Sakura Combos - School girls hit hard! [Updated: 03-01-11)

I believe s.LK has a bit more range than c.LK but I find it easier to cancel c.LK into Shunpuus.

I believe the only 3-hit link combo into Light Shunpuu that leaves you close enough to follow up is: (jump in) c.LK (or c.LP) > c.LP > c.MP xx Light Shunpuu > s.LK (not sure about c.LK) xx EX Shunpuu > whatever.

Personally I think it’s too much effort with added chance of failure for the extra stun but if you want to be a stun whore then go for it :slight_smile: I’d much rather end the link with c.HP xx EX Shunpuu :stuck_out_tongue:

the, c.lp, c.hp wont work because it pushes you too far back for the lk.tatsu to hit., lk.tatsu, s.hp, lk.tatsu, xx EX.tatsu works, but it’s pretty tricky to pull off

As I’ve been saying, Shoto’s are midgets.

Thank you sugami and obey for the fast responses, I’ll try more fooling around tonight and see what works out best, thanks again., c.lp, c.hp works if followed by an ex tatsu…that’s what I use for jump-ins if things get tight and I can’t afford to risk the cr.HP~lk.shunpu,cr.LK~ex.shunpu, ultra.

I’ve started using j.RH, cr.MK~shouken more because I’ve started to get the distancing better. I used to always go for the cr.HP~shunpu combos if I was in range, and if I wasn’t, I would just sweep. I could have been doing way more damage, and since the cr.MK and fp.shouken have such great range, it’s free damage.

I don’t think it’s because they’re midgets, but because everyone else is either tall, huge or both :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a lot of trouble doing the 3-hit link Light Shunpuu link combos, spacing is really strict and it might be character specific. I was curious as to what the highest stun combos were so I did some testing.

j.HK > c.HP xx EX Shunpuu (3 hits) > Otoshi - 620 stun, 384 damage
j.HK > c.HP xx Light Shunpuu > s.LK xx EX Shunpuu (4 hits) > Otoshi - 675 stun, 416 damage
j.HK > c.MK xx Light Shunpuu > c.HP xx EX Shunpuu (3 hits) > Otoshi - 674 stun, 407 damage
j.HK > c.LP > c.HP xx Light Shunpuu > s.LK xx EX Shunpuu (4 hits) > Otoshi - 636 stun, 377 damage
j.HK > c.LK > c.LP > c.MP xx Light Shunpuu > s.LK xx EX Shunpuu (4 hits) > Otoshi - 571 stun, 319 damage
j.HK > c.LK > c.LP > c.HP xx EX Shunpuu (3 hits) > Otoshi - 584 stun, 335 damage

These were all done on Ryu in the middle of the screen, in the corner some of the 4-hit Shunpuus might turn into 3-hits losing stun and damage. Another thing I noticed was s.LK enables the full 4 hits of her Shunpuu where c.LK only results in 3.

As you can see it’s actually pointless doing any link combo before the Light Shunpuu, it waters down both stun and damage. Hope this is useful :slight_smile:

c.MK xx Shou with no hit confirm? :o These when you know you’re going to hit or are you just really perceptive or really risky? :o

Well I’d like to think it’s peception. I’ve never really been a big fan of hit-confirms due to their detrimental effect on combos. I mean, damage scaling is governed by hit total and seemingly not by the strength of each attack. I know when a jump-in will it deep/late, thus being combo-able, and honestly, it’s easy mode compared to HDR or any other version of SFII. If it hits high/early, I do something else, but for the most part, it’s not risky at all as long as you know you’ve hit and how deep it is.

The only time I ‘hit-confirm’ is to tick throw. Otherwise it’s a waste of a combo, plus links AND chains make a weak combo more difficult than it’s worth.

hit confirming can make or break your game. the difference can be a BnB combo into a reset, or a blocked ex tatsu that could easily sail over someone.

I’m too lazy to look through the thread, so here are the ones I found.

Sorry if these have been posted already.

EDIT: All combos tested on Ryu.


(cross-up or same-side) > > c.lp > s.lp > xx hp shou’ou ken
200 D / 335 S

(close) s.hp xx lk tatsu > s.lp > xx hp shou’ou ken
294 D / 415 S

(close) s.hp xx lk tatsu > s.lp > xx hp sho’ouken
315 D / 450 S

jump-in hp/hk xx s.hp xx lk tatsu > s.lp > xx hp shou’ou ken
364 D / 565 S

jump-in hp/hk xx s.hp xx lk tatsu > s.lp > xx hp shou’ou ken
382 D / 595 S

[1 EX BAR]
(close) s.hp xx lk tatsu > s.lp xx EX Tatsu xx Sakura Otoshi x3
358 D / 550 S

jump-in hp/hk xx s.hp xx lk tatsu > s.lp xx EX Tatsu xx Sakura Otoshi x3
413 D / 675 S

jump-in hp/hk xx s.hp xx lk tatsu > s.lp xx EX Tatsu xx ULTRA
515 D / 555 S

As you can see, I like to go for flash over damage. :lol: :sad:

EDIT: Is it just me or does s.lp seem easier to link into combos rather than… ?

Yeah, standing lp is almost like it was stolen from Balrog. Great frame advantage.

So… I just realized that shooken is safe on block as long as she has meter. o.O And for as long as I have that meter, it’s totally abusable as a poke.

Edit: Waow, so yeah… spammed it. Built up two bars and went crazeh. I definitely think hp shooken gives sakura some power. I need to work on spacing it so that I can react with fadc on block.

s.LP puts you at +7 on hit
s.LK only puts you at +4


With ex shun, why are crossunders used? When I try them I’m always lp’d, thrown, SPD’d or SRK’d. So I mostly end in jumping HP then vert jump.

Am I timing my crossunders wrong or something?

I find that they only work if you’ve trained your opp to not do the stuff that beats it.

The very nature of a reset is that you’re sacrificing guaranteed damage for a possible much greater load of damage at the price of very high risk.

This isn’t a Sakura specific thing, it’s the same with every character who has resets - you can jump out/reversal out from everyone’s.

Unfortunately this means that it’s more risky for things like tournaments where you’re only playing people once. :frowning:

Anyway vs Gief/Abel if you start with the neutral j.HK it’ll hopefully teach him not to SPD. With shotos if you start with a block it’ll hopefully teach them not to dragon punch. Vs Akuma you’re just boned because not only does cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.HP xx EX tatsu not combo properly but for every reset option he can just teleport away…


I think it depends on the reset you do, j.LK seems to give you less time than s.LP for you to cross under and do your attack but you’re still left with not all that much time. You’re really hoping they won’t attack at all and just try blocking.

Once they start throwing out attacks you can either forget it all together or try to counter their counter x_x;; If they use invulnerable run-away moves then you might just have to forget it altogether :frowning:

Also, I used to like putting in a reset followed by a throw since it’s very likely to be successful and puts you at perfect distance for a wakeup cross-up, but I find that if I do that then it encourages the dude I’m playing to mash throw after a reset. Then on the next reset attempts I get thrown. :sad: Best to never throw and therefore never give them the idea. :razzy:

Could you elaborate?

FADC into backdash or forward dash > throw. If it hits it costs you nothing so you can throw it randomly if you think you might connect.

…What the hell? You’d throw away meter for an off-chance that it’ll hit? :confused: :sad:

I wouldn’t (at least not often) but he would. It’ll keep your opponent on his toes.

no way, condition them to expect throws every time, then switch it up with and laugh every time you kick them in the head while they’re standing there whiffing a throw :rofl: