets, otoshi, SRK, Ultra, etc. Resets in particular open up more damage opportunities/pressure games though it has its risks. If EX tatsu ain’t your flair, though, no one is stopping you from sticking with your BnB.

appreciate the feedback.