Sagat Q&A: Ask simple questions here!

Ultra, super, OMGWTF N0000000b question: What exactly determines when you can juggle from one tiger shot into another at a distance (presumably up close its much easier…?)? Must the first one be EX? The second? Do you have to catch them jumping?

EX TS (high and low) has juggle properties, same with high TS.
low TS juggle was taken out of this game.

only way your gonna juggle someone when they are on the ground is with two EX TS. the first one to get them airborne, as regular TS doesn’t knock down.
if you catch someone in the air with TS you can mix in whatever kind of EX TS and/or high TS.
so on so forth.
sit in the lab and figure out what works for you.

I just noticed today that an EX TU as an early anti air only does 80 damage and even w/ AS activated, was this the case in vanilla as well? Is this some glitch or just the way it is since it would make it even easier to connect ultras after it? Doesnt make sense with AS activated though that you would get so low damage.

mk tiger knee has no advantage, so unless you jump, tigeruppercut, back dash, or c.lp you’ll get thrown if they mash throw. (throwing or doing + c.lp are defense options against that.) (c.lp is 3 frames which is why you don’t get thrown. I guess anyway.) It has nothing to do with spacing it has to do with advantage.

Sagat’s spacing does affect advantage on tk. You are hitting on the last frame which puts Sagat closer to recovery frames while his opponent takes full block stun.

I agree, I need to test it more but the last test I did on a crouching charater. If they mashed throw those were the only options I found. I wanna test it more but I doubt I’ll find anything different.

Maybe if they stand block the pushback stops that from happening?

Yeah but I assume that guy was spacing it right and getting thrown when that didn’t happen in the first game as far as I know. Sorry if this doesn’t make sense I’m using my phone to post.

If they are standing, but you spaced it perfect already then it doesn’t matter. If they are crouching during a string and stand when they see Sagat fly at them, then yes your advantage will be far less since the knee spacing was meant for a standing opponent and them standing screwed it up allowing Sagat to hit them sooner then he meant to.

After a perfect mk knee or lk knee your BEST options are low jab into w/e, grab if you are close enough, TU FADC if you have meter or stand mk.

so how do you rush down with Sagat? do you tiger shot and procced to kara tiger shot to move foward and force your opponent to you, or to the wall? I constatnly find myself spending 99 seconds tiger shoting and normals to push people away.

If you suck at frame traps you aren’t rushing shit down with Sagat.

that explains why. never been good with that. another q. does sagat have to rush down?
and care to tell me which thread has some frame trap info?

In some matches you will HAVE to rush and some matches it’s just extremely beneficial to do so.

Threads?..Search function is your friend. I know I have discussed this stuff in this forum in the past.

tried the search function for some stuff before. whole lotta of jumbled stuff, but ill give it another go. but yea im asking because i remember reading some stuff about rushing down, and specific options, against charactes. can you tell me a match other than seth or akuma where you have to rush down so i have a general idea to what kind of characters i have to rush.

^Rose, Makato, Sakura, Hakan, Bison(IMO), Ibuki, Vega, Viper, Dhalsim is a mix(IMO). These are some of the characters who I have much more success rushing down than trying to zone.

Basically anyone free on wake-up OR has an Ultra that rapes fireballs OR rapes your fb game with their own tools. So in Super that’s more then 60% of the cast.

Well can we see a list of the characters you prefer to rush down EL?

Characters I rush down: Akuma, Blanka (Sometimes), Chun Li after her ultra 1 available, Cody, Dhalism, El Fuerte, Gouken, Guy, Ibuki, Rose, Sakura, Seth, Vega. Others depend on how the flow of the match is going and where I feel their weakness is. But I generally rush them down.

what’s the deal with tiger knee loop strings in super? what are some of the best ones to use for lets say two or three repetitions? also what jump ins are best to set these up? also does the frame of recovery added to tiger knee mean that it’s better to start off the next blockstring with cr.jab instead of cr.short? I remember in vanilla I was put in total lockdown once and the guy cornered me and just looped the fuck out of me and eventually started using cr.strong to start his loops and i got counter hit with it everytime and I was using bison’s cr.short in hopes that he had spaced it wrong. is this kind of pressure still viable in super?

Spacing depended and dependent on your opponent’s buttons. That said low jab is always your best bet now pretty much. TK frame trap gives way less advantage on block. Now at best you will usually be at +1 or +2.

Which top players (US or Jap) are still playing Sagat in SSF4?

Did Mago make a perm-switch to Fei now?

st. HK > Angry Scar; is that a 1 frame link or some sort of trick to doing this? (I know you have to cancel it before the second hit)

Excuse my terminology.

Al you really gotta do is input the QCB X2, then hit roundhouse, then hit punch so…

It’ll look something like this.

:qcb: :qcb: :hk: ~ :p:

The answer to the first question is… me :slight_smile: