Sakura Combos - School girls hit hard! [Updated: 03-01-11)

mixup game… not doing an otoshi after the EX tatsu, can set you up with another link

im guessing your having probs with the st. lk. look for her to start coming back to regular stance after the lk. tatsu and thats when u hit it

you really ought to be doing

j.hp -> -> c.lp -> c.hp -> ex tatsu.

Also I find that easier to hit than the light hurrican -> links.

I usually do j.HK/HP / FA -> s.HP -> Light Tatsu -> c.HP -> EX Tatsu, great stun. :angel:

vietx: That’s indeed for mix-up game, look for the ‘trick’ called reset/shuffle. j.HK only works on certain chars tho (Shoto’s, Sagat and all console chars), j.LK grants you more time to decide and works for every char.

i dont know i like the st. lk. i think ive just done it so much i cant quit lol. i like to try using all of the combos that way they dont get used to seeing one they have to figure out more of them

Ok I said I’d get on this about a week ago and I’ve been dragging my feet. This is not by any means Sakura’s COMPLETE list of combo’s. There are some I don’t know of, and I left out ones that required like an extra 2 or 3 LP’s and actually lowered the damage dealt. So enjoy, and message me any you would like to add and hopefully we can keep a running list and not have a cluttered ass board. Like I said this is just to show you guys what we should do, its not done, thats where I need your help.

Oh and please help my rep out for this one, this shit took a while.

Sakura Combo List

xx = Cancel
>> = Link
s. = Standing
cr. = Crouching
FAx1 = Focus Attack level 1 (tap MP + MK)
If a normal move is not designated s. or cr. it can be either
If a special moves strength is not designated any can be used
Green = Requires 1 EX Bar
Blue = Super Combo; Requires Full EX Gauge
Red = Ultra Combo; Calculated Damage was with full revenge Gauge
(The number preceding the combo notation is the damage it inflicts)

Poke Strings

70 cr.LP xx cr.LP xx cr.LP >> cr.LK
77 cr.LP xx cr. LP xx cr.LP >> s.LK
88 cr.LK >> cr.LP >> cr.MK
91 s.LP xx s.LP xx s.LP >> s.LK
92 cr.LK >> cr.LP >> cr.MP
98 cr.LP xx cr.LP xx cr.LP >> cr.MK
100 s.LK >> s.LK >> s.LK >> s.LK
102 cr.LP xx cr.LP xx cr.LP >> cr.MP
110 s.LP xx s.LP >> s.MP
117 s.LK >> s.LK >> s.LP >> cr.MK
121 s.LK >> s.LK >> s.LP >> cr.MP
123 s.LP xx s.LP xx s.LP >> s.MP
128 s.LK >> s.LK >> s.LP >> s.MP

Combos (can be preceded with jump-in, cross-up, or FA/SA of choice)

120 L Shouoken >> M Shouken
125 MP xx Hadoken
138 s.LP >> cr.MP xx Hadoken
144 s.LP xx s.LP >> cr.MP xx Hadoken
148 s.HP xx FAx1
160 s.HP xx Hadoken
165 MP xx EX Hadoken
166 MP xx Hadoken xx FAx1
168 s.HK xx FAx1
170 s.LP >> cr. MP xx EX Hadoken
172 s.LP xx s.LP >> cr.MP xx EX Hadoken
173 s.LP >> s.HP xx Hadoken
174 s.LP >> cr.MP xx Hadoken xx FAx1
174 s.LP xx s.LP >> cr.MP xx Hadoken xx FAx1 (not a typo)
200 s.HP xx EX Hadoken
202 s.HP xx Hadoken xx FAx1
205 s.LP >> cr.HP xx EX Hadoken
209 s.LP >> s.HP xx Hadoken xx FAx1
220 MP xx H Shouoken
255 HP xx H Shouoken
265 MP xx EX Shouken
281 cr.MK xx EX Shunpu >> Sakura Otoshi x 3
300 HP xx EX Shouoken
321 HP xx EX Shunpu >> Sakura Otoshi x 3
351 s.HP xx L Shunpu >> cr.HP xx H Shouoken
357 cr.MK xx L Shunpu >> cr.HP xx EX Shunpu >> Otoshi x 3
380 Haru Ichiban
384 s.HP xx L Shunpu >> cr.HP xx EX Shouoken
397 s.HP xx L Shunpu >> cr.HP xx EX Shunpu >> Otoshi x 3
402 s.HP xx L Shunpu >> cr.HP xx L Shunpu xx s.LK xx EX Shunpu >> Otoshix3
435 Haru Ranman
480 s.HP xx Haru Ichiban
481 s.HP xx L Shunpu >> cr.HP xx L Shunpu >> s.LK xx EX Shunpu >> Dash >> Haru Ranman
500 s.HK xx Haru Ichiban
502 HP xx EX Shunpu >> Dash >> Haru Ranman
511 s.HP xx H Shouken xx Haru Ichiban
524 s.HP xx L Shunpu >> cr.HP xx EX Shunpu >> Dash >> Haru Ranman

Man, some of those combos are hard! I’m currently trying to run through them I can’t even get past through the pokes. -.-

I printed that combo list off and highlighted the ones I think will be easiest for me to do. I haven’t had a chance to test them out.

If someone could go through the list and kind of pick out the practical combos Sak users should be using, that would be really helpful.

My Sak is getting better, but I need to combo more if I am to improve. Well combo at the right time.

I am G2 E in Championship mode and have started progressing there.

I’m probably the laziest sakura here, I go for the easiest combos.

70 cr.LP xx cr.LP xx cr.LP >> cr.LK
120 L Shouoken >> M Shouken (usually when reversing something. I don’t mash it, but i try to time it for known openings in poke strings. I don’t know many)
281 cr.MK xx EX Shunpu >> Sakura Otoshi x 3*
321 HP xx EX Shunpu >> Sakura Otoshi x 3*
502 HP xx EX Shunpu >> Dash >> Haru Ranman

an important combo I don’t see is >> c.lp >> c.hp xx EX Shunpu >> otoshi. Been on the receiving end of that one too many times, but I never use it because… like i said, I’m lazy and skip straight to the c.hp :lol: But that one is solid and seems to get the job done.

*I usually go for a reset instead of otoshi, occasionally cross under off, but mostly because I fail too much at getting off the combo after I’ve switched sides. I cross myself up and input the wrong direction. I’m saying this as a warning of what not to do btw, don’t be like me… learn from my mistakes :slight_smile:

Yup, that’s me too. cr.HP xx EX Shunpu.
Although out of necessity (because I keep going over ryus, blankas etc) I’ve been using cr. HP xx lk. Shunpu xx cr.HP xx EX Shunpu. This way if they are blocking after the lk.Shunpu I’ll stop the combo and go for something else so I don’t sail over them and get punished.

The lazy combos work well, for now hahaha. I also need to get cr. MK xx DP. So many times I hit the cr.MK but don’t follow up with DP. I need to get this ingrained in my brain.

cr.MK xx ex shunpu will only connect if youre up close. cr.HP xx ex shunpu is a better alternative because it seems to connect MOST of the time and cr.HP causes them to stand. The ex shunpu seems to whiff on akuma and blanka when youre not in close enough (really annoying -_-)

Here’s some of my most used combos:

cr.MK xx shouken
cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.MK xx shouken
cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.MP xx hadouken/shouken
cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.HP xx lk.shunpu, c.LK xx ex shunpu >> otoshi/reset/ultra

Another good one is:

j.HK, cr.HP xx shouken xx super. This combo does about 504 damage i believe

And I have one question, has anyone found a good way to connect after a hadouken XX FADC when not in the corner? I’ve had some success with s.LK and sometimes even a s.MK when in really close.

I will try to keep that list up to date and maybe we can start a new thread with that at the beginning once everyone is satisfied with what’s on there. and some of them are pretty tricky especially nailing a link coming out of a LK Shunpu. But any of the combos that start with a HP xx L Shunpu. The HP can be substituted out for a crouching mk or whatever works for you. Also, don’t feel like you have to take the whole combo in order for it to work. Take one of the longer ones and kind of dissect it into a bunch of small combos and just use that as your bread and butter. for instance the s.HP xx L Shunpu >> c.HP xx L Shunpu >> s.LK xx EX Shunpu >> Dash >> Haru Ranman. just do a HP xx EX Shunpu >> Haru Ranman. As you become more comfortable start throwing in more parts. There is a cut off point where the scaling makes the really long combos not practical (meaning one with less hits may do more damage). But I’m glad to see this list stirred up some discussion and interest. Oh and by the way, a really easy way to cancel your s.HP into a L Shunpu is to do QCB + HP,LK (The LK should be pressed immediately after the the HP). Sakura will perform the HP and cancel right into the LK version of the Shunpu.

Have Fun,

Rep’d you my man can’t wait to go home and go through these.

I haven’t played with hadouken xx FADC. To me, it just doesn’t seem like it fits within Sakura’s arsenal. Since she already suffers greatly from damage scaling, wasting two bars to continue a combo doesn’t seem to be beneficial to me.

I would love to be proved wrong though.

So i found out this works:

cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.MP xx hadouken xx FADC, cr.MK xx shoouken

does somewhere around 220, and scores a knock down. not bad i’d say

yeah that hits but it’s not a very efficient use of 2 bars for damage you can get from just doing,cr.HP,shoouken if you wanna end with that.

You can use it a few ways but it’s really not that great with her TBH compared to other FB throwers…

Yeah that’s true. but FADC looks so much cooler :smiley:

I agree man! i wish we had some more efficient uses for it :frowning:

quick question… a lot of people like to do the combo… i was wondering why this is because… i was in training room testing this out. it seems going straight to the high punch goves you more dmg. it even gives you more stun… someone else please check this out and see what im doing wrong but:

for -> c.lp -> c.HP -> EX tatsu -> 3x otoshi: 277 dmg 451 stun
for c.HP -> EX tatsu -> 3x Otoshi: 321 dmg 480 stun

so if someone could please explain the point of not going straight for the c.HP? cause im dumbfounded at the moment

i do, c.lp, c.hp after a reset because its way easier to hit confirm than c.hp. if they block the c.hp you will whiff the ex tatsu and get punished. if theyre blocking the, c.lp, c.hp you can either go for a throw or lk.tatsu after c.hp which is safe.