Sagat Q&A: Ask simple questions here!

i’m sorry el but i’m still confused, recovery in the air? and on the ground? please explain

When active frames end that’s when recovery frames begin. Basically it’s just the frames before you are able to move. The 3 recovery frames in the air are just for when the hitbox on the TK is gone but Sagat himself is still airborne. Then he lands and has more recovery frames on the ground.

Understand now?

ok, now i understand, it says that sagat’s lk, mk,ex tiger knee has 3+13 meaning 3 recovery in the air after the hit box of tk is gone and 13 on the ground correct? and Ryu’s has 12 frames recovery so if i time it perfectly correct maximum i get is only 4 frames? so its not really free or is it? hk tiger knee is free this i know since it has 8+13

and if i do way to early, wouldn’t sagat be able to hit ryu’s

Hazeandfire tube repost?

The tube doesn’t show Hazeandfire’s combo move anymore. Anyone has an extra copy around?

It’s > > LTS > FADC > mp > TU > FADC > > Ultra.

I’d very much like to see this feck-fest.

ok what should sagat do to counter chuns backdash??

since sf4 release i have slowly slowly been learning gats bnb’s but now i cant even cancel a TU:sad::annoy:

do i mp+mk during qcf motion or right after

EX tigerknee chun li in the face.

you TU, then immediately, go to neutral, and tap forward+mp+mk, the last input of the TU counts towards your dash

This will be a multi-question post, and I apologize in advance. I need help putting together a game plan for Sagat. My attempts at “zoning” have been unsuccessful so far. At what range is it no longer safe to throw shots?

What are my best options when my opponent wakes up? Or when I wake up?

Any tips to getting the timing for cr. lk x3? x3??? I thought it was c.lp?

Anyways for the link that ends with crouching lp you have a rhythm that goes with it. It’s like tap…tap…tap like a small break between each button press. It’s really easy if you just slow down and don’t mash it like in marvel/3rd strike lol

I suppose I meant cr. lk x3 as a general term for all links. I am having a hard time finding the timing consistently. So another way to ask this question would be, is there a audio/visual cue for when to press the next button? Am I looking for a hit spark? Or should I be listening for something.

when i was first learning the links i kind of listened to the sound pattern of the hits when they did link. you just have to keep doing it over and over… it took me a good 4 hours in practice mode to hit the links consistently and now i never miss them. there’s really no easy way to it just keep doing it. if you’re having trouble linking 3 then just start with and learn the timing from that. then u can move onto c.lp or c.lp etc.

as far as wake up options, it should always depend on your opponent and their style of play. if you know the opponent likes to wake up srk a lot then you can either stay back or try to bait and punish. its good to throw in an overhead every once in a while, it generally catches them completely off guard especially if its a charge character.

ok so I am on the verge of switching my main cause I can’t deal with crossups upon my wakeup. Especially vs Ryu, his crossup on my wakeup just puts me at a huge disadvantage since he can basically do anything from it but its mainly tick throws that are hurting me.

The worst part of it is that when ryu gets close I feel helpless since he more or less wins (?) the close up game. Is there anyway to fight ryu’s that spam upon wakeup effectively?

Sagat can be safe jumped and is vulnerable to cross-ups. If you wanna switch your main do what you gotta do.

But what’s the point of answering your question? It seems like you have made up your mind. But Sagat is not the kind of character that can’t deal with any situation even when it’s a tough situation. That’s why I like him. If you lose with Sagat, it’s not Sagat’s fault.

It’s because you are a weak player.

For cross-ups learn to reverse TU on wake-up in the opposite direction. None of that double half circle back bullshit. Use the old school method of foward, down then down forward in the direction they are crossing up OR do forward, down forward, down, then down forward in the direction they are crossing up. That’s two effective methods, but timing is key.

It sucked for me because I was use to CvS2/MvC2/3rd strike where you mash on the button to get links off :rofl: Then SFIV is all slow mo and shit…

but uhhh honestly I don’t even need a sound/visual cue. Once you pick it up the pattern is natural…

However since you are trying to learn I think you need to go to training mode or something and just slowly practice just the part until you can consistently link all 3 hits of the link.

Maybe someone has a video of them tapping the button for you to see the rhythm. I just use my thumb and press the and lift my thumb completely up in the air and then bring it back down for the next c.lp followed by shoryuken.

I don’t want to say there’s a big gap in between the links, but you don’t have to rush it… if that makes sense :sweat:

You can always do the DP early and delay the punch, it auto-corrects. Or, you know, smash back and forth between :db: and :df: a few times while hitting punch (REVERSAL). :smokin: I love SF4

yeah just input dp from the direction their coming from and, then delay the button press while they’re passing over your head, and then press it at the last possible moment.

the only crossups that should be giving you trouble are zangiefs j.d+lk, and rufus’s divekick. other than that every crossup can be uppercutted once you learn the technique.

how do you block akuma’s air fireball crossup? i havent encountered too many high level players that use this but i want to be prepared

Same way you block a reg cross up.

but he throws the fireball on the way up on his jump then crosses you up on the other side while your blocking the fireball.

You should be abel to read when she backdashes. When you are POSITIVE shes gonna backdash Kara uppercut it. You just need to familiarize yourself vs ur opponent when they usually like to backdash, read their patterns and capitalize.