Sagat Q&A: Ask simple questions here!

question. how did sagat get that scar on his chest? answer. ryu the boss poured scalding hot pwnsauce all over it. any sagats wanna roll with the boss you know where ill be.

So Sagat’s 3x c.LK does more damage than c.LK, c.LK, c.LP and it’s easier to link since the timing is the same for all three hits.

Why is the version with c.LP considered to be the BnB combo when it does less damage and is harder to execute?

Because it isn’t harder to execute… The link from c.LK to c.LP is a much much much much much much easier link because you have an extra 2 frame window to input it. If the purpose of hit confirmation was to maximize damage, you would spend the time to master something like c.LK s.LP c.MP HPTU. But, that is a garbage combo, with tight links, that can easily be mash reversaled out of on block, and only works on some characters when crouching. The damage difference in insignificant, and on block, nobody can mash a reversal between cLK and cLP. Which can happen pretty often if you leave the smallest window open between c.LKs.

You can’t mash between low short and low jab. It’s a true block string.

Interesting, thanks for your answers, didn’t know why that was the BnB either. :tup:

I rarely post on the sf4 forums since I recently started playing it seriously but wow it’s true there are a lot of stupid posts/threads cluttering the forum (I can imagine it’s just as bad with ss4) I feel bad for the mods:rofl:

Anyways I know there isn’t any “correct” way to use a character since there are always multiple options and styles of play available at all times however what is the best way to incorporate tk (and which strength) into my game? Also how do I incorporate fa’s generally not counting his fadc tu rh ultra?

Hy everybody! :smiley:

I’ve a rapid question : I’am trying to perform Tiger knee crossup and i fought some interesting setup that apparently works (I was able to combo another TK, super and ultra )
But when i go in pratice mode and try to block, tk doesn’t crossup! I’ll explain better:

Sagat on the left and opponent (chun for example) on the right

when i do tk and chun blocks :df: the tk should crossup and hit the opponent, right? where is the mistake?

Spacing should be correct…

Ps. Sorry, my english sucks :razzy:

Hey Guys!
Where will we find the new combos for sagat in SSF4??

Check this channel:

Replace TUs with TKs in your BnBs apart from strings where you wish to apply angry scar. This is best for damage as TUs have been nerfed to 100…

Thanks! But how about his block string, now that has 2 hits and you can only cancel the first hit?? What is his block string now?? =(

Can someone guide me as to what I can do to practice TK loops in the corner and midscreen? And what exactly I have to do this time around since you can’t cancel TK from a fs.LK.

Thanks,, xx is a block string you can use.

As for looping in Super I don’t know anything about that yet. Alioune probably has the answers.

Although his 2nd hit of his lk can’t cancel. You are still put in a good range to just do a TK because of the priority it has / safe from that range. You just cant rinse and repeat / be as predictable with it though. (You could probably get away with this on Xbox Live… maybe :rofl: )

Any SSF4 Sagat player have new block string they can share?

Is there a way to dumb down options on Sagat to just TU and TS and still play effectively?

Why is standing l.k nerf

Guys please explain to me why sagats standing light cant cancel into a tiger knee or shot from a little far back only if its really close my offensive game with sagat is messed up

Cuz Capcom thought it was too powerful for his footsie game. Gotta man up.

Stop trolling mosh.

Yeah… I was being serious. Can someone answer it?

thats kind of relative to what you would consider effective i guess.
you can beat a lot of people by just zoning and punishing jump ins, but higher level play requires you to incorporate other aspects of sagat’s game.

you’re going to have trouble once your opponent gets within footsies range if you don’t know how to use knees and his normals.

Hi guys, I’m new to Sagat as of SSF4. I just picked him up and I’m loving it. Well, lately, I’ve noticed a lot of my online K.O.s were from AA TUs and NOT regular TUs. Well, I went to training mode and messed around with it a bit. That’s when I discovered that when you catch an opponent in the air with a TU, it will do more damage. Was I just ignorant of the fact? Or did they add this in chocolate? I wouldn’t notice this kinda thing, as I’ve been a Sakura player ever since alpha.