Sakura Combos - School girls hit hard! [Updated: 03-01-11)

Yeah the extra Light Shunpuu link didn’t help the damage either and you’re certainly not building stun from a dizzy so that’s just plain pointless.

If the dizzy is after a long combo I use FA3 > HP xx Heavy Shou. It does the same or possibly more damage than doing an EX Shunpuu to Otoshi because Otoshi counts as 3 separate attacks so there’s huge scaling going on there. I’m not sure about doing EX Shunpuu to Heavy Shou though, something I’ll have to test a bit perhaps.

If the dizzy is off a stray s.HK or small combo I’ll probably go with FA3 > c.HP xx EX Shunpuu > Otoshi.

Guess you can go for resets after dizzies but at that point they’re almost dead, the free damage might just finish them off anyways, if not you can probably chip them to death with a Shou afterwards.

With Ultra after a long combo you are best off just using as is, short combo or single hit to dizzy think you get more damage if you stick a FA3 before it.

After a long combo I’ll go:
FA3, xx tatsu, cl.hp xx tatsu, lk xx shouken. Just to practice tatsu links since either way the combo isn’t gonna do much dmg lol.

After no combo tho:
FA3, cl.hp xx tatsu, lk xx ex shouken (or normal shouken and cancel to super if meter is full)

There’s some other stuff i wanna try though. Like ex tatsu > sweep for a safe jump in and cl.hp xx hado fadc cl.hp xx tatsu, lk xx shouken.

EDIT: BTW, whatever happened to Godshot?

I never FA after a dizzy, even after a long combo or a short combo. The combo scaling matters too much for Saks, so i don’t even go for it.

What I normally do is c.hp ex Tatsu or hp.Shou depending on my meter. If its Ex Tatsu I go straight back into mix-ups cuz by that time i have them in the corner and that’s where i do a lot of my damage.

btw, if you do a 123 link xx ex tatsu ( c.lp c.hp) on Akuma, sometimes you will whiff the ex tatsu completely, or he somehow recovers fast enough to block the ex tatsu. a good alternative is to end with hp. shou for the knockdown. Most good Akumas will teleport out of mixups anyways.

i hate this

I almost always FA3 after dizzy just to make sure I get them, I’ve seen it happen occasionally where they come out of dizzy quickly and block your jump-in or whatever :frowning:

If they’re almost dead and just about anything besides a Light Attack would finish them off I like to do a back throw because I think it looks cool =3

I was playing 1nce again last night and in one round I stunned him and I did Sakura’s taunt 6 - Laugh and he snapped out of the stun and I got the Dan ultra! lol.

I stopped taunting during dizzy on champ mode long ago. Not even the short taunts are safe these days it seems.

Hmm~ I think you’re safe to do a taunt 6 next to a dizzied opponent and throw them as soon as the stars or whatever disappear since they’re still vulnerable during that period. That’s generally the only time I’ll taunt a dizzied opponent is if a throw can finish them off :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you are right. I taunted and then I tried to focus attack that time. I guess I under-estimated his mashing out of dizzy skills there!

I too like the back throw to finish them off. Or a nice close up RH kick to the face!

Owning it up in Blazblue.

Heartnana and TetsuyaHikari left for BlazBlue aswell. I guess Sak really is for asian schoolgirl fanboys :xeye:

Impossible :wow:

I’m about to get it, but SF is my blood. My blood damnit. I’ll always be a schoolgirl fanboy. As much as I’d hate to admit it.

Hell I’m thinking of going to college soon… you all know whats next.

Just a thought.

I do have a question in regards to the c.HP>l.Shunpu>c.HP>EX Shunpu, I remember reading a Light Kick in there before. Is it necessary, I’ve been practicing without it. I think it was for stun purposes…

I’m very much not an asian schoolgirl fanboy – I just like the way she plays.

I just like asian girls in general :stuck_out_tongue:

You can’t do two c.HP on some characters, the Ryu-build type ones, you’d have to do s.HP xx Light Shunpuu > c.HP xx EX Shunpuu instead or use a s.LK or c.LK at the end.

I’d practice getting good with the LK links first, if you’re ever truly comfortable with those then it’s time to move on to c.HP.

Sakura’s nationality is not important to me. And I’m not a fan of her underwear either. I’ve seen some mods and deviantart pics where she dons a pair of jeans. She looks alot better in them and more mature.

Don’t know if you gusy ahve seen this already…


The “casual Sakura” is very nice, however I’m somewhat a legs man and Sakura has sexy legs, it’s a real shame to cover them up :stuck_out_tongue:

Her “underwear” isn’t really underwear, they’re gym shorts or bloomers, she wears her underwear underneith them :stuck_out_tongue:

Well… that’s you. I think Chun-Li has sexy legs. Not because they are muscular but because of the shape and length. Sakura’s legs are okay, but they are young legs still and they are covered with tom boyish bruises which somewhat puts me off.

I really love her legs though in Sakura Original Outfit 7!

You mean in her alt? Yeah maybe so but I was talking in general, they’re the perfect shape :stuck_out_tongue: Not too skinny, not too muscular, just right :stuck_out_tongue:

Chunners’ legs are too big and Cammy’s are too muscular. Think Rose would have some nice legs if she showed them off, kinda get to see them in her alt :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I play SFIV on occassion, but until Sakura is released in the arcade version, I don’t really have anyone to play against since I stopped playing online…

Damn man. We miss you round these parts. Haven’t seen you here in a while.

And while we’re talking combos and what not I’d figured I’d ask since I got my stick yesterday, is it normally harder to do FAs and canceling from Shouoken to Super like in the trials?

Its hella hard for me. I resolved to shortcuts :sad: