Sagat Q&A: Ask simple questions here!

What to do against Vega? I find his attacks to be dizzying. I’m not sure what the formal name for it is, but when he jumps off the wall, flies towards you, and then does a mid-air suplex on you… am I not getting something? You can’t block it… is there a counter? Also, if someone knows any other useful counters for Vega I’d be very appreciative. I find I’m not good against the charge characters in general. I don’t play em, and can’t understand why people do.

Just hold d/f and tap LK -> LK -> LP -> d,d/f+HP

Learn to do this combo. Learn to hit confirm it. It is very important to Sagat’s gameplay.

I agree, but Street Fighter IV is solid at 4-5 bars. It really is, at least to the point where you could learn a thing or two. Fighting games such as Tekken 5: DR and Soul Calibur IV lag horrendously online even among the best connections. Lag spikes are so damn annoying.

Have you read my stuck thread? If not, scroll down to the kara question. Kara Tiger Shots are usually done when another Tiger Shot has just been blocked or has just gone off screen. There is some timing to this, so go into practice mode, pick Sagat, set the training dummy to “all block”, back away full screen, and throw a LP Tiger Shot, and then just before it makes contact with your opponent tap QCF+HK~LP. You can repeat this scenario up to 3-4 times when done correctly.

To practice the “off screen scenario”, throw any EX Tiger Shot and let it knock down your opponent from full screen or 3/4s of the screen away. Perform a HK Tiger Shot and when it goes off screen tap QCF+HK~HK.

when hes just above u , do TU option select 32123 lp ,else jump back hp to counter wall jumps .
When he does wall dive ex (the one with pp) u can counter it on block with kara (hk) uppercut .
Also , Claw cant escape tiger knee loop , so just go training mode , set claw to block everything and practice your loops(u want the less gap possible , else he can throw u beetween pokes).

Thanks man. I’ll work on that.

if the wall dive is not ex, you can FA dash it. Apparently it’s very hard for Vega to grab you on the ground if it’s not the ex version.

You can tell which direction to dash after you fa the hit, then you can almost always do, cr.lp xx tu to punish.

Sagat hard trial #4
-> [ Crouch ] Medium Kick
-> Low Tiger Shot
-> EX Focus Attack
-> [ Crouch ] Medium Punch
-> Tiger Knee Crush

Anybody uses it in real matches? is it wise to do it in real matches?

I’m use to the rapid fire button press for links in 3rd strike/Marvel

so when I played Sagat in SFIV it took me a minute to realize I can’t just mash his normals and hope to link that shit. Sagat’s links have a rhythm to them. It’s like

TAP…tap…tap there’s like a slight pause in between each button press. It’s really easy once you get the hang of it. c.lp fp SRK xx FADC ultra becomes clockwork after you get the rhythm down. ahh really you should watch someone’s hands when they’re doing the full combo.

I still don’t have SFIV at home :wasted: So the only time I can practice is when I rarely go to the arcade which is like 2 hours away from me. :looney: (Goes back to playing Starcraft) Starcraft > SFIV

With online though I just can’t consistently get this combo down.

Instead I use Cr.Lk > St.Lp > SRK > FADC > Ultra

Much more leniant on the timing but unfortunately doesn’t hit crouching characters…

yeah hese right… eventually its like a rythm, and when you remember that rythm his links become very easy… they start slow but end fast because of the cancel to uppercut. its like… l.k…lk…l.px T.u.

can’t help with you with lagFighterIV :rofl:

I don’t play SFIV online

cLK cLK TU… waaay easier than cLP for cause for some reason I can never get the timing down for the cLP and TU afterwards. With my method I get it off like 95% of the time.

PS… Deviljin using Sagat now?

I find the timing is quite lenient. For me it’s a math thing I guess. When I read how many frames a move takes to come out I get way more comfortable. Since cr.lp hits on frame 3 and gives +6 on block you get 3 frames of leeway. You could be super sloppy and still nail the link.


How do you deal with an aggressive Boxer, in terms of a flurry of angry c.lps?

Kara tiger shots- why do I want to use them? When should I use them? Anyone in particular should I be using them against?

You use them to get closer while fighting a fb war, so I’d say mainly against those with fbs. My question is in regards to kara shots. If my shot hits, I generally have no problem kara-canceling the next. But, if your shot is intercepted or FAd is that the moment that you would start the QCF motion? Or am I doing this shit wrong?

This shit works best after they duck your Fierce High TS. Just as the fireball is about to leave the screen kara into low fierce TS. Make sure that you are out of jumpin range when doing so though or you’ll get punished.

When positioned properly, if they jump over your High TS then the kara low TS will push them back out when they land.

This method of zoning is actually fukn sick cause u can repeatedly spam High Tigershots and push them back out with kara low TS whenever they jumpover.

Imo kara canceling after a low TS is too inconsistent to pull off. Theres a chance of them jumping over it which messes up the timing. People generally like to duck High TS so its easier to pull off this way.

What’s the motion for Corner Cross-Up Ultra?

This: [media=youtube]DnqD6I1Lo0k[/media]

Here is the info regarding this technique that I found posted.

For an explanation of the youtube clip liston made see his explanation in the youtube responses.

Basically it works like this, been doing this for a while during casuals, but i’d never bother with it in a tournament, too risky.


  1. Tiger uppercut
  2. FADC

Why it works:

ultra input is double qcf three kick. by doing double qcF you are inputting forward twice WHILE ALSO buffering the input command for the ultra, so essentially, sagat is dashing and then immediately doing his ultra upon the 3 kick button press.

I know that We have all over dashed or dashed late and crossed under our OP, so mabey you dont even have to be in the corner to do this???

I need some info on “option select”. Anyone care to elaborate? I’ve done some searching and the only thing I can come up with is what I already know, “how to option select/tech throw”.

From I see is that on a wake up or jump-in, one would perform an attack, and do a motion for a move. Depending on the situation, the game’s engine chooses the best option.

I’m already aware of frame trapping etc. I haven’t been reading the forums all that much lately, so excuse my noobishness.

I’m just trying to incorporate this into my game play, as there are many many holes to fill in order to be considered “kinda good” or “half decent”.