Ryu Season 3.5 Official Patches "Cammy just got better...yet again!"

c.mk is so much better now. It doesnt connect at ma range but you can control people so much better now. Also since they increased his positioning on so much of his moves it just make him that much better. Its like he is constantly a threat even though he is not right in your face.

And my thought on VT2… well it makes me LAWLz all the time. Its great to land. I mean its like " yeah you got some bs but now i got some bs too" lol. It really deters people from pressing buttons allowing you to pressure with your footsies. Sometimes I dash up to someone and parry. lol It makes me laugh everytime it lands.

A little dissapointed that buffered cr. mk to ex donkey kick will whiff at max range.

Couldn’t agree more on this. Seeing c.mk ex-donkey whiff was just lolz, honestly no wonder James Chen called it the dinky kick instead. I’m sure if the animation was like the SF3 counterpart it would’ve connected.

Ryu in S3 still struggles up against the crazy pressure, however when he does land a hit now, it can lead to some serious damage. I’m hoping that in the future VT2 is utilized more as now I feel that it was made to stop the aggressive pressure that Ryu has problems dealing with.

This is so real.

I basically pop it and start going ham

c.mk to ex joudan doesn’t connect in 3rd strike.

I don’t believe anyone is saying that it did in 3S, however specifically speaking that had the animation been kept intact instead of looking as pathetic as it does in it’s current form, this may very well have been a possibility in the game of V with the link working.

To be fair this might have been a bit too powerful. You could just buffer cr.mk xx EX jodan whilst whiffing it at max range then option selecting it if you catch. That’s like a 200 damage footsie tool with no risk and a knockdown.

With how stubby c.mk STILL is I don’t think that would be op at all considering Ryu is just as bad as before except with more options he’ll never get to use. He needs something to scare people. I see some people say VT2 but that isn’t the same as having a threatening tool to proactively use, as someone else said its more of a deterrent. Now theyll more carefully pick Ryu apart, fantastic.

Ryu is weak and will stay weak until they give him st lp hitbox more longer , hado start up at 11 frames and make dp connect after st lk at max range or instead give him st lk tatsu hit crouch pepole. Even sakura can dp from nax distance on it lol…
Ryu is a pur shit and the buff on his vt1 is totaly bs with the time available it has.deplete too fast thid is not a threat.
Donkey kick doesnt solve the issu that ryu have with cr pepole because it doesn t connect at max range and doesn t connect after light…

The vt2 has no sence …thebest is to have give him the propertie of his vt2 to the vt1 . Mean your parry will gain property of vt2 by activating vt1. And the buff he get in his vt1 must available without from basis.
Made all this 3 bar and deplete with bottom and u get a viable caracter

If capcom wanted the ex joudan to connect from c.mk they could’ve made it no matter what the animation is.

Also in 3rd strike joudan slightly makes it step forward depending on the stength. EX moves a littile farther and faster. I often use it to punish those who dash a lot and fish for whiffed pokes. You can also reset dash under after the wall bounce.

Played today for the first time. Just like i thought V1 is the way to go. Pity they just didn’t up that timer a touch. Would rather it be a 3 bar with longer time.

V2 will still have it’s uses in match ups though.

Is it just me or does joudan come out on accident sometimes like Chun’s shitty backflip kick in SSF2T? Also, I can’t express how disappointing VT2 is, it is boring. It’s just an easier parry and/or sets up different combos or whatever, right? Very little utility, even if it is a hypothetically powerful tool. I tested it once a tiny bit, after parrying a jumpin it doesn’t seem to allow an immediate dp punish, unless I’m doing it wrong. Pretty sure Ive made that work with regular parry but it is hard.

Can someone explain what VT2 does exactly?

You wait for the opponent to crumple and kneel before DPing them.

I’m not sure if this is your issue but I’ve seen a few people do it, make sure you’re pressing HP+HK after VT activation to do the VT Parry. It is a different command than the V-Skill Parry.

Ah, I see, thank you.

The best thing about vt2 imo is that the parry is 2 frames. It makes it so that people have to respect moves that they normally wouldn’t have to especially if they don’t have a 3 frame move. I think it’s a bit better than some give it credit for. The damage output is very high when you have super plus you can use it a few times.

Here o post my AE impressions.

I will say that Ryu is still bottom tier.
Some things I noticed are:

  • Nerf in hitbox for c.mp. It ddoesnt reach as far as I can remember.
  • Donkey kick has very select use.
  • Ryu still has no range on his normals. Why even bother to minutely change c.mk
  • They should give walbounce for CH donkey kick
  • I really like the changes to Denjin fireballs. I land so much more unblockables now. Also do to the improved frame adtvantage it allows Ryu to put the pressure on when activate. Capcom finally did something tangible with RYU. It could last about 3 seconds longer. That would be huge.
  • Initially VT2 was not my thing but then in heavy foootsy match ups is where I love it. There are some characters where I only use vt against. So far that is Urien, Reku and guile. I need to play against more of the cast but it seems I run into the same 5-7 charaacters all the time
  • The best way to land VT2 is when you start to feell desperation near the end of the round. Look for things like looser and risky block strings. Desperate cross ups and moves with large start up frames. Yu have to be aoned in to feel this out.
  • VT2 lasts a very long time. I am so use to vt1 I forget its activated.
  • VT2, Dp XX CA does 500+ damage. You can really hurt someones feelings ending a match that way.
  • Feels oh so satisfying to land. Just listen to the sound. BANG!

Finally, why is it so dead around here?

It’s dead because theres nothing else from ryu to talk about or almost everyone changed their main.

yes it s dead because all was said and crapcom did nothing to help ryu. So now no one will play him.
i suggest you to play a caracter who has not projectil , street fighter v is not made for shoto .
This is a rush game with no brain and heavy normal safe on block lol. So to win you just have to spam heavy normal to get a CC and then make your easy combo.
Street fighter is a pur s… Game.

I confess that you two are right.