Sagat Q&A: Ask simple questions here!

No don’t do that. HK is faster then MP. Or just TU.

Just gotta get your reactions up there.

HK as anti air? that wont work at all becuse his hand dont go to air

HK = hard kick.
one of his best AA’s.

yeah, stupid me :looney:
yes HK is very good AA but have kinda slow startup frames, and sometimes its to late to do it, thats why I asked about standing medium punch. And for god sake dont start talkng about his HK now, I know everything about it


HK hits on frame 5. The second hits on frame 6.

MP hits on frame 7. The close version that is which is the one where he does the uppercut.

If ryu jumps from far or mid range , st hk will beat it if you do it early , else TU . If hes close range and tries to surprise u with a crossup , close st mp will beat it , or reverse uppercut .

This is probably answered already I’m too lazy to read all the pages. What are the exact inputs for Kara tiger shot, upper and tiger Knee on a 360 pad?

sorry we’re too lazy to help you

there’s a search function:arazz:

can sagat smoke or eat steak while drinking ice cubes?

Is there a simpler input for to TK?

I cant link it.

you can mash it if you want, it’s a cancel. so :df: :df: :lk:

Of course timing it properly and using the proper inputs > all, but if you are in a pinch, just mash it, but don’t yell at me if something else comes out :slight_smile:


Quick question,

if ryu did to counter tk, and it whiff, can ryu punish sagat with for free (like any combos)? and does this work against all 4 speed of tk (lk, mk, hk, ex)?

cause i think i tried c.lp and el can seem to block it or perhaps i did it too late?

I’m pretty sure he would recover before you if he timed it right. DP fadc ultra probably works. you don’t really wanna try c.lp when you land if the tiger knee wasn’t blocked properly.

If dp works then grab works and so does low jab. They are all frame 3.

But DP has a lot more priority than a c.lp. I stopped using c.lp after unsafe TKs because it loses to a DP. If I know that my tiger knee isn’t safe, I just block, since a smart opponent is going to try to punish with a quick attack anyways, though part of using TKs is knowing the safe distance. Ryu’s is annoying but I use TKs less against him because of that. I find blocking and TU FADC to be about the best options if you TK over a but that’s me.

If they do it early they get a free punish though.

yes emblem is correct, lets Ryu punish it for free, so Sagat must be very careful in how he uses tiger knee vs. Ryu.

so El whopped me up 15-1 yesterday, i tried that to make it whiff, and when it whiff, i tried c.lp and el either block it or tiger uppercut me.

what is the exact timing? its hard enough to make it whiff not to mention following up the attack

also a question what does this mean
recovery frame 3+18? is it 3 frames recovery when whiff?

There is recovery in the air as well as on the ground…