It was modified in SSF4 so that the TU would retain great damage if hit late in it’s active frames. Meaning instead of doing TU’s deep like in vanilla, you do them as soon as you see your opponent jump forward to try to hit them late in your TU frames for that extra damage (which means high up in the air). Hope you transition well from Sakura to Sagat hahah.
i cant seem to hit level 2 focus attack in level 20 hard trial…its crouch mk…low ts ex fa crouch mk tu…but the thing is i cant charge accurately to level 2 fa after lts…any technique to do tht?
Hey, sorry if this has already been asked. Has the recovery frame data changed for sagat’s EX tiger uppercut? The reason I ask is because I have been getting ultras after it way easier than I used to be able to. I just wanted to know if anything has changed in the game that would make the timing easier to pull off.
What’s the most used/preferred way to perform S.RH xx AS, TU? Personally I do :qcb::hk::qcb::p: since doing :hk::qcb::qcb::p: is hard for me on the right side.
This has probably been answered but, I’ll ask it again:
What makes his U2 so much better than his U1? U1 seems better to me but, I don’t play him so I feel there is something I don’t know.
U1 does more damage, U2 has faster start up so it can be used in more situtations. Such as punishing blocked specials.
So what is the deal with his TK are they stilll safe if you only land the last hit of them or is only lk TK safe now?
I’m not 100% sure but for me, it is only safe on the lk tk. I alway get thrown when I mk tk. Rarely I can get a away with one, but I have to hit on max range of the mk tk.
So even if you perfectly space the mk TK its not safe at all? I mean I played a really scrubby shoto and it seemed like he could punish even lk TKs sometimes when I spaced them so only the last hit would connect, so IDK and thats why I was questioning how to use his new and unimproved TKs?
Okay. Im having issue getting tigershots off after kara-ing (:r:+:lk:)
I usually accidentally TU or TK.
Do I need to bring my stick back to neutral?
ive also tried doing HCF after :r:+:lk: and it’s worked a little bit better, but im not as consistent as I would like to be.
ya im new and confused on one of sagats bnbs,, c.lp xx tiger uppercut
after the c.lp it seems they are too far away to hit with the TU, how exactly do i get it to connect? (also which kind of TU is it, lp, mp, or hp?)
hp.srk will work.
hp.srk will work.
If you are getting thrown you are fucking up so badly it’s not even funny. Throws are frame 3. To get grabbed on blocked tk you would need to be at -3. Again, you must be fucking up the spacing hella badly.
I’m having a lot of trouble performing the tiger uppercut in Sagat’s BNB. I dont have any issues like this with any other character. is there a specific way/technique of how im supposed to crouch? Am I supposed to go to neutral after i hit cr.lp? I dont know why, but I can do everything else but this.
You need to be executing the DP notation as part of the c.lp, don’t wait until after you see it hit or it’s already too late. Also if you’re not quick enough in hitting the hp button, you can negative edge into a lp TU, so watch out for that as well.
Thanks for the reply! it’s good to know that im supposed to be doing the TU motion as I press cr.lp (right?)
It’s very embarrassing to be having this much of a problem with something apparently so basic.
I think ive tried doing what youve said before, and I have a hard time with making sure its a cr.lp and not a st.lp. i get st.lp => TU a LOT.
I guess from here it’s just practice to stop that. :\
Basically, yes. You DON’T do the TU motions AT THE SAME TIME you press cr.lp, more like doing it all as one move in quick succession. So you would quickly tap cr.lp, hp.TU. It’s just very strict timing, but the key thing is to not wait for cr.lp to land, do it all at one time.
Also, like others have said, use the shortcut notation for the TU to avoid standing. That entails holding down forward through the combo then at the end for the TU portion, moving it down, then back to down forward. (Essentially utilizing the quick df,df shortcut of any DP move)
The way I do it is…
(joystick df) x2 (joystick db) c.lp (joystick df) hp
Or this^ Either one will work, so just find what’s easier for your brain and hands to execute.