Sakura Combos - School girls hit hard! [Updated: 03-01-11)

ahhhhh its for hit confirm… got ya… makes a whole ton of sense now… i was so friggin confused as to what its purpose was when its more buttons (meaning an easier chance to screw up with net lag) and it has both less dmg and stun…

am I the only guy who walks to link ultra after ex tatsu (midscreen)?

Does dash do more damage? (read: should I change to dash from walk)

How you walk to get Haru Ranman after EX Shunpukyaku?
I did not know can do.

Well for compare:
EX Shunpukyaku, Haru Ranman; 8 Hit Combo, 413 Damage.
EX Shunpukyaku, Dash, Haru Ranman; 9 Hit Combo, 473 Damage.

I don’t know how much Walk would do.
Do a Haru Ranman with a Walk after EX Shunpukyaku.
So you go test.

See how many Hits you get.
Because with a Dash, you connect all five of Sakura’s Ultra.
Without Dash, will only get four of Sakura’s Ultra.

Ok, I think I did the Walk?
I don’t know how supposed to look like.
Sakura moves forward very little for less than a second, right?

Whatever I did, all five of Haru Ranman were able to hit.
So if I did do what you do, then your Walk same Damage as a Dash.

But I don’t know.
I don’t know how your Walk looks.
I don’t know if I even did do it.

After an EX Shunpukyaku, I found the best thing to do is press F, HCB, QCB + 3K.
Or you could look at it like this F, F, DF, D, DB, B, D, DB, B + 3K.
The F that starts the HCB is also the 2nd F of the dash. I know the Ultra doesn’t require a HCB but its an easy way to get there. If you haven’t been doing this already to dash into an ultra after EX Shunpu, give it a try.

very true, adding in the half circle really helps get the dash in, especially if you have a pad like me :frowning:

I find it easiest to do this (with a stick of course):

:r::r::d::l::d::l: +:3k:

Usually when i try to qcb or hcb after the dash, i’ll end up doing an ex otoshi or ex tatsu :frowning:

I like starting poke-strings with cr. lk cuz it forces people to block low, but I feel like I have to get sooo close to be able to connect a jab after cr. lk.

I noticed a lot of people list cr. jab instead of st. jab after cr. lk… is there a reason for this? It seems like st. jab has more range and I think frame advantage.

I’ve been winning matches as Sakura with straight zoning, fireball charge tricks and anti-air then taking advantage of resets and knockdowns. My up-close game isn’t so great yet.

Wat helps me get the timing down is letting my stick go neutral first before i start the qcbx2 motion. so it would be like dash (pause to go neutral)> qcbx2+KKK

against characters like sagat, gief(though i doubt you want him that close anyways), abel i believe, bison, and others yo udont need the to hit confirm cause even on crough they will block the entire ex tatsu.

also i wonder if the damage scales less if you choose to hit confirm with c.hp xx lk tatsu as oppose to xx c.lp xx c.hp

yeah, the thing is though, the lk comes out faster than the hp, so less chance of getting spd’ed :slight_smile:

yea… henceforth the little aside i added, i don’t even bother going for resets against giefs. its just not worth it.

For Gief, I usually do a j.LK and as he lands I jump. Usually he uses a Lariat so I can stuff that with a (neutral) j.HK -> combo.

Do you think so? I like to reset them a lot because I like to bait the SPD. Mostly every Geif i’ve played has never expected me to jump when I cross-up, so they end up mashing that or the Ultra when they’re desperate.

These are some stuff I had for walls with sakura,just for show:
(WALL)Ex Tatsu -> mp.hado -> FADC -> EX Hado
(WALL)Ex Tatsu -> mp.hado -> FADC -> Mp.dp
Ex Tatsu -> Dash -> hp.DP -> FADC -> Otoshi

Cross up “Glitch”:
EX Tatsu -> j.HP(Hold 6 directional and you will land behind them then it will switch you in front of them, decent mindgames)

Ex Tatsu -> mp.hado -> FADC doesn’t require wall

What do you mean by 6 directional?


imagine the directionals like your number pad. 5 is neutral, 8 is up, 6 is right, 4 is left and 2 is down

Oh. The FADCs, are they necessary? They’re hard for me to do. They just don’t seem to work for me cause sometimes I end up dashing twice… or not at all. They seem to take too long for me as well.

Is it just me?

i FADC like a whore, its the only way to get in on some people. not dash cancelling will leave you open for punishment if you dont score a crumple with a FA.

I love doing ex shouken, FADC, throw (when they block, of course).

One of my buddies, a ryu player, caught on to that and so would always tech. So then I threw in a ex shouken, FADC back-dash, ultra :smiley:

yeah i remember you pulling that shit on me when we played