It’s possible to do a j.hp or into Ultra. For the j.hp, you need to hit them while you’re coming down, anywhere at the front of their body before the top of their head. For the, your foot has to hit around your opponent’s knee area.
I figured it out in training mode, and tested it online against a few different people. I don’t know how practical it is in a match though. Sorry if this has been discovered before, but everywhere I look, it says you can only link an ultra from an ex tatsu.
I kind of feel like a noob for asking this but here goes. I’m on Sakura Hard Trial 1 and can do the j.HP to c.LK to c.LP to c.MP just fine. It’s when I need to link the to a light shouken that I start to have to trouble. I’m using the d-pad on a logitech dual action game pad and keep on getting a hadouken instead of a light shouken practically every time. Is there anything I could do to ensure that I get the motion for the shouken and not the hadouken? Thanks in advance to the person who answers my question!
I go into Shou combos holding DF, then it’s just a quick flick to D (or DB since likely to overshoot) and back to DF again.
:df::df: won’t work for a DP motion, at least if it’s clean it won’t, you need that :d: input in there. It’s just pretty hard to hit DF without hitting D in the process so the chances are you’ll get it anyways.
From crouch position it’s best to go for :df::d::df:, from standing either :r::d::df: or :r::df::r:
Yeah I get them plenty, more when I flick the stick rather than holding it in place. Flicking it means it bounces around and you get unwanted inputs
I think if you’re too fast the inputs won’t even be shown in practice. I’m sure I’ve done Hadoukens and Shunpuus where it has only displayed D F or D B…
DO EEET, I have one, its so worth it, at first it felt clunky and unresponsive, but later I found out it was because I was terrible lol, it makes supers/ultras easier, on a pad I always end up using shoryuken instead of Metsu (arcade mode to unlock sakura), I don’t seem to have that problem with the stick, plus playing charge characters requires a stick, I just cant do it with a pad.
Light attack > LP or c.LP > c.HP xx EX or Heavy Shunpuu
Light attack > LP or c.LP > c.MK xx Shou
That’s all there is really. You can use LK or c.LK as the last hit to give you more frames (1 more than c.HP, 2 more than c.MK) so they make for good links to start with.
Starting Light Attack is usually c.LK if it’s from a jump in, c.LP if counter poking or LP if you’re being aggressive and advancing. Don’t use LK as the starting poke.
Something to be aware of is LP tends to miss crouching opponents when used as the second attack but it gives you 5 more damage and an extra frame of advantage over c.LP.
What do you guys do after you’ve got someone dizzy?
Today I was playing a friend - I got him in EX shunpu mixups until I got him dizzy with cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.HP xx EX shunpu, j.LK
When he stood up dizzy I did a lvl3 FA then cl.HP xx LK shunpu, cr.HP xx EX shunpu, ultra. When I picked my jaw up off the ground having actually pulled all that off I looked at the life bar and I was not really impressed - so I decided to solve this with maths!!!
cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.HP xx EX shunpu, j.LK = 225 damage. The combo counter doesn’t reset after dizzy so the next hit will be counted as the 6th hit of a combo.
What I did:
lvl3 FA = 130 damage unscaled, 52 scaled (cos it counts as 2 hits)
cl.HP xx LK shunpu, cr.HP xx EX shunpu, ultra = 524 damage unscaled, 108 scaled
Total = 160
What I should have done:
If I’d done the ultra immediately after the dizzy then it would have done 174, and I wouldn’t have used that EX bar. If I’d just done cr.HP xx EX shouken, ultra it would have done 230 damage.
I also remember in one of Edma’s evo fights he got some dude dizzy and then a tick throw to reset the combo counter. That’s not a bad option if you don’t have the ultra since forward throw does 120 damage and sets you up for wakeup games. He’s a clever cookie. :tup:
So what do you guys do after dizzy? Do you have a default thing that you always do? Do you estimate the damage in your head and make a decision on the fly?