Sagat Q&A: Ask simple questions here!

So it’s not so much getting only one hit of the tiger knee as it is getting it on the way down? I usually aim for this range anyway, especially after the block string I mentioned, but that podcast had me worried that I was just getting away with it for no good reason.

i have been working to incorporate the jumping attack to counter Dictator’s head stomp nonsense, but I am still completely at a loss for how to deal with his scissor kick. Should I be trying to chip back with TS or TK? He just seems to throw them at me nonstop and break my face-piece.

I was wondering what the best way to deal with cross-ups with Sagat is. I have been doing fine for the most part, but it seems to be a big hole in my game at the moment. I play a quite defensive Sagat, mostly trying to bait jump-ins and spacing, but I find that when people get in on me I have a bit of trouble fending off cross-ups. I have sometimes been able to dp them when they’re over me, but I these are mostly flukes. I was wondering if there is a better way to defend against crossups or if there is a specific motion for dp’ing i can use. Thanks.


When an opponent whiffs something and you have an opportunity to punish (No ultra or full super meter)

Is it better to use st. MP > Ex Tiger Uppercut or just use st. MP > Fierce Tiger Uppercut (saving ex meter for FADC opportunities/Ex Tigershots instead?) Is the extra damage worth using a bar of super meter?

Vega: So at the moment he touches the wall, jump backward HP?

Lets say both are jumping up forward to each other at the same time, which move has the best priority to beat their JHK in the air (JMP fails to their JHK)?

Ok so Chunli is full screen, anyone else needs to be aware of? Abel is 3/4 screen? What about the ultra of honda?

Additional question, does Sagat has a karathrow? I heard from some japanese source that or low mk can do a karathrow, I cant, anyone tried?

forward hk.

when can u pull off a roundhouse kick? into a combo

Anytime you catch them with it in the air, really. TU-cancel into a roundhouse is the classic set-up, I think, though it works as an anti-air as well.

What’s an effective (or safe) way of reacting to an Akuma spamming red-fireballs that doesn’t lead to a jump-in? A TK as soon as you jump/block one?

yeah, i can pull it off sometimes from within the air, think i gotta learn when i can do it, always sweet 2 roundhouses in a row and ultra :smiley:

Maybe a more basic question with FA, like with “absorbing” fireballs. I see in utube vids they absorb it while they are running, i tried it without succes. Or is it that they fa, then run, they do it so fast then :slight_smile: I wanna get better at that to close some distance etc. Think it needs to be level 2 fa? Thx.

As for akuma red ball spammers, if they are at the end of screen i just jump over it and do quicly one myself or wait when they did another ne and just jump over it then do a fast ball mysellf so they cant do a red one, cuz normally u would be first. Maybe they were just badplayers, idk, but thats my expierence

Ack - Help!

I know this must be a very basic question because I cannot find anyone else asking the question, however, here goes.

I am stuck on Sagat’s Normal Trial #3 - MP to Heavy Tiger Upper Cut.

I am now doing it pretty fast (landing MP- with a Heavy Tiger Upper Cut) but I never achieve “success”.

Any help appreciated.

This is a total newb question but I have to know. Back fadc, what are they used for? Only uses ive been using it for has been for baiting a downed fighter for a wake up attack. Any of you guys using it for any other uses?

Hold forward -> focus attack -> fireball hits -> tap forward ONCE immediately

If you’re holding forward (or backward for a backdash) during the focus attack you can let go and tap it once and it registers as a dash motion

getting out of certain blockstrings

So like, is this combo possible? any1 tried it? Got vid?

j.HK > c.MP > EX TU > FADC > f+HK > super > [wall] ultra?

correct me if i am wrong, but the EX-TU and FADC is already going to eat 3 super bars. if you omit the “super” you have something viable, albeit less shiny.

what are my AA options when the opponent is jumping-in from close distance?

i’m getting caught by fast jump-ins. it’s not connecting, but it gets me stuck in block strings i.e. ryu’s > c.whatever > hadoken block string. i can’t seem to uppercut without getting stuffed or being caught in the ground string, and i’m usually crouching when they decide to jump in so i can’t stand and hk fast enough.

What’s sagats options against a cross up?

Any tips on doing the cr lkX2, cr lp> TU combo? i find it very hard to link the lp (can do it occasionally) but can’t connect the uppercut. Help me please.
Also this might be a little off topic. but i’m have a problem with a similar zangief combo. Cr lpX2, Cr lk> Ex glowing hand. No matter what i do the Ex won’t come out! Would be great if someone could help me with these questions. Thank you.

block, shoryu if they fuck up and don’t time it right, close medium punch at some ranges and positions

Probably covered elsewhere but when your opponent spins off into the air after a TU > FADC you can still do an ultra right? just not the roundhouse > ultra?