Sagat Q&A: Ask simple questions here!

By the looks of it you already know the purpose.

Sagat also has a Option select when you use Kara Tigershots like in Aliounes video.


(if you need me to explain what he’s doing. lmk)

Heres one on wake up against a backdash.
I prefer a TK because sometimes i whiff the TU :arazz:


Ryu sections have some option selects that applies to sagat as well.

Random dumb noob question but


Is there really THAT much work into playing Sagat? I saw a vid of Daigo’s hands (sounds weird) and it looked similar…maybe playing Bison doesnt require as much physical work. Is all that movement really necessary? Maybe it is at the top level for some reason…?

At that level… yeah it is. For the noobs like me tapping normally will do :rofl:

LOL i just noticed that he was playing sakura what a scrub! jk :annoy::sweat:

WTF is he even doing though? Like, for a sweep he would hit 4 buttons. :looney:

what part of the video did he do that? can’t seem to find it.

Just rewatched, its a cr. MK. 1:15

At least it looks like he is pushing them…doesn’t look like it after watching it more than once though.

how does everyone deal with electric happy blankas?

Can anyone explain the most reliable way of landing a cross-up Tiger Knee?

I know it’s using the MK version and I know that you have to time the second hit of the knee to hit them on the cross-up but the timing is just a guess to me.

Anyone have some sort of benchmark they use?

Go to training mode and choose Sagat v Dhalsim , set him to crouch. Get him in the corner and knock him down / throw him. now u have to space yourself so that u can do a mk TK JUST as he is rising, with practice you should get it 7-8 times out of 10. sometimes I do HK kara mk knee because it has more range , it all depends on what works for you.


Dhalsim seems to be much easier to do it on than El Fuerte for some odd reason.

You should be on the defensive vs Blanka so you shouldn’t really be gettin hit by this unless he combos into it.

If you are close enough, you can sweep him out of it. But If you’re too close, you’ll still get hit if you try to sweep.

whats a good combo to do after stunning them with your focus attack???

St. MP > HP Tiger Uppercut is the most damaging non-meter/non-Ultra combo.

If you have 2 bars + Ultra,

St.MP > HP Tiger Uppercut > FADC > Forward RH > Ultra

Omit any normal after a FA crumple.

It will scale the combo damage really fucking badly.

Just go for fierce TU FADC step kick ultra.

Actually i think you mean c.lp TU is the most damaging non-meter/non-ultra combo.

But watch out with TU, certain characters have frames during their crumple where it’ll barely wiff even though it looks perfect.

crumple TU FTW. Has better range, does like 8 less damage. But thats without ultra, if you have an ultra you crumple, dash, ultra. Buffer that shit in your dash like you’re Ryu! Hit it early enough and you’ll get all the hits (critical in the corner)

Hi guys I am able to do a kara TS after a block or as soon as the TS leaves the screen but I have seen people doing this without requiring to launch a TS first in order to perform a kara TS.

Here is a video clarifying my statement. I know you can see the input there but still its a little confusing cuz it seems hes doing a full circle O_o


Can anyone share the input for performing the kara TS without needing to launch a TS first.

He’s just using the lk kara and not the hk kara. Gives a larger input window for the kar allowing you to kara shot without having another TS on screen.

There is no trick to it. Just slow your timing down a bit and do the TS after you hit f+lk.

lol I just came in to say your sig is hilarious.

but on topic: Yeah you don’t have to rush the tiger shot input during the Kara TS.

Ok i’ll give that one a try when I get back home. Thanks for the tip.