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Still no luck with Kara TS. I either end up doing kara knee or a simple fwd > LK

P.S: Sorry for the double post

Adjust your timing. Slow it down.

To slow down your speed down, hit forward lk, do a full circle " up, back, down, forward " -> and hit the button…

  • Performing a Kara Tiger Shot is different than performing other kara moves. Instead of doing a F+RH or F+LK then a Tiger Shot (which will result in a Tiger Knee or Uppercut in most cases), you will do QCF + HK ~ Any kick or punch just as your previous Tiger Shot is blocked or goes off the screen.

    • The easiest way to understand how this works is go to training mode and set the dummy to crouch block. Throw out a LK Low Tiger Shot. Just as the LK Low Tiger Shot is about to hit, do QCF + HK or LK, then any other button immediatley. Since you can’t have two Tiger Shots on the screen at the same time, when you do the QCF + HK or LK, you will get a F + HK/LK, but just as soon as you press a button after that, the game will auto correct by kara canceling into a Tiger Shot.

Note true.

With the MP included in the combo (st.MP, TU, FADC, Stepkick Ultra) you get 613 damage/ 540 Stun.

WITHOUT the MP included in the combo you get 610 damage/ 500 stun.

The damage difference is negligible but there is extra stun WITH the MP included.

Forgot about I was only thinking of crouching normals for some reason when I said that. Good catch though.

Scaling off FA’s is way too harsh IMO.

:rofl: I used to think that until i thought about gief/akuma crumple into ultra.

Scaling off FA is way too godlike.

Whats the point of doing kara tigerknee, kara tiger uppercut, and kara tigershots?


Where a regular tiger knee would whiff, a kara tiger knee will hit.

Where a regular tiger shot can be jumped over with no punish, a kara tiger shot gives you the spacing to uppercut them on the jump.

Kara uppercut is probably the least used one but kara uppercut FADC is a pretty quick way of getting in. Gets you a 50/50 throw/uppercut mixup on block if you’re trying to chip the last bit of their health… if it connects you get ultra.

I personally use Kara TK to start pressuring.

Sometimes when i predict a fireball i go for Kara uppercut.

Kara shots pressures while moving forward and sometimes Kara shots used for OS.

What is OS?

I can’t figure out the timing to link my low shorts x3. Any suggestions?


does sagat have any resets?

like in MvC2 lol???

I know it always sucks when you mess up a block string/hit string and get SRK in the face by Ryu into Ultra.

I saw something. Don’t know how useful it is though.

hit them with j. mp (the people’s elbow)

Once you land you can do cr. lk X 3 or whatever else. I think it only works in the corner though.

Found a link:


[quote=“Silentness, post:815, topic:58164”]

like in MvC2 lol???

well, i know abel has resets that he can use with cr.hp, i didnt know if sagat woulr have anything similar.

How good is standing medium punch as a anti air? if you dont have enough time to do heavy kick or uppercut

St medium punch is one of the best (if not the best) antiair from close range , when the opponents try to jump when hes just right in your face , it goes high , is fast , and punish even crossups , crossup tatsu .

thanks homeboy
But if exempel Ryu do heavy kick in the air, will medium punch still work?