Still no luck with Kara TS. I either end up doing kara knee or a simple fwd > LK
P.S: Sorry for the double post
Still no luck with Kara TS. I either end up doing kara knee or a simple fwd > LK
P.S: Sorry for the double post
Adjust your timing. Slow it down.
To slow down your speed down, hit forward lk, do a full circle " up, back, down, forward " -> and hit the button…
Performing a Kara Tiger Shot is different than performing other kara moves. Instead of doing a F+RH or F+LK then a Tiger Shot (which will result in a Tiger Knee or Uppercut in most cases), you will do QCF + HK ~ Any kick or punch just as your previous Tiger Shot is blocked or goes off the screen.
Note true.
With the MP included in the combo (st.MP, TU, FADC, Stepkick Ultra) you get 613 damage/ 540 Stun.
WITHOUT the MP included in the combo you get 610 damage/ 500 stun.
The damage difference is negligible but there is extra stun WITH the MP included.
Forgot about I was only thinking of crouching normals for some reason when I said that. Good catch though.
Scaling off FA’s is way too harsh IMO.
I used to think that until i thought about gief/akuma crumple into ultra.
Scaling off FA is way too godlike.
Whats the point of doing kara tigerknee, kara tiger uppercut, and kara tigershots?
Where a regular tiger knee would whiff, a kara tiger knee will hit.
Where a regular tiger shot can be jumped over with no punish, a kara tiger shot gives you the spacing to uppercut them on the jump.
Kara uppercut is probably the least used one but kara uppercut FADC is a pretty quick way of getting in. Gets you a 50/50 throw/uppercut mixup on block if you’re trying to chip the last bit of their health… if it connects you get ultra.
I personally use Kara TK to start pressuring.
Sometimes when i predict a fireball i go for Kara uppercut.
Kara shots pressures while moving forward and sometimes Kara shots used for OS.
What is OS?
I can’t figure out the timing to link my low shorts x3. Any suggestions?
does sagat have any resets?
like in MvC2 lol???
I know it always sucks when you mess up a block string/hit string and get SRK in the face by Ryu into Ultra.
I saw something. Don’t know how useful it is though.
hit them with j. mp (the people’s elbow)
Once you land you can do cr. lk X 3 or whatever else. I think it only works in the corner though.
Found a link:
[quote=“Silentness, post:815, topic:58164”]
like in MvC2 lol???
well, i know abel has resets that he can use with cr.hp, i didnt know if sagat woulr have anything similar.
How good is standing medium punch as a anti air? if you dont have enough time to do heavy kick or uppercut
St medium punch is one of the best (if not the best) antiair from close range , when the opponents try to jump when hes just right in your face , it goes high , is fast , and punish even crossups , crossup tatsu .
thanks homeboy
But if exempel Ryu do heavy kick in the air, will medium punch still work?