Sakura Combos - School girls hit hard! [Updated: 03-01-11)

I think every char in the game has that particular setup

I seem to like c.LP,c.LK,c.MK to a Shunpukyaku (EX preferably) and then an Otoshi or crossup if that’s possible.

do c.lp. c.hp XX ex tatsu for more damage. Plus sometimes when you end with you can whiff on certain characters. only time i use c.lp is when they are far enough that c.hp will whiff, that way i end with a shou.

I like using c.hp, lk.tatsu,, ex.tatsu (using the lk.tatsu as my hit confirm).

3-hit link combo after reset doesn’t work with some characters :frowning: I know for a fact that the c.HP won’t be close enough on Vega. 2-hit link combo works (c.LP > c.HP) but for me that’s not usually enough time to hit confirm :frowning:

Well I didn’t test every character, just ones I thought would have problems, but only Vega seems to be “immune” to the c.HP of the link combo after a reset.

I just do c.HP xx EX Shunpuu because

  1. I’m lazy :stuck_out_tongue:
  2. People I play generally aren’t aware of the reset.
  3. I’m betting I guessed right (or they guessed wrong) so taking a bit of a risk.

The reset I favour is dash > LP (> dash), resets late so people not paying attention will get caught with their pants down. In the corner I’ll do j.HP then cross-up j.LK, if they see the cross-up I’ll probably just Otoshi in corner afterwards instead.

I do this once in a while too, when I’m feeling lucky. It’s just that I can pull off the, c.lp, c.hp much more efficiently than the after the lk.tatsu.

I found that the 3-hit link combo doesnt work on Akuma, and sometimes it doesnt work on Blanka for some reason :xeye: I think it might only work if you are in as close as possible

In general or after a reset?

Akuma is funny, I found that after a LP reset the EX Shunpuu sometimes won’t combo but the c.HP does. I believe it’s to do with distance so a dash > LP > dash will work but if you dash, walk forward a bit LP > dash it won’t. j.LK reset seems to work fine though.

Don’t get me started on Blanka >.< Not only is he anti-Sakura (and Dan) but his hit-boxes seem completely messed up. Seemed to work fine after reset when I had him set to crouch though. Sometimes from a jump-in or just on the ground a 3-hit link combo will land the c.HP but the EX Shunpuu won’t combo >.< Generally have to be right on top of him for the c.HP to hit so most of my combos end in c.MK xx Shou on him :confused:

Oh yeah this is what i meant, sorry:

the 3-hit link combo will work on akuma, but the following EX tatsu will never connect

And the EX tatsu will only connect on blanka if you’re in very close.

I find that with Blanka you’re more likely to miss the c.HP of the link rather than the EX Shunpuu not comboing, the latter is just unlucky :frowning:

I thought I’d try out the Akuma thingy in training. The 3-hit seems to be okay after a reset, in training at least.

But, I just noticed that you can’t do a straight EX Tatsu on Akuma. It goes straight over him after the first hit, if you’re right next to him.

Without cancelling into it? Happens with quite a few characters and it’s rather quite annoying, one of the things that annoys me the most about Sakura is Shunpuu’s ability to hop over people even when you land a hit or two >.<

wth? o.O

it was annoying at first, but it rarely ever comes up for me anymore, there are very few instances where you could or should straight ex tatsu someone from that range. I just use light tatsu, hp, ex tatsu.

whats really annoying is getting crossed up by a friends medium or heavy tatsu and then spending hours trying to figure out the range it works on. :\

My EX Shunpu’s get blocked more often than going overhead, they do that too, but damn, I can’t ever get any hits in. At least my chip game is decent.

Ever land a FA and crumple, dash forward and try to (c.)HP xx EX Shunpuu but for whatever reason the (c.)HP doesn’t come out and you just EX Shunpuu? End up hitting once or twice but ultimately hopping over them (then getting smacked) :frowning:

Just annoying and plain stupid how a special can bounce over people right in their face like that >.< I hit them once, the rest should be guaranteed dammit! Grr!!!

yea, weird stuff happens off crumples, I don’t like it but ultimately they tend to come off mistakes so I only have myself to blame.

Sometimes, I’ll land a lvl2 that I thought would be blocked and I afterwards… But you can’t combo off in that situation, it knocks them away at a stupid angle :frowning:

Anyone who has a body type like Ryu’s and smaller, HK tatsu and ex tatsu will sail right over them. I’ve also had instances where my c.hp won’t come out and i just do Ex tatsu…to just fly right over them. They need to fix that cuz its really annoying and it shouldnt put sakura at such a big disadvantage because of it.

I have the exact opposite problem you guys have…my c.HP comes out but my EX tatsu sometimes won’t come out. >_>

it might be an online thing, i never have a problem hitting it when friends come over.

Hey guys I’m pretty new to sakura, but I just finished all her trials and now I’m just fooling around with her trying to figure out different block strings and such, I just have a quick question…

So I know her bnb already, but i’m trying different strings to get into her bnb…

does her cr. lk differ from her st. lk when linking to ex tatsu? Which move is better to link off of? Which has better range?

And one more question,

Can I do three moves into her light tatsu -->cr. lk or st. lk --> ex tatsu?
Because it seems like I can only do two moves before I’m too far away for the moves to hit

for example, cr. lp, st. hp, light tatsu, or st. lk, ex tatsu will work?
but cr. lk, cr. lp, cr. hp won’t work?

Or an recommendations on your strings you use in game?